Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 561: hot search physique

   Chapter 561 Hot Search Physique

   In fact, Wang Xiao has always felt that he is the relatively useless person in the team. He has a reckless personality, rectitude, and his skills are at the bottom of the team.

   But when he saw the last game, Wang Xiao was relieved slowly.

   I don’t know if I’m letting go of my previous thoughts, or I’m letting go of my regret that I couldn’t play the game because of my injury.

  He thought, probably a little bit!

   Because for him, being able to enter Xingyao was already his greatest luck.

   Not to mention meeting such a group of people.



   As soon as Zhang Xiaodong opened Weibo, he was attracted by the number one title on the entertainment hot search list today.

  # Mo Yu lost his horse? ? ? #

   Drop the horse?

  What horse?

   Zhang Xiaodong's mother sold the batch in his heart, but his face was calm, after all, he was used to it.

  My own artist is on the hot search every three days, and the artists of other families are not as popular as their artists when they go the black and red route, and they have a proper hot search physique.

   After all, his artist has not been in business for a long time since he acted in the drama of life, and he has to remind him to send a Weibo.

   At first, he was worried that his artist would lose powder, there was no heat, and then it became cold and mushy.

   Now it seems impossible!

   Last time, because his artist was out of business for a long time, he didn’t even post a Weibo, and the fans below all acted coquettishly and begged his artist to open, even if they were closed, at least post a few more Weibo!

   Then this matter became a hot search again, Zhang Xiaodong only felt a feeling that he couldn't tell in his heart.

  I think he has brought several artists, and he has never experienced such an exciting thing.

   I thought it was a female artist, but who knew that he was actually a real male artist.

  Sometimes, he feels inexplicably tired. To be honest, every time he sees his own artist on the hot search, he is always on his guard. In a place like Weibo, there are all kinds of people and all kinds of comments.

   Let’s take the issue of the gender of his artist. Up to now, the hot search is still in the top five on the Weibo list, which is really popular.

He didn't want to read the comments below   , but he couldn't hold it back, he's a cheap hand!

   Then he was shocked by the comments under the hot search.


   Those sunspots can say anything, and the insulting words are simply unsightly.

   Dirty and twisted!

   What's even more outrageous is that a lot of marketing accounts swarmed to engage in this topic, to **** the blood of his artists.

  Those who didn't know thought that his artist had murdered and set fire to it!

   is so crazy!

   So this is why he was not dissatisfied with Wan Zexi at first, because Wan Zexi's identity was destined to attract the attention of many people.

   caused the envy of many people in the circle!

After all, Wan Zexi is such a handsome and well-identified person that it is too late for the star artists in the circle to curry favor. What's more, Wan Zexi also registered and posted Weibo for his artist's sake, and then openly admitted two things under the camera of the media. personal feelings.

   Zhang Xiaodong has to admit that his family's artists have come this way too smoothly, at least in the eyes of those outsiders, it is too smooth.

   One's own condition is one in ten thousand, not to mention that there is a person like the Prince of Ten thousand who is specially spoiled, can he not make people jealous?

   Another point is that his artist is a man, so many so-called big V like to talk about two/men falling in love, secretly disgusting his artist.

   (end of this chapter)

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