Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 107 I recognize you as a brother (please vote for recommendation!)

Outside Chicago.

Samson Manor mansion.

"Hmph! It's like you don't want to?"

Although what Owen said was true, Bianca still told the key.


Owen was immediately speechless and couldn't even slap his hand. Without his half-hearted push, even if Bianca was a crazy female doctor, it would be useless.

"You also know that I am a real man, how could I refuse such a thing?"

Owen smiled coquettishly and said, "Besides, in that case, I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it."

Bianca's heart trembled, she was speechless, and thought to herself: "What Isabel and the others said is not an exaggeration at all. Owen is indeed a real man, and he is indeed... shameless!"

Thinking of this, Bianca stood up and left. What a resentful girl she was. As for Owen, she thought about it as a female doctor. After thinking about it, she directly regarded Owen as a tool. She only used it when she was around. And she also has a boyfriend...

This Christmas passed with Irving being treated like a tool.

December 26th.

At night.

Jingle Bell.

Owen's cell phone rang. He took it out, looked at it, smiled at Bianca and said, "It's Barry."

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"Buddy, I have some good news for you. Rachel and I have set a wedding date."

On the other end of the phone, Barry smiled happily.

"Oh, great, congratulations."

Owen smiled and said, "When is the wedding date? Do you need my help?"

"March 12th."

Barry shouted: "Of course I need your help, you are my chief best man!"


Owen's lips curled up: "That's really my honor. You know, when I first met you and Rachel, I was thinking, I recognize you as a brother."

Bianca next to her instinctively felt that there was something wrong with Owen's words, but she didn't understand what the problem was because she didn't know that it was a joke from the other side of the ocean.

"Hi, Barry, congratulations!"

"Hey, is it Bianca?"

Barry on the other end of the phone was startled, and then reacted: "I forgot about your relationship with Owen. Are you spending Christmas together this year?"


Bianca smiled and said: "You and Rachel have been engaged for so long. You should have gotten married long ago, but why didn't you inform me first? You know, you and Owen met because of me!"

Barry is a dentist who interned at the Holy Grace Hospital in Chicago where Bianca is. Owen and he also met at a doctor's party hosted by Bianca's best friend Isabel. At that time, he also brought his daughter who flew over from New York to see him. Friend Rachel Green.

"Sorry, sorry."

Barry apologized: "Of course I won't forget you. The invitation will be sent soon. The reason why I informed Owen first is because he is my chief best man..."

In the United States, wedding invitations are very formal. They are usually sent out 6-8 weeks in advance in the form of a wedding invitation letter, which contains the name of the couple, the wedding location, date and other wedding information. Some also ask guests to check in. Choose whether to bring a companion, choose the main meal, etc.

"Haha, just kidding."

Bianca interrupted Barry's explanation and said with a smile: "It's just that I never expected that you and Owen would have such a good relationship that you would invite him to be the chief best man."

The groom and the bride will have their own groomsmen and bridesmaids to assist the couple in organizing wedding affairs, especially the chief best man and chief bridesmaid, who have the important responsibility of leading various parties and also give speeches at the wedding.

It can be said that the chief best man is a very important status in Western-style weddings, and it is an honor that people like Barney strive to pursue. Of course, Barney values ​​​​the rights of the chief best man more... The legendary ultimate bachelor's night party, It is a classic project led by the chief best man.

"I didn't expect it either."

Barry sighed: "After playing with Owen a few times, I found that Owen is really cool. I am really lucky to be a good friend with him."

"Me too, Barry."

Owen smiled meaningfully: "Believe me, I think so too."

"Then it's settled, I have to inform the others to hang up now and see you later."

After chatting for a while, Barry hung up the phone.

"you have a problem!"

Bianca stared at Owen and said with certainty: "Although Barry is a nice person, he is definitely not worthy of your warm acceptance. Besides, in addition to having many female friends, how many male friends have you had such good relationships with over the years?

Barry has nothing to worry about, unless... well, it must be Rachel! I knew that since Rachel was so beautiful and you were so bad, you must have been plotting against her, right?


Irving was speechless after being dissected, and then he grinned and said, "In your mind, am I this kind of person?"

"do not you?"

Bianca believed in her own judgment more and more and looked at Owen with disdain.

"I...well, I am indeed this kind of person."

Owen shrugged.


Bianca said with disdain: "Barry trusts you so much, and you actually want to take advantage of Rachel? You are such a scumbag!"


Owen interrupted: "I just have pure admiration for Rachel, and I promise, I have absolutely no intention of destroying their marriage."


Bianca was startled by Owen's firm tone: "Then why do you get along so well with Barry?"


Owen smiled mysteriously: "Isn't it normal for people to be attracted by beautiful things and get closer and closer to them?"

Just like the unsolved mystery of cancer, Owen didn't want to talk about it, and Bianca couldn't do anything about it. Besides, she was so busy every day that she didn't have time to think about these boring gossips. When she saw that she couldn't ask anything, she left it alone. .

December 31st.

New Year's Eve.

Owen left Chicago and came to New York, where he met Barry and Rachel. Of course, Rachel's chief bridesmaid Mindy was also indispensable.

"The wedding I want is like this..."

Rachel described it with longing, and Owen and the three of them smiled and cheered. Everything seemed very harmonious, but Owen knew that under the table, Mindy was counting the coins in Barry's pants with her toes, and Barry was obviously enjoying it. I wish I had bundles of coins in my pants...

Wait until Rachel and Mindy leave.

"It's too much!"

Owen complained.

According to the American custom that Barney instilled in Owen, the bridesmaid should belong to the best man.

"I'm sorry~"

Barry smiled apologetically: "I didn't want to either, but you know~"

"Mmp! Why do these words sound so familiar?"

In a daze, Owen felt that these words were familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard them. However, his attention was not on that, but a meaningful reminder: "Barry, remember you owe me once."

"I know."

Barry nodded repeatedly: "I owe you a big favor, and I will definitely pay it back in the future!"

When Owen saw this, he smiled with satisfaction, saying nothing...

PS: Thank you for the tip!

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