Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 120 Qiu Mingshan Car God (please vote for recommendation!)

Fujiwara Tofu Shop.

"I'm home."

The drunk Fujiwara Bunta was lying on the floor, squinting at Fujiwara Takumi who entered the door, and said casually: "Did you win?"

"No, no."

Fujiwara Takumi whispered, handed the key to Fujiwara Bunta, lowered his head and walked upstairs.


Fujiwara Bunta was startled, sat up suddenly, and said sternly: "You lost? Why?"

The people of the island country have a very strong sense of glory. Once they fail, they will commit suicide in a matter of seconds. In Fujiwara Bunta's view, it is a certain fact that Fujiwara Takumi will become famous after defeating GTR32 at Akina Mountain tonight, but the result turned out not to be. It seems that this naughty kid still needs a spanking.

"A red car suddenly appeared behind me. It was too fast, surpassing the GTR32 and my AE86."

Fujiwara Takumi said in frustration: "His drifting skills are simply amazing. Even five consecutive hairpin turns did not slow him down much. We are not opponents at the same level at all."

"Red racing car?"

Fujiwara Bunta narrowed his eyes: "Not an opponent on the same level? When did the island country allow such an awesome person to exist?"

Fujiwara Takumi hesitated to speak: "I heard that he came to participate in the Akina Mountain Racing Championship. This time he came here to test the car..."

"I see."

Fujiwara Bunta nodded slightly and looked at the listless Takumi: "Don't be discouraged. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your driving skills. Being defeated by the opponent is the problem of AE86. She is too old and needs to be refitted. Come with me."

With that said, Fujiwara Bunta got up and went out, taking Takumi with him, and drove the AE86 towards a friend's gas station, where he would refit and upgrade the AE86. He believed that the new AE86 would successfully pass on his Akinayama car god's reputation to His son Takumi.

a week later.

Qiu Mingshan.

late at night.

Compared with usual, tonight's Akina Mountain is a real event for the racing community.


Five racing cars, two by two, corresponding to each other, parked at the starting point in turn. Their respective owners stood in front of their cars and looked at each other.

The two cars in the front are DK and Fujiwara Takumi, the two cars in the second row are Xige and Kato Ryuji, and Irving's Lightning car is in the last row.

"Everyone, according to Mr. Watanabe's request, the winner takes all. The final winner will get the rest of the drivers' cars and will be awarded the title of Akina Mountain Racing God. Do you understand?"

A man in a suit said seriously.

"I have a request."

Owen raised his voice.

"Please say."

"The loser must personally say to the winner in person, 'I'm convinced, you are the Akina Mountain Racing God'."


The man who hosted the competition on behalf of Watanabe pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Everyone, do you have any objections?"

"No! ×4"

Although it was a bit shameful to admit defeat personally, it was a loss after all, and the others had no resistance. However, Kato Ryuji looked at Owen in surprise, wondering why Owen didn't repeat his previous request...

But it doesn't matter anymore. This time, he wants Owen to try the feeling of overturning a car again. In Qiu Mingshan, once a car overturns, the chance of survival is low!

Da da da!

There was a sound of helicopter blades rotating. Everyone looked up and saw a helicopter hovering above their heads. The on-board camera was already focused on them. It was obviously arranged by the old ghost Watanabe.

"Okay, since you have no objections, let's get ready to start. Don't keep Mr. Watanabe waiting."

Everyone got in the car one after another, started the engine, roared, and got ready to go.

The moment the beauty's magic weapon landed, all five cars moved. This time Owen did not take the lead because he was in the last column and the vehicles in front did not spread out, so he had no way to overtake.


Nozomi in GTR32 glanced at Kato Ryuji behind him, and was surprised by the strength of the previous Akinayama racing god. Although he was very confident in his driving skills, it was just a hobby after all. Photography was his main business, and his driving skills were absolute It is impossible to surpass the previous Akina mountain biker.

Although he couldn't figure it out, it didn't stop him from accelerating the distance between them.

Fujiwara Takumi drove the modified and upgraded AE86 and was easily in the first place. No matter how hard DK behind him tried to catch up, he could not follow up. On the contrary, after a few corners, the distance widened even further.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

When Xige's GTR32, Kato Ryuji's yellow car and Owen's red lightning all passed him, DK, the king of hot Beijing drift, turned red and yelled angrily in the car.

But he didn't know that compared to the really experienced drivers like Xige, Kato, and Owen, he, the King of Rejing Drift, was too immature...


Owen looked at Kato Ryuji, who had been suppressing his speed. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood what the opponent was planning. He sneered and accelerated past a corner.

"It's coming, it's coming! You're dead!"

Kato Ryuji's sunglasses flashed, he hit the accelerator and wanted to hit the rear of Irving's car.


But before he could get closer, the red lightning accelerated again, turned into a red shadow, and sped away. No matter how hard Kato Ryuji hit the accelerator, the distance between him and the red lightning became wider and wider, and there was no way he could hit Owen.

There is only one possibility in this situation, and that is that not only is Owen's driving skills far superior to his, but the performance of the modified racing hardware also completely overwhelms his car.

Irving looked in the rearview mirror at the yellow car that was chasing so hard but seemed so powerless, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It's time to end this boring car race."

With that said, he speeded up again, surpassing Xige and Fujiwara Takumi in a row, racing wildly, crossing the finish line first without any suspense, and won the race.

The title Akinayama Car God has various meanings. Compared to running wildly on the track, Owen prefers another kind of car god racing...

"I'm convinced, you are the Akina mountain bike god! ×4!"

At the finish line, under the watchful eye of Agent Watanabe, Kato Ryuuji had to surrender like the other three people even if he was unwilling.

"very good."

Owen checked the system. When the four people admitted defeat, the existence points immediately increased by 120 points, and all the accumulated positive electrodes were collided.

The system prompts Owen that he can return to the positive universe at any time.


"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

As soon as Kato Ryuuji returned to his residence, he was still wondering why Owen didn't make that shameful request, when he was picked up by people from left to right, covered his head, and taken away.

Inside a familiar apartment.

Jinguji Sora and Owen modified and debugged the car together. After answering a phone call, he smiled at Owen and said, "It's done. I really don't know why you made such a disgusting request."

Owen wiped the bright and huge headlights and said with a wicked smile: "Have you been with him for so long and you didn't find out about his hobbies in this area?"

"of course not."

Jinguji Sora said speechlessly: "It's not those evil anime plots. In reality, no one would like that..."


Owen smiled and said nothing and continued to adjust the car. Seeing that Jinguji Sora couldn't figure out the reason, he simply stopped asking. She is also a car lover, so she started adjusting with Owen.

The engine roared all night.

The next day.

TV station hot Beijing morning news.

"Early this morning, a man was found drowned in a cesspool in a public toilet. Preliminary police investigation speculated that the man might be a very rare food and feces lover. Because he was too concerned, he accidentally fell into the cesspool and drowned. , the police remind the general public to choose hobbies carefully and pay attention to safety at all times..."

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