Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 230 There is a goldfish in the waterfall

Mystic Falls.


The figure that suddenly appeared in the middle of the road seemed to notice that Owen not only did not slow down but accelerated instead. He flashed his body and wanted to teleport to avoid it, but it was already too late.

Irving has the glorious title of Akinayama Car God. This is not a car going to kindergarten, but a car rushing to an American-style open-air party. How can the speed of the car be slow? After accelerating again, the speed of the car soared to 300 kilometers per hour. Up.


With Owen's spider sense, the confused look on the other party's face came into view very clearly. When he was hit by the car, the other party only had time to curse before he was knocked straight out and then hit hard. He fell to the ground.

"Asshole! I'm going to tear you apart!"

The figure who was hit and broke countless bones struggled to get up, revealing an angry face. It was Damon, the vampire brother Stefan fell in love with and killed.

Owen's blow was so severe that even though Damon was a vampire and had super resilience, it took him a while to recover. Moreover, the pain was no less severe than that of ordinary people. Even because of the enhanced sense of the five senses after becoming a vampire, This severe pain was amplified invisibly.

With Damon's true vampire character who regards human life as nothing, he immediately regarded Owen as the target of death, and he still killed him in the same sadistic way.

Owen's car had disappeared long ago, so he couldn't see Damon's gnashing of teeth, but he could also guess what Damon was thinking, but he didn't care.

To be honest, the weaknesses of vampires are too obvious. Even if Owen's absolute speed cannot match them, killing them is just a thought.

The reason why I tortured Damon but didn't take the opportunity to kill him was just because it was unnecessary. Damon is not only one of the protagonists, but also the kind of protagonist who is very good at making things.

Without Damon, the world would be a lot darker. Irving's permutations and combinations of fancy applause still need people like Damon to assist.

Outside a remote teaching building in the school, there was a bright light. The indoor and outdoor areas had been arranged in a party mode by the student union. Almost all the students in the school rushed over, playing in twos and threes, making the atmosphere extremely lively.

"Admit it, Elena! You must like Stefan!"

Bonnie held a glass of juice and urged her best friend to speak her mind.

"Well, he is indeed handsome."

Elena was about to deny it, but under the burning eyes of her best friend, she let go of her usual reserve and spoke her mind.

"It's not just that."

Bonnie said with envy: "Today he saved a beautiful girl as a hero, my God! He also has the deep eyes of the male protagonists in romantic love stories. When he looks at you affectionately and penetrates your soul, what can you do to stop him? ?”

Elena's heart trembled, and her eyes suddenly became moist. Girls actually value appearance more than boys. As Bonnie said, how could she refuse such a handsome and romantic Stefan?

"Hey, look! Owen is here."

When Elena was lost in thought, Bonnie suddenly said: "It seems that Owen's family is really rich, driving such a good car!"


Elena came back to her senses, followed Bonnie's gaze, and saw Owen getting out of the car. Thinking that Owen had messed up Stefan's perfect hero rescue today, she couldn't help but frown and snorted.

"What's wrong?"

Bonnie looked over in surprise.


Elena shook her head and said, "I just don't like him a little."


Bonnie understood immediately and joked: "You can't stand him interrupting Stefan, right? Actually, I'm not surprised at all that Owen would do such a thing."


Elena was puzzled.


Bonnie pouted and said, "Don't tell me, you don't know Owen likes you too?"

"You mean~"

Elena's frown finally relaxed.


Bonnie said with a look of envy: "Stefan is his love rival. His love rival is extremely jealous when he meets you. How can he stand seeing Stefan showing love to you like this in front of him?"

"But Stefan is here to help me!"

Elena still muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Can't he endure it for me?"

"That's true."

Bonnie nodded: "But maybe he didn't think of this level."

Elena said: "If he can't even do this, how can he like her? I would rather not like him."


Not far away, Owen and Stefan who came over looked at each other from a distance. Their super hearing abilities heard Elena's inner words. The corners of Stefan's lips were raised high, while the corners of Owen's lips twitched.

It's not that he cares about Elena, but Elena's unconscious display of feminine logic makes Owen speechless. He thinks of Elena going back to the old path of her predecessor Catherine in the future, and having a relationship with the two brothers Stefan and Damon. People can't help but sigh because they have both sides. Who said that only men can have sexual intercourse? When women have sexual intercourse, men have nothing to do with it.

Just like those time-traveling dramas on the other side, you can imagine that a modern woman travels back in time just to fall in love, and she will sweep them all away once they talk.

Four or five brothers gather around a woman to compete for beauty. As long as one of them fails to "give up everything for love," the heroine will leave and naturally and peacefully join the most powerful brother. .

This means that the culture on the other side generally cannot accept this kind of incest-like behavior and larger scale. Otherwise, will the drama become a high-quality HBO drama in a matter of minutes?

"Hi, you're here."

Just as Stefan was about to walk towards Elena, he was stopped by Caroline. She had to take the initiative: "Have you ever seen the waterfall? The night there is very beautiful. If you want, I can take you there~ "

Speaking of this, Caroline looked at Stefan with watery eyes, and the ambiguity in her tone almost overflowed.

"I think you drank too much."

Stefan said calmly: "Caroline, you and I can never be together! Sorry."

"Is it never possible..."

After Stefan left, Caroline froze there, the smile on her face completely disappeared, and she was mumbling, so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

"Everything is possible."

At this time, a male voice sounded in Caroline's ears.


Caroline looked sideways and saw that it was Owen. She was depressed and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Since everything is possible, then why did Stefan choose Elena instead of me? Why have people been so obsessed with each other since childhood? People like Elena, not me!”

"Don't rush."

Owen smiled and said: "There will be a day when you will shine. Today Stefan is indifferent to you, but tomorrow you will make it impossible for him to reach high."


Caroline took Owen's words as a joke, but the joke still made her tremble. Women should not be fooled into being ugly. Whether it's from the East or the West, it's inspiring and interesting to think about it.

"Do you know why this town is called Mystic Falls?"

Caroline looked up and down at Owen with drunken eyes.


Owen cooperated.

"Because there is a beautiful waterfall here."

Caroline stumbled and fell into Owen's arms. She looked up at Owen and murmured: "If you want to go, I can take you to see it~"

"Are there any goldfish there?"

Owen couldn't help but laugh.

"If you want it, it will be there~"

Although Caroline didn't understand the goldfish stem, the artistic conception of beautiful scenery, talented people and beautiful women at a good time allowed her to directly understand part of the connotation of this goldfish stem.

Now that we understand the connotation, is the rest still important...

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