Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 160 Gun Base Eradication Technique (Please subscribe!)

On board ZNB-7527.

"What's wrong?"

As Owen drove the car, he couldn't help but smile when he saw Ramsey looking at him strangely.

"Don't you have any special hobbies?"

Ramsay looked at Owen and asked hesitantly.

As a top hacker, she has access to most of the world's information. Gossip and hormones are human characteristics. Naturally, she will not miss seeing all kinds of real and indescribable pictures and videos. She still knows that there is a universal plug in the world. This kind of creature...

"Where did you go?"

Owen shook his head and smiled: "I am a pure man, you should know this very well!"


Ramsay gave a perfunctory smile, curled his lips and said, "I can't say for sure. Your interests and hobbies are very broad..."


Owen understood what Ramsey meant, twitched his mouth, coughed continuously, and emphasized: "I only like to discuss various interests and hobbies with women, don't think too much about it!"

Ramsay shrugged noncommittally.


Seeing that Ramsay seemed to believe it or not, Owen cursed in his mind: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have been so mean. I'm really unhappy that people suspected it was a universal plug, but there's no way to explain it...what a hell!"

"Where are we going now?"

Seeing that Owen's expression was wrong, Ramsay changed the subject wisely.

"Let's find another place to hide. Let's avoid the limelight first."

When Owen pressed the button, the ZNB-9527 license plate on the rear of the car suddenly changed to DZT-28X.

With the half-finished Eye of God, the two top hackers Irving and Ramsey were at home in a metropolis like Los Angeles. They easily escaped the surveillance of all parties and re-hidden.

At night.

The lanterns are on.

A gas station.

Owen stopped to refuel the car, and Ramsey got down to stretch himself.

“Nice car!”

A rich second-generation man walked up to Irving's car with his bodyguard, glanced at Ramsey who was moving, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a somewhat evil smile: "How much does this car cost? I bought it."

"Not for sale."

Owen glanced at the other person, was slightly startled, shook his head and smiled.

"How much money did you spend, I'll double it!"

The rich second generation with a familiar face said arrogantly.


The bodyguard caught a glimpse of the pistol on Owen's waist, and his expression changed. He put his hand on the gun on his waist, stepped forward and grabbed the rich second generation, whispered a few words in his ear, and pulled him back.

The second-generation rich man was stunned. He followed the bodyguard's reminder and saw a pistol. Faced with Owen's half-smiling gaze, he returned to their car angrily.

In the United States, the proportion of gun owners is indeed very high, but most of them keep them at home. Very few actually carry guns on the streets, and none of them are good.

After filling up the gas, Owen got in the car and left, saying, "Ramsey, monitor the car just now."

"What's wrong?"

Ramsay asked in surprise while operating.

"I have a hunch."

Owen smiled and said: "The other party will not give up so easily."

"No way?"

Ramsey doubted: "What you just did was not a conflict at all."


Owen grinned and said, "Conflicts and conflicts are sometimes just a look away."

Ramsay quickly hacked into the other party's car system and mobile phone and took over the authority.

"Follow them."

"Boss, let's forget it. The other party is very difficult to deal with."

"Asshole! Who am I? Who dares to mess with me in Los Angeles! Call a few more brothers, some of whom can pick locks. We will follow them later and wait until they fall asleep before we act. Don't kill the men first. I I want him to see with his own eyes that I took away his car and woman!"

"I understand, boss! I'll call someone right now!"

Seeing that the rich second generation was not impulsive, his subordinates immediately felt relieved and began to call their brothers in the gang.

"How about it?"

Owen recognized the other person and was not surprised at all, smiling at the stunned Ramsay.

"how so!"

Ramsay muttered.

She had never seen this kind of tactic of violently killing someone after a disagreement!

"Where are we going?"

Ramsay, who had been in a daze for a while, saw that Owen was not heading towards the hidden foothold, so he asked.

"Find a place to solve this problem first."

Owen smiled maliciously.

"forget it."

Ramsay was scared and said, "We can get rid of them!"


Owen said calmly: "But I don't like this way of handling it."

Today, first Agent Chiguo, and then the Fast and Furious team, Owen was very restrained and did not kill anyone. Now a fool comes out to challenge him. If he continues to tolerate it, he will be a softie!

Moreover, he is destined to become the king of agents and achieve hegemony. There is no reason why he should not kill as many as possible. He sacrificed himself to win over Ramsay in order to make her an assistant, not a stumbling block.

If Ramsey can't adapt to this kind of life, Owen can only draw his gun and be ruthless. After all, he can't let Ramsey fall into the hands of others!

In front of an abandoned building.

Owen stopped the car and walked in with Ramsay. The rich second generation who had been wearing clothes behind him also stopped.

Half an hour later, two more cars drove over quietly.

"They turned off the lights."

"Tsk, tsk, it's only half an hour, it's really useless."

"Haha, let him see with his own eyes how powerful the boss is!"

"Wait another half hour and then we take action!"

Time passed while everyone was bragging and spanking. Under the command of the rich second generation, everyone quietly walked towards the building. A little man came forward, took out the iron wire and played with it on the door. After that, the door was opened, and everyone pulled out the iron wire. The guns came pouring in.

On top of a connected building.

Owen held the mini Windrunner and saw everyone entering the building through the scope. He raised the corner of his mouth, aimed at the rich second generation, and pressed the button.


A shrill scream echoed in the night sky.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"No, there's a sniper, take cover!"

"Protect the boss!"

Everyone was in panic. After Owen sniped three people to death, the remaining four people protected the rich second generation and hid in the blind spot.


At this time, they had time to check the injuries of the rich second generation. When they saw it, the four of them took a breath, their backs felt cold, and their crotches felt cold.

If they knew the Biantan language, they would probably think of the words Ji Fei Dan Da and Eunuch immediately.

"Reek, is that you?"

Owen, who was on the rooftop next door, locked them with a sniper rifle and murmured with a smile.

Yes, this rich second-generation look is very familiar to Owen. He is the Reek who was played by Reek in Game of Thrones. Therefore, in order to pay tribute to Reek and Reek, Owen chose the precise gun base eradication technique...




Although they know the danger, if the rich second generation is allowed to bleed to death, the remaining four people will be worse off than death. Because the rich second generation has a father who is a Russian gangster, a gangster, and a gangster, they have to bite the bullet and rush out. As a result, They were sniped one by one by Owen.

PS: Thanks for the rewards of Moment of Vicissitudes, Complexity Has Been Occupied, and Crazy Blade 108 Waves!

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