Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 15 Let me check the schedule (please vote for recommendation!)


John Rich transformed into the Hulk and punched Owen with his fist.

Owen was mentally prepared. He spent 5 existence points to exchange for lv4 combat skills and instantly became a warrior with rich combat experience.

Although John Ridge was a strong rugby player, he was not a warrior after all. He had no advantage in front of the experienced warriors produced by the system. He was beaten by Owen with a hammer, and he screamed and ran away with his head in his arms.

"Chinese Kongfu……"

If it were another negative world, John Rich might have gone dark and fought with Owen in all kinds of desperate ways, but this is a positive universe centered on the Big Bang Theory after all. Giving up is the norm if you can't beat him, and even even John Rich never had any thoughts of entangled with other team members and forming a group for revenge.

The reason why he had a conflict with Steve Schler today was because Steve Schler was too annoying. John couldn't afford to offend Irving, who knew "Chinese Kung Fu". When he saw Steve Schler's face, everyone was disgusted. His face dangled in front of him, thinking that the reason why he was so tragic was all because Steve Schler held various parties every day, which gave Irving the opportunity to become famous in North Shore Middle School.

Hatred can be transferred, and Steve Schler is obviously far easier to bully than Irving. John Rich's eyes were red, his mind was hot, and he directly attacked Steve Schler.

The conflict between the two sides disappeared in a flash.

John Rich's experience resonates with many boys. Even Steve Shiller, who has always been lawless, can only bear his anger when faced with John Rich, who has red eyes and green energy all over his body, as if he could transform into the Horrible Hulk at any time. Give in.

The other rugby players were well aware of the causes and consequences of the conflict. In fact, even if John Ridge did not form a group to retaliate, there were still some among the rugby players who wanted to teach Irving a lesson, but it was obvious that they all failed.

The successive failures completely confirmed the legend that Owen was the 'Kung Fu Kid'. In addition to shocking the other students who wanted to find trouble, it also made Owen more popular with girls.

After all, the mysterious power of the East is still very attractive to American girls, and Owen's schedule is even busier...

"Hi, Owen."

"Hi Karen."

School wasn't over yet. Before the last class, Karen Jackson stopped Owen, biting her lip and saying with misty eyes: "Owen, you haven't given me tutoring for a long time. Can you come to my house this afternoon?"


Owen instinctively wanted to refuse.

It’s not that Irving looks down on Karen. In fact, Karen is the best among the girls who follow Irving for tutoring in terms of appearance, figure, and studiousness. Look at the driver card line in the system attribute column. Irving starts tutoring. It's been three months since I started working, and I haven't added a single driver card.

Before, she only tutored Karen once in Parabola, and she got her first goddess driver card, which is enough to prove Karen's excellence. She is a goddess recognized by the system.

The other girls who signed up for Irving's tutoring class included many top beauties, but they were all a bit uninteresting.

During this period of time, Owen was alienated from Karen because he was too busy. In cram schools, as long as the teacher's name is known, students will flock to him and count the money until his hands cramp. It's really no joke.

In addition, the system's check-in is based on the number of people. Whether you tutor Karen once or tutor a hundred times, you will only receive one driver card.

Due to various reasons, Karen wanted to jump in line and increase the number of tutoring sessions today.

"Karen, you know, I need to check the schedule to see if there are any slots..."


Even a scumbag like Karen couldn't help but roll her eyes when faced with the scumbag operation of the rising star Irving, lamenting that Irving was really shameless and had reached a new level.

"Owen, come here, my mother keeps talking about you."


Owen's eyelids twitched, his buttocks tightened, his back felt cold, and he coughed dryly: "Mrs. Jackson is talking about me?"


Karen glanced at Owen strangely.

In her heart, she still admired Sheila very much. She never imagined that her words made Owen have a shameless association. He smiled and said: "She often said that among all the boys who tutor me, you are the only one who is the most professional. The most trustworthy, so I hope you go there often."

"Oh, I see."

Owen smiled and understood that he was overthinking, and thought to himself: "Sheila still knew it. Although she behaved strangely, she never meant to force it. She also tolerated a lot after her husband Eddie was a devout religious believer and stopped cooperating with her. Year.

In the original time and space, if the old bastard Frank hadn't peeked at her money and brought it to her door, and when Sheila flinched in shame, she strongly asked Sheila not to be polite, Sheila would not have handcuffed Frank to the bed and taken out the wooden box from under the bed. , take out those indescribable things.

Before it even started, Frank, who always thought he was fearless, gave in decisively. He showed fear on his face and wanted to regret it, but he only had time to scream like a slaughtering pig..."

"How about it?"

Karen looked expectant.

"Isn't this convenient?"

Looking at Karen's pure face and expectant eyes, Owen was a little moved, but he still frowned and said: "Karen, you know, I'm a little special..."


When Karen saw that there was a way to jump in line, she looked surprised. She glanced down and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's very convenient. I live in the basement now and bought a high-power stereo. My father has already If we don’t go home, my mother won’t care about us.”

"Mr. Jackson hasn't come home yet?"

Seeing Karen's heartless look, Owen couldn't help but ask one more question.


There was a flash of sadness in Karen's eyes, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Owen hesitated to speak. He really wanted to ask the old bastard Frank if he occupied the magpie's nest like he did in the original time and space, but he still held back. It was not good to ask about such privacy if he was not a relative or a friend. Besides, it was not a good idea to ask about this kind of privacy. You will know when the time comes.


Karen looked at Owen in confusion: "What's wrong?"


Owen shook his head and said with a smile: "Since you love learning so much, I will give you a good tutoring session today. After all, the pursuit of knowledge is respectable and lovely."

"Then it's settled."

Karen smiled like a flower: "I'll see you after school."

"See you after school."

Owen replied in the affirmative.

Looking at the beautiful girl who was bouncing when she walked because of his promise, Owen smiled happily and murmured: "It's great. It's such a good deed that benefits oneself and others. It doesn't matter if you devote yourself to it and die..."

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