Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 105 Trust Fund (please vote for recommendation!)

Outside Chicago.

Highland Park.

This is a satellite city of Chicago and an old wealthy area of ​​Chicago, adjacent to Lake Michigan.

A manor-style mansion is built next to the lake, covering an area of ​​nearly three hectares. Designed by top designers, it has beautiful natural scenery outside and full of modern technology inside.

There are floor-to-ceiling windows on all three floors of the villa. Looking out from the living room, you can have an unobstructed view of the beautiful lake.

The interior lines pursue simplicity and smoothness, and the texture is high quality. Various technological decorations and furniture add to the futuristic sci-fi feel of the entire villa.

There are a total of 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 7 garages, and other facilities such as large outdoor gardens, hot springs, saunas, massage rooms, swimming pools, activity rooms, and even basketball courts, golf courses, etc.

With a value of up to 8 million US dollars, it can be called a real mansion anywhere.

"Master Owen."

As the automatic iron gate outside the manor slowly opened, and under the respectful address of the doorman, a Ferrari sports car with graceful lines drove into the manor.

After driving on the beautiful tree-lined path for a while, we stopped.

"Ha! My dearest little Owen, you are finally back."

In the courtyard, a graceful lady was waiting there, surrounded by maids. When she saw Owen getting out of the Ferrari, she greeted him with a loving face and gave Owen a warm hug.

"Aunt Lisa."

Owen hugged back, and after letting go, he looked at the other person's complexion, smiled and asked, "How are you lately? Do you have any good inspiration?"

"Little Owen is so successful, how can I be bad?"

Lisa Samson pulled Owen and looked him up and down, and said with a loving smile: "You bought us such a big villa. This is something your Uncle Jack and I could never have dreamed of. We live so well, where do we get the inspiration?" You know, a life of hardship is the breeding ground for great works of art.”

This is the truth!

Although Jack Samson is a dentist and earns a lot of money, his annual salary is hundreds of thousands of dollars, which still makes him a standard middle class person in the United States.

Although Lisa is a part-time writer, it is more of a hobby. It is also a luxury to make a lot of money through writing.

The couple wants to buy this top-notch mansion worth 8 million US dollars. It is impossible for them to struggle for a lifetime. Even if they reluctantly buy it, they cannot afford the annual maintenance costs of hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, living in this luxurious manor villa and enjoying the rich life of being served by maids, it is really unimaginable for them who have not read some adventure novels on the other side of the ocean.

However, they were lucky in that they kindly adopted Irving and showed their sincerity in the process. When Irving took Wall Street by storm and became a real billionaire, he immediately gave them generous rewards.

You know, Irving's 'idol' and one of the providers of genius ideas, Steve Jobs, after becoming a billionaire, only gave $750,000 to his adoptive parents who spent all their money raising him to help him. Pay down debt and improve your life.

Although Jobs was famous for his stinginess and selfishness, judging from the fact that this incident was a good talk, the money should not be small. In fact, the $750,000 in 1980 was indeed a lot.

In the United States, billionaires actually refer to billionaires. Those with a net worth of 100 million should theoretically be called 100 millionaires.

Irving is a real billionaire, while Steve Jobs was only a few hundred millionaires back then. Although there is a time cost of 25 years, because the US dollar is relatively strong, US$750,000 is still far inferior to US$8 million.

The subsequent maintenance costs of the mansion were also contracted by Irving, which was another huge expense, and giving away the mansion was only one of Irving's big gifts. It can be imagined how generous Irving's gift was!

It can be said that in America, where couples are financially independent, this is definitely very rare!

This means that Owen has a good impression of the Samson family and is very systematic. It is too easy to get money, and he is not interested in money. He does not regard money as money. Otherwise, if it were anyone else, no matter how grateful he is to the Samson family, It will definitely not be so generous.

At night.

The lights are full of colors.

"Uncle Owen! ×2!"

A pair of cute eight-year-old twins rushed in from the door with shouts and ran into Owen's arms. Behind them came their mother's reminder and the sound of their father eating.

"Slow down, slow down!"

"Two little rascals, I have never received such a warm welcome from you."

"Hi Elizabeth Aaron."

"Hi, Owen! ×2!"

Owen and Elizabeth said hello, and Elizabeth gave Owen a warm hug just like Lisa did.

Speaking of these years, Elizabeth is carefree and has no big ambitions, but she has achieved her goals back then. She married a dentist like her father Jack, gave birth to a pair of cute twins, and lived a happy life. Elizabeth and Owen got along really well with each other. There's not much difference.

Elizabeth's husband, Aaron, is also very affectionate towards Irving. Of course, compared to Lisa and Elizabeth's sincerity, Aaron values ​​Irving's status as a billionaire and his unparalleled generosity more.

This involved another big move by Owen, who spent a large amount of money alone to establish a trust fund, which listed Lisa and his wife, Elizabeth and her pair of cuties, and Bianca as beneficiaries.

This is a typical method for rich people to pass on wealth. It not only inherits wealth, but also effectively limits the next generation's wanton squandering, breaking the curse of being rich for only three generations to a certain extent.

The trust fund is responsible for the maintenance costs of this mansion, and a large amount of future education, medical expenses and other expenses for Elizabeth's cute little pair are also included in it.

Aaron felt unwilling to accept that he was not selected as a beneficiary.

Owen is aware of this and can understand it!

After all, even on the other side of the ocean, when so much wealth is involved, acrimony may occur between real relatives. What's more, in the United States, the affection between each other must be discounted and reserved. .

If Aaron doesn't envy Irving's wealth, that's impossible!

But both of them are smart people, and Owen is not a genius like Sheldon who only has IQ but no emotional intelligence. When he was getting along with Aaron and even the Samson family, he quietly beat them several times and finally eliminated this kind of talent. The seedlings that had not yet broken through the ground were completely frozen to death in the ground.

With a lot of coaxing, Elizabeth temporarily coaxed the pair of cuties who were clinging to Owen away, and pulled Owen out of the mansion, walking and chatting in the beautiful courtyard.

"Owen, tell me the truth, what happened to you and Bianca?"

Suddenly, Elizabeth's voice suddenly changed and she asked a question that made Owen smile bitterly.

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