Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 220 Eye-catching artifact

New York.

McLaren Bar.

"Where could Barney be?"

Everyone was curious.

"Lily, do you still remember the address where the video tape was mailed?"

Owen laughed.

"Well, 38 Second Avenue..."

Lily casually reported the address, but before she finished speaking, she had already reacted: "You mean Barney went to find Shannon? Oh~ Poor Barney, he still can't forget her~"

"It's normal, isn't it?"

Owen smiled a little weirdly: "Barney really can't forget Shanon, but this was not his purpose in the past."


Victoria asked curiously.

"No, impossible!"

Ted had already guessed a bit and shook his head: "Barney is not as dirty as you think!"


Owen half-smiled and said, "Are you sure we're talking about a Barney?"


Ted was immediately speechless.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Robin said unhappily.

"Do you know about the reunion cannon?"

Owen looked around at everyone: "After the two people who had been honest with each other before broke up, they reunited and confirmed their eyes. Thunder from the sky stirred the earth's fire, and artillery fire stirred the western sky~"

"Is there still such a thing?"

Victoria said in shock.


Owen glanced at her appreciatively, pursed his lips and said, "Just look at their expressions."

"Have you all experienced this?"

Victoria followed Owen's gaze and saw the awkward expressions on Ted and others' faces. They had obviously been planning to reunite, and their expressions couldn't help but become a little complicated.

You know, Ted just confessed to her a few days ago that he had been pursuing Robin before, and now the two of them still hang out together frequently, and God knows when they had a determined look~

Even Matthew and Lily, who have been together forever, broke up not long ago because Lily wanted to go to Paris to pursue her dream of being a painter. After the two reunited, they agreed to live their own lives, but Lily was tight. After performing a magic trick, Matthew showed off his leg hair. The two looked at each other, checked their eyes, and left the banquet without caring that they were still there. They went to the toilet and completed the reunion.

It can be seen how casual it is for men and women who have been honest with each other to be honest with each other again!

"So, you don't have to worry about Barney."

Owen concluded: "He should be using the reunion cannon to soothe his once wounded heart."


Robin looked disgusted and disgusted.


Lily caught a glimpse of a figure and shouted.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Barney walking over with a calm expression.

"Barney, are you okay?"

Ted said concerned.

Barney shook his head pretending to be serious and looked at Owen: "Owen, why are you here?"

"Matthew called me and told me."

Owen could tell at a glance that Barney was in a sage state at the moment, and said with a faint smile: "Although I know you are fine at all, I think I should come over and see the excitement. How about it, how does it feel to meet again?"


Barney and Owen looked at each other. Under Owen's penetrating gaze, they knew they couldn't pretend anymore, so they raised the corners of their mouths and showed a classic Barney smile.

"You really and Shanon..."

Lily asked hesitantly.


Barney tightened his tie, took a sip of beer, and said with a smile: "It's a pity that Shanon divorced that bastard long ago~"

"This is simple."

Owen joked: "With your current strength, you have crushed your 'senior' in all aspects. Although Shanon divorced him, will he still be single? Do you want me to check for you?"

"good idea!"

Barney's eyes lit up. The reunion with his first love girlfriend Shanon only slightly alleviated his sadness, but if he defeated the 'senior' who brought him infinite shadow in a head-on confrontation, he would definitely be able to eliminate 99% of his sadness.

As for 100% elimination, this is absolutely impossible!

"come on!"

Ted couldn't stand it any longer and shouted: "You're not really planning to do this, are you?"

"why not?"

Owen asked: "Is this fundamentally different from you trying to stop Barney from having fun? It's just that you can't succeed, but Barney's chance of success is very high."

"Go, go, go!"

Barney got a little excited.

Since that 'senior' chose to marry Shanon back then, he was obviously not as good as him. How could he not take revenge now?

The next day.

Ted and Matthew's apartment.

"Ted, what's wrong? Is there anything you're unhappy about? Can you tell us to make everyone happy?"

Owen looked at Ted lying on the sofa and joked.

"It's Victoria."

'Intimate friend' Lily said: "She accepted the offer from a German cooking school and is going to Germany for further study for two years. You also know that long-distance relationships are impossible to succeed. Poor Ted, he just fell in love with Victoria. Two months~”

"There are no absolutes in anything."

Owen rolled his eyes and said meaningfully: "Modern technology is becoming more and more advanced, and long-distance relationships are actually nothing."

"Of course it's fine for you billionaires."

Ted glanced at Owen sideways and said sadly: "Even if I have the perseverance to run back and forth between the two places, I can't afford the cost."

Americans have taken advance consumption to the extreme. Even those with a small fortune cannot afford much cash, let alone wage earners.

Ted is an architectural designer and a kind of unknown person who can do anything. How can he afford the cost of transnational artillery?

"I'm not talking about airplanes."

Owen suppressed a smile and said, "Don't you know there is an artifact for long-distance relationships?"

"The artifact of long-distance love? What is that?"

Ted was shocked.

Although Robin is his true love, he is a man, which does not prevent him from treating Victoria as his true love at this moment. Men are so fraternal!

"What is the biggest difficulty in long-distance relationships?"

Owen asked.


cried Lily.

"Correct, but what if we could applaud remotely?"

Owen smiled weirdly: "Here, let me introduce to you a set of long-distance love artifacts. This is a long-distance dating and kissing artifact carefully invented by my good friend Howard Wonovitz, an authority on robotics and a genius engineer."




When Irving played a video in front of them, everyone sprayed water.

"Holy shit! What did I see?!"

"Oh, god! Isn't this too eye-catching?!"

In the video, a Jewish guy and an Indian guy stand opposite each other, each holding a metal box in their hands. A pole extends from the box, and at the end of the pole is a ball. On the ball, a bright red lip model is particularly dazzling.

What shocked them was that the Jewish boy and the Indian boy blocked the lip models on the balls in their hands with their mouths one after another. They closed their eyes and began to perform the French method. Both of them had expressions of extreme enjoyment on their faces. expression……

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