Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 586: two people pretending to be affectionate

   Chapter 586 Two people pretending to be affectionate

   Qin Yun softened his voice, "Wanhe, you know, if you were still there, I think I might really like you."

  Wan He, who was sitting in a wheelchair, smiled leisurely. Hearing Qin Yun's gentle and affectionate voice, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

like him?

   He doesn't have the slightest interest in love now, he just wants to take back what once belonged to him, and he wants Wan Zexi to taste the pain he once suffered.

  Thinking of his parents, his legs, Wan Hyuk hated Wan Zexi more and more.

   This kind of hatred became stronger and stronger as time passed, so strong that he couldn't wait to see Wan Zexi's tragic and painful end.

   Qin Yun pretended to be affectionate, and of course Wan He wanted to be polite.

Just when Qin Yun's brows were wrinkled and his heart began to feel a little uneasy, Wan He's low and gentle voice touched Qin Yun's eardrums, "It's okay, I know, you are so good, if I am like this now, if I continue to be as entangled as before. It's just dragging you down, you deserve better."

   Qin Yun was startled for a moment, it was the first time she had seen such a mature and calm Wan He.

   The former Wan Hyuk always gave her the feeling that a child would never grow up.

   If it wasn't for the person she likes now, she might really have a little bit of heart for the current Wanhyuk.

   But even then, Qin Yun will not be with Wan He, just like her brother said, she is the pampered eldest lady of the Qin family, what kind of man do you want?

   How could she find a disabled person to be her boyfriend, otherwise not only will she be mocked, but even the Qin family will be mocked along with her.

   Qin Yun's arrogance does not allow her to find a disabled person as her husband.

However, Wan He's gentle remarks made Qin Yun feel a little bit of guilt inexplicably. After all, Wan He really liked her very much, and even spent a lot of thought, money and energy for her. She was pleasantly surprised.

   "Wanhe, I'm sorry, you are actually really nice. I believe you will find someone who doesn't dislike you and loves you in the future." Qin Yun said softly.

   Little did she know that this sentence of hers caused a gloom in Wan He's eyes, and his fingers clenched tightly.

   Well said!

   is no different from those who laughed at him and ridiculed him.

   At the beginning, he didn't know how many times he had put his hot face on his cold butt, but Qin Yun had always ignored him. He thought he was good enough, and he was not worthy of her, the eldest miss of the Qin family.

   Now it seems that they are the same kind of people in some sense.

   Hypocritical and selfish.

  Wanhe: "Don't worry, I will help you, as long as you do as I say."

   "Okay!" Qin Yun agreed without thinking.



  In the car, Wan Zexi rubbed his temples, but there was nowhere to put his long legs.

   Speaking of the banquet in your circle, since the death of Wanda Mao, the Wan family has never been seen in the banquet hall.

   Banquets in your circle are nothing more than men drinking and talking about careers and interests. Women are naturally fighting openly and secretly, comparing each other.

  It is better than what to eat, wear, and play, than sons, daughters and even husbands.

When   Wan Zexi arrived, the banquet had just begun.

The arrival of the    boy naturally attracted the attention of many people.

  The teenager looks exquisite and beautiful, and a well-cut suit sets off the teenager's slender figure. The moment two straight and slender legs pass through the banquet hall, the hormones are bursting.

   (end of this chapter)

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