Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 118 Car Thief (please vote for recommendation!)

In a high-end apartment.

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door. Jinguji Sora lazily stood up, put on his pajamas, and opened the door. Then he was stunned: "Officer Li?"

"Excuse me, Dean of Jinguji Temple, I want to ask you something. Is it convenient for me to go in and talk?"

Owen smiled politely.


Jinguji Sora hesitated for a moment, but finally got out of the way: "Officer Li, please come in."

The two of them sat down on the sofa.

"Officer Li, what do you want?"

Jinguji Sora asked with twinkling eyes.

Owen admired Jinguji Sora's plump and attractive curves, and said leisurely: "We all know the truth about Kato Ryuuji. What I want to ask is why did Jinguji Director pay so much for him? Is it really because of love? ?”

"I do not know what you are talking about!"

Jinguji Sora's expression changed, and he said coldly: "As for the private matters between me and Long Er, there is no need to talk to an outsider like you. If there is nothing else, please leave!"

"There's no rush yet."

Owen smiled calmly and said: "It's still early, let's watch a movie first. I believe that after watching it, you will have more patience, Headmaster of Jingu Temple."

"what movie?"

A flash of panic flashed in Jinguji Sora's eyes, he stood up and shouted: "I won't watch! Please leave!"

"you sure?"

Owen's lips curled up: "You are the heroine of the movie. Don't you want to see your own performance?"

Jinguji Sora's legs went weak, and he slumped down on the sofa, looking at Owen in horror, with a trace of despair flashing in his eyes.

"take it easy."

Owen moved to Jinguji Sora's side, put his arm around her shoulders, and comforted her: "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. In my opinion, this matter is definitely a blessing rather than a curse for you. Come, let's watch the classics together. A romantic drama about Beijing."

As he spoke, he turned on his phone, and a video that lasted one and a half hours plus one minute appeared on the screen. The first hour and a half was very eye-catching. It is the stage of supernormal routines most commonly used by islanders. The last minute is the real highlight... …

"You, where did you get it?"

Sora Jinguji looked desperate and asked in a trembling voice.

"Although I have been burning CDs before, after all, I have worked in the IT department, so this little hacker trick is still not a problem."

Owen felt the trembling of the beauty in his arms, and said with a raised corner of his mouth: "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's analyze the male and female protagonists from an objective point of view. First of all, one thing is certain. The male protagonist does not love the heroine at all. Are you right? ?”


Jinguji Sora was speechless, but the sadness in his eyes silently confirmed Owen's analysis.

"very good."

Owen continued to talk nonsense: "Looking at the heroine, she seems to love the hero very much. She can even endure these things. She is obedient and cooperative and is no doubt a slave. But in my opinion, this is more like a disease! A man-made thing. Sick!"

Jinguji Sora's whole body trembled again.

"From a psychological point of view, when a person suffers an unprecedented impact, his ideas will be distorted unconsciously, and he may even form a weird behavior that ordinary people cannot understand."

Owen laughed and said: "In this movie, it was vividly demonstrated. Dean of Jinguji Temple, do you really love Kato Ryuji? Or is your body inseparable from him?"

"what on earth do you want?"

Jingujiai shouted feebly.

"Kato Ryuji is an old driver, and you have a car that he has been honing for a long time. I want to be a car thief, what do you think?"

Owen teased.


Jinguji Sora shook his head and said: "You don't understand, I can't live without Long Er..."

"You must have heard that Kato Ryuji and I made an appointment to race in Akina Mountain."

Owen smiled weirdly: "He thought he was sure to win, and he even agreed to such a request. Of course, I also know that these verbal agreements are false. When the time comes, he really won't admit it, and there is nothing I can do against him. .

So what I have to do now is to cut off the support behind him, so that he will have to admit it when the time comes!

And I heard that you are his biggest supporter, so I can only come here to find you, and use you to compete with Kato Ryuji in the air to see who is the real driver...

Don't say it's impossible. You won't know the result until you try it in the car. I believe you won't refuse, right? "

"Do I have a choice?"

The Jingu Temple well said blankly.

"Of course."

Owen smiled and said: "The first option: I drive automatically, the second option: You drive automatically, what is your choice?"

Seeing Jinguji Sora's silence, Owen nodded and said with a smile, "It seems you already have a choice."

After one day and one night.

In front of a brand new racing car.

"Who is this Watanabe?"

Owen asked lazily.

"He's an old bastard!"

Jinguji Sora wiped away his previous numbness, became energetic, and cursed bitterly: "When he was young, he loved racing and was very perverted and lustful. He was just like Kato Ryuji, but he was born in a famous family, and his power and wealth made it easy for him to get these things. .

Later, I had a serious health problem and I couldn't do anything anymore, but I still couldn't let go of my hobby of racing, so I organized the Akina Mountain Racing God Race to enjoy my life.

When I was in college, Kato Ryuji and I were classmates. I didn't know what kind of person he was at the time, and he abandoned me after being humiliated. Later, I came to St. Juliana Hospital and met Watanabe. He was an old bastard. I could tell at a glance that he was an old bastard. He recognized my differences... so he looked at me differently and promoted me to the position of dean.

Kato Ryuji heard about my promotion, found me, and forced me to introduce Watanabe. In Kato Ryuji, Watanabe saw the shadow of his young self, so he had a good impression of him.

Like many weird old men from island countries, Watanabe is still very perverted even though he is powerless, so the contact between them has always been arranged by me..."

"So that's it."

Owen was suddenly enlightened and pondered: "If I defeat Kato Ryuji in the Akina Mountain Racing Championship, do you think Watanabe will stand up for Kato Ryuji?"

"If it were before, if I begged, Watanabe would probably do it, but now he won't. Without my reminder, a big man like him would have no time to pay attention to a little man like Kato."

Jinguji Sora looked at Owen with eyes full of 'love', which far exceeded the 'love' she had seen before when she saw Kato Ryuuji. This is the domineering power of Skill 1 redeemed by the system...

"very good."

Owen's lips curled up: "How are my car-stealing skills?"

"Amazing skills."

Jinguji Sora murmured: "Break the glass, pull off the fuse, and manually ignite the car. No car can stop you from doing this violently."

"It's not just that."

Owen patted Jinguji Sora and reminded: "I also modified and upgraded it. Now it is a smart car that can drive automatically. Didn't you notice?"


Owen's answer was the roar of the racing car...

PS: Thanks for the reward from Death’s Promise!

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