Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 148 The cross-dressing boss (please subscribe!)

TBBT Apartments.


"Imagine if he said yes, next summer we could enjoy a whole summer without Sheldon."

Howard described excitedly as he went upstairs: "I can sit on the left side of the sofa."

"We can also go outside and play more."

Rajesh said longingly.

"I can go to the bathroom at 8:20."

Leonard agreed with a smile on his face.


Listening to the three people's humble dreams, Owen smiled unkindly.

"Owen, why are you laughing?"

Howard asked, "Don't say you don't like this life."

"I'm okay."

Owen smiled reservedly.

Compared to Leonard and the other three, although Irving spends most of his time hanging out with Sheldon, he still has a lot of rich and exciting spare time life. He understands the excitement of the three of them "escaping from the clutches", but he is familiar with the plot. , knowing that the three of them were just dreaming.

"Of course you're fine!"

Rajesh said enviously: "If I were you, I wouldn't hang out with Sheldon every day."


Howard nodded in agreement: "Rather than being tortured by Sheldon, I would rather be tortured to suffocation by a cruel girl~"

"Wait a minute."

Leonard was a little unhappy and said: "In your hearts, what is our friendship? Is it a last resort when you are bored and helpless?"

"Is not it?"

Howard asked: "If you could only choose between a friend and a cruel girl, who would you choose?"


Leonard opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to retort, because if he was asked to choose, of course he would choose the cruel girl without hesitation.

"Then what is our friendship anyway..."

Leonard was a little confused.

"It's very simple."

Rajesh introduced vividly: "If it were me, I would first send you greeting cards every holiday. After a few years, you will be as dead to me."

This seems like a joke, but it also contains something very realistic, that is, friendship and other relationships require time and effort to manage, otherwise no matter how deep and intense the relationship is, it will dissipate due to time and distance.

This is why Owen has been bothering to hang out with Sheldon and the others!

"You can think of us as dead now!"

Leonard scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Guys, you are too confused."

Owen interrupted: "You're not a child, so of course you have to ask for all the multiple-choice questions. You don't think you're going to be alone all your life, do you?"

"It's hard to say."

Rajesh muttered.

He has selective mutism and cannot talk to women without drinking. It is impossible not to worry.

"come on!"

Howard complained: "Except for Owen, among us, you have the most affairs, and even if you can't talk to women, just find a deaf-mute woman, or even a cross-dressing guy.

Don’t tell me that at the last Comic Con, you and the cross-dressing guy who cosplayed as a green Orion woman and a slave didn’t call..."


Leonard grinned.

"We just kissed and that was it!"

Rajesh shouted: "I'm not gay! Who asked him to cosplay like that? I didn't realize he was a man at all!"

"we know."

Owen joked: "So last time Dr. Hofstadter said that you and Howard were a 'husband and wife,' didn't we clarify it for you~"

Among all the people, Rajesh did have the most romantic encounters. He couldn't talk to women without drinking, but he was praised by drunk women one after another as the "good man who is the best at listening".

Rajesh is not picky about food. First, he and Howard were captured by a 200-pound Sailor Moon, and then they were taken away by a woman of the same weight in a bar. After sobering up, he found that he could not break free from the other party's thick and powerful arms. You can also curl up in each other's arms and continue sleeping with a smile on your face...

Coupled with the cross-dressing incident at the last Comic Con, it can be said that as long as the other party is a human being, Rajesh will probably not refuse!


The door to room 4A was opened, revealing Sheldon's confused eyes.

"Why don't you come in?"

Before anyone could speak, Sheldon said with a smile: "I have good news for you. I have temporarily accepted the invitation to go to the Arctic for scientific research."

"Yeah! ×3!"

The three Leonards cheered.

Owen looked at them sympathetically.

"But I formally propose that the four of you come with me."

Sheldon looked around at the crowd and said.

"What?! ×4!"

This time, Owen was no longer calm.

"I need a team to assist me, and you four are my best choice."

Sheldon explained.


Owen coughed lightly and interrupted: "Sheldon, I don't need to go. They and you are both from the physics department, and I'm just a mathematician. There's no point in going."

Just kidding, if he remembered correctly, they would stay at the Arctic research station for three months. The three Leonards almost collapsed from Sheldon's torture, and they all started planning various plans to torture and kill Sheldon.

What's more important is that one night the heating was cut off. In order to maintain body temperature, the four of them had to huddle together to keep warm...

The scene was so beautiful that Irving couldn’t even imagine it, let alone joining!

"You are useful!"

Sheldon raised his voice: "Compared to the three of them, you are the most useful!"


Owen smiled bitterly and said: "But the most important thing about this scientific research is experimental observation. This is your and Leonard's major. Howard can be in charge of equipment, and Rajesh can assist you in observing celestial phenomena. In terms of mathematics, you are actually very good... …”

"I know."

Sheldon nodded and said: "But we still lack a muscle! You are our muscle. When the 1,500-pound polar bear pounces on us, I hope you can use your other side skills to push up and protect us."

"That's true!"

"I agree!"

"We have to go together!"

Leonard and the three others agreed.

"Muscle bodyguard~"

Owen's mouth twitched and he glanced at everyone speechlessly, thinking that he was a Fields Medal winner and the solver of three millennium mathematics problems. Who would have thought that in Sheldon's eyes, he would actually play the role of a muscle bodyguard...

"Think carefully and you will give me the answer later."

Sheldon walked towards the bedroom.

"You don't really plan to go, do you?"

Howard saw everyone looking deep in thought and became uneasy.

"Just a reminder, I haven't entered the bedroom yet and you can still hear it."

Sheldon's voice came.

"Damn Vulcan hearing."

Howard muttered, and after hearing the sound of the door closing, he repeated the question just now.

Leonard and Rajesh were inclined to agree because this scientific research would bring great glory once it was successful, while Owen thought about it again and again and chose to agree.

How does friendship between friends improve? It’s all accumulated step by step in daily life, plus the catalysis at certain critical moments!

For this Arctic scientific expedition, if all four Leonards go, but Irving alone chooses not to go, wouldn't this mean that he is isolating himself from this group?

Isn't it just three months? Owen, who had the Internet in his previous life and could stay at home for a year, said that this is all trivial. As for the unmentionable heating night, as long as you have the will and money, you can completely avoid it!

"Well, gentlemen, what is your choice?"

"I'm joining. ×3!"


"Okay, I'll join in too."

Under the gaze of everyone, Howard reluctantly agreed.

PS: Thank you Hei for the reward! The second update in the evening will be advanced to 19:00. Please book in full and try not to skip booking!

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