Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 554: The stars shine and never fall (9)

   Chapter 554 The stars shine and never fall (9)

   "Fuck! There is such an operation?"

   "It shocked my whole family."

   After watching online game competitions for so many years, I have seen Wan Zexi's showy operations there.

   It's just a show group!

   "Can you fight like this? Won't there be any trouble?"

   "The test is tacit understanding. Two people share a keyboard, which is really awesome!"

  Lin Qi's face suddenly turned ugly, this Long Live Lord is really in the way.

   "Referee, isn't this a violation?" Someone shouted in the direction of the referee.

   The referee was also shocked by Wan Zexi's operation for a long time and couldn't come back to his senses.

   was stunned for a while.

   The referee finally came to his senses.

   "It doesn't count, as long as it's not cheating or something, it doesn't count."

   In fact, this situation is really the first time those referees have encountered.

   It’s hard to say whether it’s illegal.

  This kind of operation can't be controlled by players without super high technology. This young man named Wan Zexi is really a god.

   is a bit more powerful than the Moshen of the year.

   Actually, Jun Chu was slightly startled by Wan Zexi's sudden operation.

   But then he quickly regained his composure and composure.

   Surprisingly, they got along pretty well.

  The audience just felt that their eyes were about to be blinded by the show.

  I TM!

   Is this still human?

   Is it human?

  The director gave a shot of Wan Zexi's position.

The large screen hanging above    more than doubled the operation and the whole picture of the boy.

  I saw that the young man was dual-minded, a pair of dark and beautiful fox eyes first glanced at his own screen, and then glanced at Chu Jun's computer screen.

  Because it is more convenient for Wan Zexi to operate, it will not disturb the movement of characters.

  Chu Jun was very surprised. How did Wan Zexi do it? The two hands could maintain the same speed, and the operations on the two keyboards were not delayed.

  Chu Jun has never experienced this magical style of play and operation.

  Wan Zexi seems to always be able to predict his thoughts in advance and always be able to match him just right.

   The boy raised his chin, and a dull gleam flashed in his dark pupils. In this case, she also did it with a try attitude, and she was not sure whether she could do it herself.

   Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

   The reason why she thought of such an operation was purely because she was asked by Wan Lin like this when she was a child.

   I have to say that Wan Lin was really strict to her to the point of a pervert.

   Probably in Wan Lin's eyes, she is a flesh-and-blood robot, a suitable heir to inherit the Wan family.

   It seems that once she was born, she was not seen by her father.

   It seems that Wan Zexi's brows and eyes suddenly became a little dry because she thought of those things when she was a child. Thankfully, he died, otherwise she would not be able to keep her father killed.

  Thinking about it, Lin Qi on the opposite side made the boy more and more disliked.

   If you like to steal other people's glory so much, then pay the price of enjoyment!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   Amid the explosive cheers, the boy blinked his eyes and appeared in front of Lin Qi.

  The position of the fingers is switched even more quickly and dazzlingly, making people look overwhelmed.

  In an instant, a shadow appeared in front of everyone, and the white light instantly filled the entire screen, propping up a splendor, and I saw a word "10,000" appeared under the place where the shadow was standing.

   (end of this chapter)

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