Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 566: seductive unconscious

   Chapter 566 Sultry without knowing it

  Chu Huang: "This child is stubborn, he will always choose to escape unless he is forced. My father did not say that he did not give Xiaojun time to work outside. Now that he is done, it is time to go home."

   Mo Siyin sighed leisurely: "Try not to push too hard, or it will easily backfire."

  Chu Huang smiled softly: "There is no way, who made father his favorite child is Xiaojun!"

   "By the way, I think with my father's character, the Moss family won't let it go, and may send someone again."

   As the daughter of that person, Mo Siyin is very aware of that person's character. As long as he makes a decision, no one will be allowed to disobey.

   The smile in Chu Huang's eyes suddenly became a little colder, but the gentle smile just now showed a bit of a cold feeling.

   "Although the Moss family has a lot of power in Europe, our Chu family can't even protect individuals."

   Mo Siyin seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but asked worriedly, "Aren't you going to tell that kid Mo Yu?"

When Mo Yu was mentioned, Chu Huang chuckled and said, "Siyin, you underestimate Mo Yu, he is smarter than we thought, although he has always been indifferent to the Mosi family, but to be honest It's definitely fake that he doesn't care, and we don't say it, it doesn't mean he won't check it himself."

   Mo Siyin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Yeah, how can eldest brother's son be stupid!"



"What are you looking at?"

   Looking at Mo Yu, who had been staring at the computer all afternoon, Wan Zexi couldn't help but ask, and moved towards the side subconsciously.

   Mo Yu hurriedly clicked the Enter key with his finger, and when Wan Zexi came over to look, there were some unknown codes on the screen.

  Wan Zexi is not a professional hacker after all, so naturally he cannot understand these codes.

  Mo Yu's heart just panicked, seeing Wan Zexi staring at the video all the time, he moved a little to the left calmly.

   He felt that the boy's breathing kept blowing in his ear, and the tip of his ear was unconsciously stained with a hot pink.

   "You, do you want to learn?" Mo Yu asked in a low voice.

  Wan Zexi came back to her senses, and then put her eyes on Mo Yu's face. Looking at the indifferent young man, she asked curiously, "When you first started learning this, was it difficult?"

   "It's quite simple!" Mo Yu's body tensed unconsciously.

   Just because the boy's body was so close.

   Indistinctly, Mo Yu seemed to smell a faint aroma. The aroma seemed to be emanating from the boy's body, and it was very fragrant.

  Wan Zexi's low mellow voice laughed: "It's quite interesting."

   Mo Yu's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his voice was unnaturally hoarse: "I'll teach you."

  Wan Zexi spared the sofa and sat on the right side of Mo Yu with an elegant posture.

   "Yes, if I can't learn it, don't dislike me."

  The boy smiled casually, with a bit of a ruffian feeling in his eyes.

   Looking at an unruly but very seductive young man, Mo Yu's eyes flashed with gloom, "You can study as long as you want."

  The world is never short of geniuses, but it happens that Wan Zexi is one of them.

  Mo Yu is very confident in Wan Zexi's learning ability, but his thoughts at the moment can't help drifting away.

   The boy was very close to Mo Yu, and Mo Yu could feel the opponent's shoulder touching his own. He only had to turn his face to see the boy's beautiful face in front of him.

   A faint aroma came to his nostrils. Although he was very surprised why a man had this kind of aroma on his body, he didn't think too much about it. It was only the aroma that the teenager should have sprayed with some kind of perfume.

   Mo Yu's appearance fell into Wan Zexi's eyes, but it looked like he was teaching her very seriously.

  Wan Zexi had a smile in his eyes, and his originally casual attitude became a little more serious.

   After all, the other party has taught her so seriously, and she should study seriously.

   (end of this chapter)

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