Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 563: way of memory

   Chapter 563 The way of memory


   Nanjiao Cemetery.

  Chu Jun: "What did you ask me to do here?"

  Chu Jun's tone is very bad, after all, this place is a cemetery.

  Leng Qi involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chu Jun's car appear.

   When he called, he was not sure whether Chu Jun would come here, after all, this request was too strange.

   But he still wanted to gamble.

   Sure enough, this guy is still here.

  Chu Jun looked around, he frowned, "Cemetery?"

   "Well, follow me and you'll know." Leng Qi's voice sounded hoarse and weak at this time, which made Chu Jun's eyes finally focus on Leng Qi.

  Chu Jun was stunned for a few days, how did this guy become so desolate.

  I saw that the other party's hair was messy, and it looked like he hadn't taken care of it for a long time. There was a layer of light dark circles under his eyes, which looked like he hadn't slept for several nights.

  Leng Qi naturally felt Chu Jun's surprised look at him, and he said in a light voice: "What? Is it strange?"

  Chu Jun pursed his lips, looked away, and said solemnly, "Why did you ask me to come here?"

  Leng Qi didn't answer, he just put the car key in his pocket and looked at the cemetery in the row after row, his legs stepped up the stairs.

  Chu Jun suddenly felt a sense of dryness in his heart. Looking at the thin back on the stairs, he stayed there for two seconds before finally following up.

   For some reason, looking at the tombstone on the side, Chu Jun's intuition was telling him that the danger ahead was very dangerous, as if warning him not to go any further, don't go any further.

   His heart almost suffocated, and a little sweat appeared on his forehead at some point.

   The moment he saw the figure in front turn to the right and stopped in front of the second tombstone, Chu Jun couldn't help but stop.

  Under the sunlight, Chu Jun stopped on the stairs.

   The distance is a bit far, and the words on the tombstone are a little blurry in Chu Jun's view. I don't know if the sun's rays are interfering with the line of sight, or it's something else, he just doesn't dare to go any further.

   For a moment, Chu Jun's mind was racing, and there was a possibility that he couldn't imagine, which was about to come out.

  Leng Qi didn't look back, her drooping eyes stared straight at the tombstone in front of her, "Why don't you come up?"

  Chu Jun subconsciously clenched his fists, his eyes darkened, and after staying in place for nearly a minute, Chu Jun finally opened his legs, and then stepped onto the stairs step by step.



The sound of   's foot on the ground was clearly transmitted to Chu Jun's ears in a moment, so clear and loud.

   The moment he saw the tombstone, Chu Jun inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing what he was really happy about.

  Because there are no words or photos on the tombstone, only a bouquet of flowers is placed on it.

   However, Leng Qi's next move completely left Chu Jun almost out of breath.

  Leng Qi took out the photo, glanced at the tombstone, then bent down gently, and gently placed the photo at the fingertips in front of the tombstone.

   The handsome young man in the photo is no longer familiar to the two people present.

  Chu Jun only felt that his mind was blank, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. From his heart to his body, the whole body froze instantly.

  Leng Qi carefully looked at the young man in the photo, and didn't know what to think, suddenly smiled softly and said, "Speaking of which, Mo Shang hates taking pictures the most. This is the photo we took together at that time."

   (end of this chapter)

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