Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 154 Beautiful Agent (Please subscribe!)


"How about it?"

The tough American agent Luke Hobbs stood behind the technical geek Taj Parker and asked.

"There are no clues."

Tej Parker shook his head and said: "The cameras in that area were destroyed in advance. The time was just when we were taking action. Those who didn't know it thought they were our helpers."


Luke Hobbs cursed bitterly: "Can't the scope be expanded? Can he still destroy all the cameras? I must catch this son of the bitch!"

Dominic Toretto was naked, holding Letty who had regained her memory, standing behind, with a few wrinkles showing at the corners of his mouth, saying nothing.

This time he came out and completely achieved his goal. Not only did he send Dyke Shaw, the culprit who killed his "family" Han, to prison, but he also accidentally restored his girlfriend Letty's past memories. The two made an appointment between life and death. I'm getting married and going on my honeymoon soon.

Ramsey was kidnapped by Owen before he officially joined the gang, and he was not included in the 'family' at all, so he actually didn't care at all whether he could catch Owen or not!

"It takes a lot of time to compare the video messages."

Tej Parker sighed: "And it has to be when the other party has no defense. The other party is professional at first glance. We don't have the eyes of God, so it is almost impossible to catch his flaw."

"Shit! shit! shit!"

Luke Hobbs started pounding the iron plate with his fists manically again. He saw with his own eyes that the other party blew up the police helicopter with one shot. For a tough American agent like him, this was simply a provocation!

"Don't worry."

Brian O'Connor interjected: "The other party only captured Ramsey and did not kill her. It was obviously for the Eye of God. Now that the Eye of God has been destroyed, the other party must let Ramsay make up again, and for A super hacker like Ramsey can quietly notify us at any time as long as she is given the opportunity, we just need to wait patiently."


Roman Pierce was shocked and said angrily: "Prepare a good car for me then, I want him to show who is the real fast car god!"

"forget it!"

Taj Parker struck back: "You still haven't given up. The opponent's driving skills are beyond your ability to compare with. I doubt Dom and Brian can either."

"Is it really that powerful?"

Dominic was surprised.

He still understands Taj Parker, an old friend. He is not as slick as Roman Pierce. He has always said one thing and two things, and he is very discerning. Since Parker has repeatedly emphasized it, it must be because the other party is really powerful. , which actually aroused his interest.

"It's more powerful than you think!"

Taj Parker affirmed.

On a ghost plane.

"Damn it! This is the second time!"

A long-legged blonde beauty looked at the remains of an armed helicopter lying in flames in the news video, and cursed with cold eyes: "Dominique Toretto, I will definitely make you pay the price, definitely!"

"Boss, the electromagnetic pulse device has not been obtained, and the Eye of God has been damaged. Our plan cannot be implemented at all."

A bearded man said with a frown.

"Don't worry."

The long-legged blond beauty took a deep breath and regained her composure: "There is not only one electromagnetic pulse device. If you have the chance, just grab another one. As for the Eye of God, God is still there, will there still be a shortage of the Eye of God?"

"Boss, are you talking about Ramsay?"

Big Beard suddenly said: "But she has been kidnapped by an unknown person. There are so many criminal groups in the world, and it is not clear who the other party is..."

"Then go find it!"

The long-legged blonde beauty shouted: "Start from Los Angeles and search inch by inch. No matter who they are, you must find them for me!"

"Yes, boss!"

The bearded man frowned and responded respectfully.

"Put me through M!"

The long-legged blonde beauty watched her men begin to invade and retrieve video information in Los Angeles. Seeing that the speed was completely like a tortoise compared to the Eye of God, her eyes turned cold and she ordered: "And Jane!"



In a club.

A tall Asian beauty was massaging a plump fat man. The fat man lay there with his eyes closed, a look of enjoyment on his face, and his fat hands kept moving, which made him even more obscene.

The Asian beauty did not dodge, and continued to press with an expressionless face. When her palm passed the spine of the fat man's back, she suddenly turned into a claw and grabbed it fiercely. With the specially trained claw method, she instantly cut the fat man's spine. After grabbing it and lifting it up heavily, the fat man's screams were muffled by the beauty, and he lost his breath.

After getting dressed in an orderly manner, the Asian beauty opened the window, used a thin but extremely tough silk rope to quietly go down to the next floor, stepped on high heels, and left seductively.

The bodyguards outside didn't notice anything unusual at all. After a long time without seeing any movement inside, they were shocked to realize that it was impossible for the boss's strength to delay him for such a long time. When they rushed in, there was only one body lying on the ground. The fat guy on the bed...

"Rush to Los Angeles immediately to investigate the target."

The Asian beauty got in the car, turned on her phone and found that her superior, Mrs. M, had issued a new task to her. She put on her sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards the airport.

New York.

In a villa in the suburbs.

A beautiful girl with thick lips opened her phone, put down the kitchen utensils in her hands, and shouted into the bedroom: "Husband, if you have a job, come to me, I want to go out for a while."

In the bedroom.

A handsome white man put down his coat, quietly hid the firearm at his waist, and responded in a loud voice: "Dear, I got it."

Los Angeles.

A secret place to stay.


Ramsey took a breath and stared dumbfoundedly at Owen programming with a technique that was more proficient than her. He shouted in disbelief: "You, are you really just a CD writer?"


Owen stopped the hand of God and said with a reserved smile: "I told you that I have good learning ability."


Ramsay was caught off guard by this pretense.

Three months have passed. Owen asked her to explain the code while guiding him in programming. At first, she was a little bit joking, but every time he encountered an unknown point, as soon as she explained it, Owen understood it instantly. .

Even the most complex and core programming algorithm, Owen has no intention of asking her to explain it. Now she is just a repeater, repeating the code of the Eye of God that she has programmed. No matter how fast the speed is, Owen's hand speed is They can all keep up, and Owen asks less and less often.

If this qualification is just that of a CD writer with good learning ability, then is the IT company he works for run by aliens...

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