Chapter 568 No need

  Wanling thought something was going on over there. She leaned closer to the screen of her mobile phone, and when she listened to it, she heard steady breathing from there.


   This guy actually fell asleep first!

  Wan Ling rubbed her eyebrows in annoyance, and at the same time she was a little bit dumbfounded.

  Fu Liu, this guy knew that he wasn't very good at chatting, so he forced himself to chat with her awkwardly.

   Actually, it's not that Fu Liu doesn't know how to chat, but in front of Wanling, even if he chats across the phone, he doesn't know what to say, and he is afraid to say something that will make the other party unhappy.

   Maybe it was because the scenes and pictures of the day Wanling had an accident became a lingering shadow in his mind, which caused him to unconsciously feel a little cautious when talking and chatting with Wanling.

   As long as he thinks of the picture of that day, Fu Liu's tone will subconsciously become very gentle. He is not a patient person, on the contrary, his temper is very short-tempered.

   But in front of Wanling, Fu Liu will consciously restrain a little temper, and be a little more gentle and patient.

   So most of the girls were chatting on the phone, while he listened carefully, and then made an "um" from time to time to indicate that he was listening carefully.

  Wan Ling has a bad habit when she speaks, that is, she will repeat what she said several times unconsciously, but Fu Liu always responds to her tirelessly.

  Fu Liu was addicted to staying up late, so he was prone to insomnia at night. Originally, he thought that the girl's voice was so loud that he might not be able to sleep anymore.

   But these days he didn't want to call Wanling, he slept until dawn.

   Although this girl speaks very loudly, her voice is soft, soft, and very pleasant.

  Fu Liu: "If you want to fight, fight."

  Where did so many come from and why?

  Wan Ling's eyes couldn't help twitching. If Fu Liu wasn't her master, she might have been in the past.

   It was so much to say that she wanted to flatter him.

  Fu Liu: "It's too boring to stay at home, it's time to come out and breathe."

go out?

  Wan Ling pursed his lips and replied, "I don't really want to go out."

   She didn't know what she was struggling with, she just didn't want to go out anyway.

   In addition to reading books and playing mobile phones these days, or sleeping, or watching the e-sports competition between her brother and sister-in-law Mo.

   Hearing this, Fu Liu was quiet for a few seconds before slowly replying: "It's useless to escape, some things are better dealt with face to face."

  Who is Fu Liu referring to, Wanling is naturally clear in his heart.

   That person came to her, although Steward Zhou did not tell her, but she could see the situation below through the window.

   Watching the thin back gradually drift away, until it disappeared, Wan Ling just pulled down the curtain in a trance.

   She couldn't tell how she felt.

   But the only thing she knew was that it was impossible for her and Qin An.

   doesn't mean it's impossible, but from the very beginning she and Qin An are two parallel lines, no matter where or in which direction they lead, they will never have any intersection.

   Seeing that Wanling was suddenly silent, Fu Liu said solemnly, "Can't you let him go?"

   When Fu Liu asked this sentence, there was a dim light in his eyes that was hard to detect.

  Wanling was silent for a moment, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "No, I just don't think it's necessary."

   There is no need to say anything to that person.

  There is no need to see that person again.

   Because her heart was already empty.

   She no longer hates or resents.

   He has his family, and she has her life. It is good for everyone to put it down earlier.

   (end of this chapter)

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