Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 13 The red-sleeved move in the school (please vote for recommendation!)

North Shore Public High School.

Morning school time.

"Hi! Owen!"

"Uh, hi!"

"Hi Owen!"

"Hi Owen!"


Owen just rode into school. Wherever he went, there were groups of girls in twos and threes, all pointing and laughing. They looked at Owen with looks ranging from curiosity and surprise to shyness, evasion, and even flirtatious looks. , greeted Owen directly.

For a moment, Owen's transparent body seemed to be emitting golden light. Under the red-sleeved moves of the school, he directly transformed into Owen's school idol, which made countless boys stunned.

Some of the boys who were named school heroes turned away from their former sunshine and looked at Owen with hostility, because even they had never enjoyed this kind of honor.

Breaking news spreads so fast. If one or two people said this, others might think it was a joke, but there were so many people at the party last night. With so many people talking, others who didn’t witness the scene had to choose to believe it. , the real name of Owen's real man, dolphin lover, and the school's popular king, Li!

Owen didn't think of this for a moment. He was confused by the enthusiasm of so many girls in the school. He waved awkwardly to each of the enthusiastic girls he didn't know.

What he didn't expect was that during class, even the teachers from various subjects looked at him with strange eyes. A male teacher who was usually cheerful, even winked and gave him a thumbs up after class, which provoked him. Everyone laughed.


After school.

Owen felt numb and came to the classroom where the math competition team was to conduct extracurricular activities.

In the United States, these extracurricular activities are all credit-worthy. If Owen wants to be admitted to a prestigious university, it is necessary to increase his advantages as much as possible!

"Hey, buddy~"

As soon as I walked in, my shoulders felt heavy, and I saw Kevin Napole, an African guy who had always had trouble getting along with Irving. He put his feet up and put his hand on Irving's shoulders. He used Leonard to meet Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. The weird tone when talking about twin sisters, the flattering expression of "Ever since I saw your beautiful sister, I knew that I would consider you a brother in this life."

You know, the word buddy is only used by extremely close friends. After Kevin Napole failed to compete with Irving for the captaincy of the North Shore Middle School Math Olympiad team, he has always said that his nose is not a nose, his eyes are not eyes, and he is not even a friend. If not, how can I call him buddy?


Owen twitched the corners of his mouth, moved his shoulders, and took off Kevin Napole's hand. He frowned and looked down at him: "Kevin, what can you do?"

"no no."

Kevin Napole wanted to continue to get close to Irving, but he was too short. As long as Irving didn't cooperate, it would be difficult for him to hook up with Irving. He could only put down his arms with regret and said with a smile on his face: "We are the Olympia team. Teammates are all good friends and should be close to each other, right?"


Owen walked to a desk and sat down, put down his schoolbag, hummed noncommittally, folded his arms and looked at the African boy with a half-smile, wanting to see what the other person was up to.

Those who can participate in the Olympiad team have extraordinary IQs. Even though it is a public high school, most of the top student resources are taken away by private high schools. There are very few lv5-level geniuses, but the intelligence of the African boy has also reached the level of Owen's life. lv4 has a talent level.

If it weren't for Irving's always hard work and more or less accumulation of vision and mentality from his previous life, Irving might not have been able to defeat his opponent in a real fight. Captaining the Olympia team is also an honor, which will be very helpful for his future promotion to a top university. of.


Kevin Napole chuckled, rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Owen, I just want to be a good friend with you, so that I can have face when I say it out in the future..."

Seeing that Owen was unmoved, the African boy realized that he couldn't explain it clearly. His black face turned red and he said: "It's also more popular with women. You don't know, today is the day when I have the most contact with girls in my life, oh, god !Although the girls are all asking for news about you, it’s still so cool!”

"What do you want to know about me?"

Owen asked subconsciously.


The African boy changed his usual stiff academic look and raised his eyebrows in a very obscene manner: "It has been spread throughout the school for a long time. Everyone knows about your amazing performance last night. I have heard that the heroine is invited today. I am on sick leave. I heard that my voice is hoarse and I am not feeling well... Buddy, you are so awesome, you are simply my idol!"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Irving really couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the black guy. The screams of buddy made his skin crawl. He waved his hand and said, "Just call me by my name. So you want to use me to get close to girls?"

"Yes, Owen."

The African boy's eyes lit up and he said: "When fighter jets perform missions, they usually have a wingman to provide support. I can be your wingman."

"The kind where once the attack fails, the main engine retreats, the wingmen cover it, and if necessary, die together with the enemy?"

Owen said amusedly: "Are you willing to be this kind of cannon fodder?"

"Yes, yes."

The African boy first had a black question mark on his face, then nodded repeatedly and analyzed shrewdly: "With your combat power, the success rate of an attack can reach more than 90%. With such a high probability, even if there is the risk of becoming cannon fodder, it is worth it. After all, if there is no risk, there is no gain."

Irving joked: "Are you sure the wingman can enjoy the rewards of victory?"


The African boy smiled confidently: "You may not understand how dazzling your name is now. This is America. It's not just boys who chase girls. When girls see you, Owen, the real man, Dolphin Lover, the school idol Li, you will definitely The meetings come one after another.

As your good friend and fighting wingman, even if I was originally insulated from girls, under this kind of wave, I must be able to conduct electricity. I originally thought that I would not be able to take off my bad boy until I went to college, graduated, worked, or got married. I lost my hat, but I didn’t expect that a miracle would happen now.

Oh, god! I praise you! "

The African boy became more and more excited as he talked. He drew a cross on his chest and began praising God devoutly, leaving Owen speechless for a while.

However, after being reminded by the African guy, Owen finally understood everything and was in a good mood. Although this skill 1 consumed 50 years of his life and delayed the improvement of his intelligence again, the impact of its domineering power It's not very powerful, but Irving is very satisfied.

"Brother, no matter how you say it, you have brought glory to the nation, and it will be easier to collect driver cards in the future. This wave will definitely not be a loss..."

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