Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 103 Halloween (please vote for recommendation!)


2007, October 31.

At night.

Tomorrow is November 1st, one of the traditional Western festivals, Halloween, which is the Western version of Ghost Festival.

But similar to Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, tonight’s Halloween is the most exciting!

Every household began to dress up. Some lit jack-o-lanterns in front of their doors, and some did not. Those who lit jack-o'-lanterns said they welcomed children dressed up as various ghosts or cute characters from cartoons and animations to knock on the door and ask for candy. , if you don’t give candy, the children can cause mischief.

Not only children dress up like this, but also many adults, because they believe that there will be many ghosts and ghosts dressed up as children that night and blend into the crowd to celebrate Halloween. In order to make the ghosts and ghosts more harmonious and relaxed, they simply dress up like this.

Therefore, tonight it can be said that there are thousands of people, monsters and ghosts running rampant. It is larger and more lively than the San Diego Comic-Con International.

One can imagine how enthusiastic Sheldon and others, who although they are adults, still retain their childlike innocence and are hardcore comics and movie cosplay players, are.

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

Iron Man Sheldon has put on the steel suit and is sitting on his throne without even wanting to take off his helmet.

He was seen putting his hand on the armrest of the sofa while slightly shaking his steel eyes with blue light to scan the surroundings. People who are familiar with him know that Sheldon must have a smile of enjoyment under the steel mask.

Leonard was wearing a green uniform that highlighted his muscles, which outlined his entire abdominal muscles. He also deliberately put on makeup on his face, giving him a green look.

If it weren't for physical limitations such as short stature and a slightly protruding belly, Leonard's version of the Hulk would look pretty good.

Howard was much simpler, wearing a black agent uniform, carrying an arrow basket on his back, and holding a bow and arrow in his hand.

He used to often dress up as an archer, and he had a pair of extremely vulgar eyes that made Penny feel extremely uncomfortable when peeking from a distance. Therefore, Howard's version of Hawkeye is truly worthy of the name and full of charm!

Finally, there is the Rajesh version of the God of Thunder. Carrying the hammer of Thor and matching his gay spirit, this God of Thunder is more like a joke than a cool one!

Boom, boom, boom!

"The captain is here."

Seeing that the code was correct, Sheldon's version of Iron Man stood up, walked to the door, and opened it.


Robin, who was wearing a tight-fitting black secret service uniform, burst out laughing.

"team leader!"

Sheldon's cry of embarrassment came from the mask, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Robin's version of Maria Hill. This is not professional at all!

"Director Hill, please watch your posture."

Captain America, wearing a star-striped suit and holding a shield, shouted in a deep voice: "Don't forget the purpose of coming here."

"Sorry! Ahem!"

Robin quickly apologized, coughed lightly, straightened his slender body according to the script Owen had given him before, and said with an indifferent expression: "Mr. Stark."

"Chief Hill."

Sheldon nodded with satisfaction and stepped aside.

When Robin saw the three Leonards, he almost laughed again, but after all, he was a reporter and morning news host, and he had good self-control. With a cold face, he perfectly interpreted Maria Hill. The character of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The movie hadn't been filmed yet, so everyone naturally followed the setting in the comics. In the comics, Maria Hill once served as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Captain! ×3!"

"Where's Natasha?"

Captain America Owen looked around at everyone and asked with a righteous look.

"I am changing my clothes. My figure is too big and my clothes are too tight, so it will take more time."

Howard's Eagle Eyes, his 'Eagle Eyes' seemed to be able to penetrate two walls, said slyly: "If time is tight, I can go over and rush her!"


Leonard the Hulk pushed Howard Hawkeye away and shouted: "Hulk, smash you!"

"ok, ok!"

Howard Hawkeye raised his hand to show weakness and said: "Big guy, don't get excited, relax, I'm just joking."

"Hulk, I don't like it!"

Leonard Hulk glared at Howard with hawk eyes and roared.

Rajesh, the god of thunder, remained silent and looked at his back...

"Hey guys!"

Penny Black Widow, also dressed in a tight-fitting black suit, appeared.




The above voices come from Howard, Leonard, and Rajesh respectively.

"Jesus Christ!"

Director Robin Hill looked down at his feet, then looked up at Penny Black Widow, who was really about to explode under the tight-fitting uniform. She took a deep breath and leaned into Owen's ear, He complained: "Damn! Owen, why didn't you warn me in advance? If you had known, I would have equipped more magical things."

Women all have a desire to compare. The black tights that were almost the same style had two completely different effects. This made the defeated Robin very unhappy!

"It doesn't matter!"

Owen looked at Penny Black Widow righteously, and secretly praised Penny for nothing else, but the fat that grew horizontally was very powerful. He comforted Robin: "You are taking the glamorous route, how can she be with you?" Compare it!"


Robin was dubious, but a smile appeared on his lips.


Owen said firmly: "If I were to choose between you, I would 100% choose you!"

This is the truth. Regardless of appearance, temperament, or cosplay identity, Robin Hill completely beats Penny Black Widow. One is pursuing high-end private customization, while the other is pursuing mass consumption. Rare things are more valuable, and popularization Of course it can’t be compared to high-end private customization...

As for Owen's favorite ferocious temperament, just kidding, does Owen lack it?

The Big Bang Theory version of the Avengers finally assembled. Under the leadership of Owen, Captain America and Director Robin Hill, they went downstairs to Stewart's comic shop.


There were already many otakus in various costumes coming into the store. When Director Robin Hill and Penny Black Widow appeared, there were gasps one after another.

"Oh, my god!"

Robin had never seen such a scene. He took Owen's hand, pointed at the otakus who were standing there, and exclaimed: "Owen, look, they are bleeding, a lot of blood, are they okay?"

"What a shame!"

Howard glanced at the otakus with eagle eyes, and said with a proud smile: "They are just two beauties. Which one of you has not seen all the beauties in the world, and yet you are so rude?"

"Yes, but that's in the computer..."

Someone said weakly while wiping the nosebleed.

Tonight, the Big Bang Theory Avengers led by Owen won the championship with an undisputed lead! The party dispersed, and all the heroes thought the war was won, but they didn't know that a secret war was quietly starting...

PS: Thanks to Liu Aogu for the tip!

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