Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 556: The stars shine and never fall (11)

   Chapter 556 The stars shine and never fall (11)

  Xiao Man lowered her eyes, she never officially looked up at Leng Qi from beginning to end.

  Leng Qi looked at Xiao Man like this and felt his heart grow colder. After all, this is the girl he once liked.

   He gritted his teeth word by word and asked: "I ask you, where is Mo Shang? Did something happen?"

  Xiao Man: "..."

   "Xiao Man!" Leng Qi's eyes were frighteningly cold at this moment.

   Xiao Man's heart gradually filled with panic and fear, her hands hanging down on both sides clenched hard, and her fingernails almost cut the skin.

   For a long time!

   Staring at the other party's cold eyes, Xiao Man finally spoke, his voice was hoarse and dry, sounding very uncomfortable, "A few years ago, he died in an accident!"


  Leng Qi was stunned!

  's head was dazed for a moment, blank.

   "I don't know..." Xiao Man gradually raised a bitter smile.

"do not know……"

"I really don't know...why did things become like this, I never thought he would die! He just lay in front of my eyes with blood on his's really scary!" Xiao Man seemed to be imagining the scene at that time, but her eyes were empty, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

  Leng Qi looked desperate, he looked at Xiao Man's dull and empty eyes, his mouth trembled and said: "Tell me, why did he have an accident?"

  When Mo Shang suddenly announced his withdrawal from the circle, he felt very strange, but because he and Mo Shang had a bad relationship at that time, he didn't care too much about it.

  Thinking about it now, there must be a reason why Mo Shang quit the circle.

   Xiao Man's eyes flashed a trace of guilt, she thought she was covering up well, but she didn't know that Leng Qi had seen through her.

  Leng Qi suddenly sneered, "The accident back then wasn't accidental, it was intentional, am I right?"

   "No!" Xiao Man shook his head frantically, "No, no, no, it's just an accident."

   "Xiao Man!" Leng Qi firmly grabbed Xiao Man's shoulder, "Don't lie to me, don't I know what kind of character you have?"

  Xiao Man stared blankly at the way Leng Qi roared at her, and once again recalled the scene of Mo Shang's accident in his mind.


   Brake sounds!

  Mo Shang just fell in front of her eyes, covered in blood, so dazzling and scorching eyes.

   Until now, the look the other party looked at her before she died, she would do it every night in a dream.

   What kind of look is that!

   His eyes were always full of light, and at that moment, the only beam of light slowly disappeared, and the rest was black, numb and desperate black.

   "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xiao Man finally collapsed and cried softly.

  Leng Qi lowered his arms weakly as he looked at the woman who was madly saying sorry. At this moment, he was drained of all his strength, and his back slowly slid down against the wall.

   Xiao Man cried more and more and couldn't cry, his body was trembling slightly, and his heart was even more painful.

   At this moment, Leng Qi suddenly regretted it.

   He regretted that he had liked the woman in front of him.

   He regretted why he was so self-willed in the first place.

   He regretted why he didn't go to Mo Shang earlier.

  I regret it...

   He really regretted it...

   I just feel as if the soul is crying.

   "Do you know how much I hate you now?" Leng Qi's eyes were stained with scarlet, and his expression was extremely cold.

   He should have seen this woman long ago.

   is both hypocritical and selfish, and can leave anyone for profit.

   (end of this chapter)

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