New York.

Dimmick Building.

Frank Dimmick, the powerful drug lord and tycoon, was walking around the room with a haggard look on his face. It had been a day. The delay in waiting for the expected attack did not make Frank feel happy at all. On the contrary, My heart is filled with gloom, my nerves are highly tense, and I am extremely anxious.

Next to him was a fat black man, his driver and bodyguard. He was standing there with his eyelids twitching and he was drowsy. At the entrance to the outer room, more than twenty gangsters surrounded the entrance, and everyone was yawning.

"FK, how long do you have to wait? It's almost 24 hours. If you don't come, I won't be able to bear it anymore."

"Keep your voice down. If the boss hears it, he will definitely kill you first."

"What are you worried about, boss? He summoned us all here and won't let us rest for a moment?"

"Didn't you watch the live broadcast on the Internet? The boss sent people to arrest Kick-Ass and Big Daddy, and prepared to live broadcast the scene of killing them, to shock those who want to stand out and be heroes. Unexpectedly, a dozen brothers were killed They were all destroyed. And there was only one person on the other side."

"Real or false? Who is it?"

"I don't know! In fact, this is not the most important thing! What the boss is most worried about now is the God of Death~"


As soon as these words came out, there were gasps of cold air. These gangsters, who had always been domineering and fierce, all looked horrified after hearing the word 'death'.

"W-what, you mean the boss is being targeted by death?"

A young man covered in tattoos shouted tremblingly.

"I am not sure as well."

The person who spoke carefully glanced inside and lowered his voice: "But when I went in just now, I overheard the boss mentioning the God of Death. You all should know that people like us can easily be targeted by the God of Death. , we are still like this, let alone the boss~"

After a period of publicity and fermentation, the coming of death has become a strange thing that everyone knows. Compared with ordinary citizens who talk about it, those underground people who have bloody hands know more about it, and therefore are more aware of it. The fear of death!

Anyone who is targeted by death will inevitably die!

This is the conclusion they came to. What is even more frightening is that the God of Death will issue a death notice before death. When a person learns that he is about to die, and before death actually comes, the psychological torture during that period is very terrifying.

This is not kind at all!

"I think we should leave first?"

Someone weakly suggested: "Although it is the boss who is targeted by Death, I am afraid that we will be taken away together..."


Someone echoed: "This is not without precedent. The God of Death has done this before. That explosion directly wiped out a small gang."

"Shut up! Do you want to die? Leave now? Aren't you afraid of the God of Death but not the Boss? Tim just vaguely heard the Boss mention the God of Death. It doesn't mean that the God of Death is definitely targeting the Boss. In case that's not the case, have you ever thought about it? Are there any consequences? Remember that Russian guy who was put in the giant microwave?"

"Of course I remember. After a few dozen seconds, my head exploded..."

"Do you want a taste of that?"

"In no mood!"

Although everyone was nervous due to the shock of death, the long wait still made everyone exhausted. Everyone put their guns in their hands and dozed off. Only a few people glanced around nervously.

Bang bang bang.

A burst of scattered gunshots rang out, awakening everyone who was in a daze.




Screams echoed throughout the hall.

When everyone looked around, they saw a petite figure with purple hair and a mask, holding two guns. Amidst the gunfire, gangsters were killed one by one.

"Ah, fire!"


Everyone was so frightened that they broke out in a cold sweat. Their sleepiness had long since disappeared. They tremblingly touched the firearms around them and started shooting.

At this moment, the super-killing girl has grabbed her spot among the crowd. Relying on her petite body and agility, she uses her gun to continuously kill gangsters and gang members, such as pigs and dogs.

"Everyone spread out, don't accidentally hurt your own people."

Someone shouted.

At this moment, after a burst of shooting by Chao Kill Girl, more than ten people have been killed and injured, and the remaining ten people are hiding at the end of the corridor, not daring to show their heads.

outside the building.

"Holy shit!"

In a black SUV, Big Daddy Damon McCready, who survived the accident, watched the super-killing girl kill everyone through hacked surveillance. He was stunned. Is this really his daughter?

He had indeed trained her for five years, but after all, she was just an 11-year-old girl. Her innate limitations made it impossible for her to accomplish such an incredible killing.

"Is this the blessing of death?"

Damon murmured: "Perhaps Super Killer can go further without my dragging her down..."

Under normal circumstances, it would have been Damon charging inside, or at least the father and daughter fighting side by side. However, after being saved by Death in a very strange way, at the invitation of Death, Super Kill Girl accepted Death's blessing. Becoming the messenger of Death, and performing the first mission as requested by Death, it is also a mission that they cannot refuse and will never refuse.

Although I don't know why the God of Death didn't choose him, after being reminded by the God of Death, Super Killer insisted on leaving him behind and carried out this seemingly impossible task alone.

Now it seems that it is not without reason!

The top floor of the Dimmick Building.

“what the fk?!!!”

As soon as the gunfire rang out, Frank Dimick, who saw Super Killer's killing spree through the surveillance video, cursed. In disbelief, he slowed down and watched the video just now to see what Super Kill Girl was. How did he remain unscathed in the hail of bullets?

Then, a scene that shocked him appeared.

In slow motion, Super Killer is holding two guns and firing as she rushes in. The men responsible for guarding the place shoot at her one after another.

But the strange thing is that all the bullets have no aim at all, and they pass by Super Kill Girl's body with just a hair's breadth. The hail of bullets forcefully forms a hole in Super Kill Girl's body.

What made him even more speechless was that some of his men were clearly shooting at a right angle and could definitely hit the super-killing woman, but at that moment, the pistol jammed.

Others slipped, some closed their eyes, and seemed to be stabbed by light at the moment of shooting...

If you look closely, you will see that various accidents have created this almost miraculous phenomenon. This is absolutely abnormal!

One is called an accident, two are called coincidences, and three are called miracles. If so many accidents, coincidences, and miracles are gathered together, it is definitely a supernatural phenomenon.

And he had encountered a supernatural phenomenon before: a death notice!

"Am I going to die?"

Frank slumped in his seat, looking at the surviving men who were shivering in the super-killer massacre, and murmured in a daze: "My majestic boss is really going to die in the hands of a little girl..."

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