Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 208 A group of people panicked

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

"Hey Owen, how's the acquisition of the movie rights to Death Comes going?"

Leonard said hesitantly.

"It didn't go well."

Owen frowned and said: "New Line Cinema has produced the fourth installment of the Death Comes series, which is scheduled to be released this year. Although this series is no longer what it used to be, it can bring stable and substantial revenue to New Line Cinema. It’s not that easy to acquire the rights to a series of movies as a whole.”

In his impression, The God of Death later filmed a fifth installment.

For Hollywood film companies, sequels to a series of movies are the most popular because the risk is very small, and a series of movies like Here Comes Death that require a small investment and can constantly replace new actors as the protagonists are the most popular for every company. treasure!

These film companies will not let go without squeezing out the last drop of profit. And there is no last drop of profit for such a classic horror movie. Online and offline copyright authorization, peripherals and further adaptations will continue to produce new movies. profit.


Leonard couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and waved his hand: "Actually, it's nothing. I really don't know why you want to buy the movie rights of the Death Comes series?"

"I want to make a movie and have fun."

Owen said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It's quite interesting, isn't it?"

"Of course, of course."

Leonard's face turned bitter and he smiled dryly: "But why?"

"It's really useless!"

Howard said contemptuously: "Owen, what Leonard wants to say is, can you stop playing movies? If you play movies, it's the same as playing him! If you play, he and Penny will be completely done!"


Leonard glared at Howard, looked at Owen with some embarrassment, and said weakly: "Howard's words are rough and unreasonable. I have been chasing Penny for two years, and finally succeeded when she was lost. Now you To play movies, I’m not stopping Penny from pursuing her dream, but what if, if Penny succeeds by taking advantage of you, what should I do?”

"So that's it."

Owen frowned.

It has been several days since he returned from the Marvel integrated universe. He has been planning how to leave his mark on the positive universe. Obtaining the film rights to the Death Comes series is an inevitable choice, so that he has not considered the possible conflicts.

Penny is also Owen's friend. In the past, due to professional reasons, Owen's connections were not available, but now if Owen tries to play in Hollywood, then Penny will definitely join him, and it's justifiable and hard to refuse.

It's hard for Owen to shirk the demands of a supporting actress, right?

Although Penny is big and round, which does not fit Owen's taste, and she has no acting skills, but not to mention how famous she is, as long as she has a little bit of success and some prospects and money, Leonard will be completely out of luck.

Once Penny leaves, the Big Bang Theory Seven will not be able to unite, and it will be troublesome for good friends to become good friends. Before truly becoming a god of death, the existence of life span and ability will still have an impact on Owen. very huge.

The reason why he chose to return to the positive universe so hastily was because he encountered trouble in the Marvel integrated universe.

The story begins with him transforming into the God of Death, commanding a super-murderous woman remotely, and letting her kill everyone on behalf of the God of Death. Such a high-profile act shocked the entire New York underground world, making many underground practitioners panic, and triggered the New York underworld overlord Jin. and dissatisfied.

A bald man is a strong man, but Kingpin is a fat man with a big bald head. Owen's reputation as the God of Death does not scare him at all. For a gangster like him, how can there be such an awesome existence in New York as Super Killer?

Therefore, Kingpin sent out his number one killer Bullseye, preparing to kill Super Killer, the messenger of death, and restore peace to the underground world of New York.

Bullseye has the ability to throw with perfect accuracy. He can be called Li's flying knives in the Marvel world, and he is not limited to throwing knives. Anything in his hands can be turned into a terrifying weapon.

Unfortunately, he met Super Killer, who had the blessing of the God of Death. With Owen's help, Super Killer avoided even the hail of bullets, not to mention Bullseye's flying knives.

Seeing that he was defeated, Bullseye had no choice but to run away, but various accidents occurred frequently. Under his unwilling gaze, he was shot to death by the Super Kill Girl who was chasing after him.

This battle completely detonated the entire New York underground world, and changed from an ordinary Punisher-style massacre to a mysterious and supernatural phenomenon.

You know, Bullseye is very famous, and many mysterious organizations have paid attention to him!

Now that he was shot, the super-killer who shot him suddenly fell into their sights. Among them, Hydra, the real headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., also paid attention.

Previously, because Nick Fury almost instinctively kept Owen's information secret, Hydra did not notice Owen. But now because of the super-killing female incident, Hydra has increased its attention to New York. The important leader of Hydra Alexander Pierce is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. After checking the relevant information, Owen naturally fell into their field of vision.

Like Nick Fury, they are more interested in Owen than Super Killer, because according to information received from SHIELD, the Hydra branch, Owen is likely to have an enhanced serum similar to the Super Soldier Serum.

Since World War II, due to losing to Captain America who was injected with the super soldier serum, the super soldier serum has been Hydra's obsession, and once the super soldiers really succeed, it will have overwhelming power for any force. Advantage.

Therefore, Hydra launched an all-round offensive against Owen. When Hotwell, an important figure in Hydra, came to New York, Owen decisively chose to temporarily leave the Marvel Universe.

Holtwell looks like a middle-aged man in his forties, but in fact he is an old man in his nineties, a mad scientist of Hydra, who dissected a man with the ability to absorb the life force of others and maintain immortality. Jiaying, the leader of the Inhumans, developed a longevity medicine with Jiaying's spinal fluid and so on, thus maintaining his youthful state.

Under the prying eyes of this mad scientist, Owen deeply felt his own lack of strength. His various abilities were very good, enough to resist the prying eyes of Hydra.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Hydra is a super terrorist organization with all kinds of black technology, mysterious power, and unscrupulous means. It is absolutely impossible to leave this dangerous place early without overwhelming advantages. Wise choice.

After obtaining the Godhead of Death, theoretically, Owen can always stay in the positive universe, because the positive point generated in the positive universe will be automatically collided by the endless evil of Death and converted into a point of existence.

But this is only relative, because the positive universe does not have the conditions to quickly nourish the god of death like the negative universe, so Owen will still need to travel through the negative universe in the future.

These thoughts flashed through Owen's mind. Facing Leonard's anxious gaze, Owen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the copyright for Death Comes has not been acquired yet."

"Hey guys!"

Penny opened the door and came in, greeted everyone, and then said to Leonard: "Leonard, come out, I need to see you for something!"


Leonard's face changed drastically, and he looked at Irving as if asking for help. At this moment, he thought he had been caught, and panicked. His IQ of 174 was completely turned into paste...

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