Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 152 Fast and Furious (Please subscribe!)


Los Angeles.

Inside a garage.

"This afternoon, in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, a supercar worth more than 3 million US dollars penetrated three towering Emirates United Towers Hotel and finally fell from the sky.

The supercar originally belonged to a Jordanian prince. According to witnesses at the scene, it was former federal criminals Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Connor who robbed and tried to flee in the car..."

"It is indeed you."

Owen stopped tightening the wrench of the screw, looked up at the TV, and saw a shiny image on it that looked like the strongman Dominic Toretto, and murmured to himself: "It seems to be the time of Fast and Furious 7 , they have succeeded and are about to move to Los Angeles, I have to speed up."

Boom boom boom!

After tightening the last screw, Irving walked to the driver's seat and started the car's engine. Hearing the loud roar of the engine, he smiled with satisfaction, put down the hood, and drove the car, which looked unremarkable, but actually passed by Irving. The chariot carefully modified by God drove out of the garage.

Following the traffic flow and driving at a medium speed in the City of Angels, Owen became familiar with the city again with the eyes of a super agent. When passing a tall building, Owen's eyes narrowed and he murmured: "This is it!"

In the field of vision, the signal tower on the top of the tall building overlaps with the scene in the memory. This will be the center of the war.

Two days later.

At night.

Brilliant and brilliant.

The City of Angels was particularly lively tonight, with all kinds of car battles and even armed helicopters and unmanned attack aircraft appearing. When the machine guns on the helicopters fired wildly and the missiles on the unmanned attack aircraft whizzed by, it was completely... Unscrupulously mocking the security of the United States.

The City of Angels is just a paradise for criminals, but a hell for ordinary people!


From a crumbling building that was hit by a missile, an American muscle car rushed out and flew toward an armed helicopter hovering at low altitude.

Dominic Toretto, the bald man in the driver's seat, pursed his lips and looked at the approaching armed helicopter with an expressionless expression. He reached out and took a pack of grenades from the co-pilot's seat. The moment the armed helicopter fell, This pack of grenades was hung on the bottom of the armed helicopter in an incredible way.

Bang bang bang!

Luke Hobbs, a tough American agent, stood in the distance, drew his gun, pointed it at the bag of grenades, and fired three shots in a row.


The grenade was detonated, blowing up the armed helicopter, but everyone had no intention of paying attention. They all gathered around Dominic Toretto who fell from a tall building without making any sound, because they are the so-called 'family'!

"Come on! Dom!"

"Wake up!"

Brian had worked as a police officer and was constantly rescuing Dominic.

"Oh, my god!"

The key to all these crazy events is Ramsey, a black female hacker with an afro, standing in the distance, covering her mouth and exclaiming. She still has a very good impression of the criminal family established by Toretto. At this moment, she meets Mr. Leader On the verge of death, I feel very sad.

But before she could walk over, her vision went dark and she fainted.

Owen expressionlessly hugged her from behind and backed away with her in his arms. Everything was silent, but there was no way to block Luke Hobbs' keen vision of the protagonist.

"Stop! Put Ramsay down!"

Luke Hobbs drew his gun and shouted.

Bang bang bang!

Owen ignored him, turned Ramsey's body sideways, blocked his vitals, and quickly ran to his car. After getting in the car, he turned on the engine, spun around in a circle, reached out and fired the gun accurately. He fired a few shots, blew out the tires of the remaining cars, and then drove away.

"Shit! Brian, Letty stay, the others come with me to save Ramsey."

cried Luke Hobbs.

"Damn it! Who is this! Where did it come from again!"

Black racing driver Roman Pierce responded quickly, running towards the empty car on the street, while cursing: "Ramsey is the girl I like, no matter who you are, I will beat you until your mother doesn't even recognize her." you!"

"Hurry up! No nonsense!"

Tech geek Taj Parker was doing the same action. Like Roman, he was also very interested in Ramsey, a beauty of his own race, so naturally he didn't want to see Ramsey being kidnapped.


Different from Roman and Taj's technical skills of 'requisitioning' other people's cars, America's tough-guy agent Luke Hobbs has always been simple and rough. He used his strong muscles to hit the car window with his elbow. With the blessing of tough-guy luck, Regardless of the strength of the car window, it shattered unexpectedly...

Three cars were chasing Owen.

"Holy shit!"

Roman looked at the silhouette of the car moving farther and farther in the traffic with ease in the traffic, traveling at super high speed, and cursed in shock: "How is that possible!"

In the past, it was always just them leaving others far behind, and that feeling was very satisfying, but now that the positions have been changed, this powerlessness and frustration simply killed him!

You know, racing is his only advantage!

It feels really bad to be ruthlessly crushed by someone whose origins I don't know about my proudest and proudest aspect, and to watch helplessly as the person drags Ramsey away.

"It must be the car, it must be..."

"The reason for the bullshit car!"

In the communicator, Taj Parker cursed: "His speed is definitely over 220 miles. He dares to drive like this in a place like this. The other party's driving skills are definitely the best. Even Dom and Brian, I'm afraid... No better than Hobbes, we have no choice, he will be completely lost soon, call the helicopter quickly, lock on the opponent, don't let him escape."


Luke Hobbs, a senior federal agent, directly called the police helicopter that had arrived to track Owen.

"The target vehicle was on South Africa's Gro Street, heading towards Sunset Boulevard."

The police helicopter pilot's prompt sounded over the communicator.

"Received! Continue to track, mobilize police forces, and block surrounding streets."


Owen saw the police helicopter shining its searchlight on his car in the rearview mirror. He glanced at Ramsay, who was still unconscious in the passenger seat. He drifted calmly, turned the car sideways, and reached for it from the back seat. Use the assembled mini Windrunner sniper rifle and shoot it at the police helicopter.


The bullet accurately hit the helicopter's fuel tank. Ordinary police helicopters naturally cannot have armor. When hit by a powerful sniper bullet, it immediately exploded!

Owen expressionlessly took back his sniper rifle, hit the accelerator, and the carefully modified car quickly disappeared into the night.

"No matter who you are, I will never let you go!"

The tough American agent Luke Hobbs who arrived was furious at the crash site. He smashed his fists on the iron plate like a masochist, and spat out the harsh words from his mouth...

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