Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 531: Shocked! ! !

   Chapter 531 Shocking! ! !

   "I'll just say it's interesting! Although I have no interest in Longtu, this game suddenly made me feel that Longtu should be good."

   "This Long Live Master's technique is really good, and his reaction speed is too great."

   Almost without exception, they are praising the young man whose online name is Long Live.

   At this moment, the name of the game Long Live is remembered by more gamers.

   Even many players who don't play Longtu came to watch the game because of this Long Live Lord.

   The barrage is filled with the words "come here because of the fame".

  Chu Yan and the others were also very excited. This match was simply the most exciting and exciting game ever played.

   "Damn!" Bai Qing scolded swear words angrily.

"Speed, reaction, operation, and positioning are all first-class, but no matter how powerful it is, a person can't stand the speed increase for such a long time, his speed will slow down sooner or later, we will use them slowly first. ." Xu Yang is worthy of being the captain, and he found the shortcomings at a glance.

   "Captain is right, we have to spend with them!" Zi Chen said with a heavy expression.

   But they left out another person.

   That person's speed is not weaker than that of Long Live.

  When Wan Zexi made this move, she knew that the other party would definitely choose to spend time with them. If she was alone, it would definitely be a bit difficult, but it's a pity that there is another person waiting for them.

   "In the first match, Xing Yao won." The referee said.

  Wan Zexi glanced at Mo Yu and saw Mo Yu nodded slightly towards her, "Axi, just leave it to me."

  Wan Zexi's brows and eyes were cold, and his mellow voice gave a faint hum.

   "It's amazing! This boy!" Leng Qi said with some emotion.

  Chu Jun was also surprised in his heart. He knew that Zexi's operation was not weaker than his, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

  Thinking about it, the speed-testing boy who just joined the team didn't use his full strength at all.

  Xingyao's captaincy is well deserved by Wan Zexi.

"Xiao Mo at that time might not be as good as this young man." Leng Qi looked shocked by the young man, "If Xiao Mo had encountered such a formidable opponent back then, he would have been pestering him and shouting more than one. field."

  Chu Jun's eyes were indifferent, "You came to tell me this?"

Leng Qi came back to his senses from the distant memory, and he smiled slightly, with a bitter smile, "Don't you want to go look for him? I've been looking for him for several years, but I haven't been able to find him. "

   "He has already retired, what are you looking for him for?"

   In those days, Mo Shang abandoned Xingyao without any hesitation. Chu Jun wanted to know if Mo Shang had thought about Xingyao at that time, even if it was just a little bit.

   Xingyao without Mo Shang seemed to have lost its light and gradually became dim.

   In the first few years after Mo Shang left, their Xingyao suffered repeated defeats and blows, which disappointed many old fans.

   But at that time, Jun Chu was very unwilling.

   He blamed Mo Shang for leaving so irresponsibly, and also blamed himself why his skills were so poor.

   In order to be able to take on Xingyao, he went to training day and night, training with all his might, just to prevent Xingyao from losing that Xingyao, and at the same time he wanted to prove himself to those people.

   Just unconsciously, he gradually became restrained and indifferent from the original cheerful and lively.

   Most of the time, his thoughts are stuffed in his heart, no one wants to say it, the only one who can understand him is Gu Rou.

   "Was the speed of the gods a little slower?"

   "It seems that I can't support it anymore. No one can afford to continue with such a high hand speed."

   "It's a bit dangerous now. Once Long Live Master has exhausted his stamina, the rest will be finished."

   "Call him mad, now you have to pay for your madness!" The black fans sneered again.

   "I'm afraid a certain team will lose everything."

  Chu Yan and the others also started to worry.

   However, the boy's expression did not change at all.

   She said coldly, "Go on!"

   Ye Qing hesitated for a while, he could see that the young man was already at his limit at this time, and if he went on like this, his fingers might be abolished.

   This is no joke.

   Seeing that they were worried about her, the teenager just glanced at her lightly, "I said, you just rush, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

  The boy's picturesque eyebrows are very confident, which makes people involuntarily believe in this boy.

   "Everyone has to believe in Brother Wan, he said nothing will be okay." As long as Wan Zexi said something, Leng Yuan chose to believe it for no reason.

   "Okay, let's continue rushing!"

   "Fuck! Wouldn't this be courting death this time?"

   "Looks like that Long Live Master is just reckless. Although his skills are good, he is too reckless."

   However, they couldn't close their mouths in shock at the next scene.

   "I might actually be dreaming!"

   "Are you sure that's a support???"

   "It seems to be the assistant of the mage department..."

   Mo Yu's slender fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, her phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and accompanied by a gorgeous move, she swept over one by one with her big moves.

  Xu Yang quickly activated his defensive skills, and then avoided Mo Yu's burst of big attacks.

   The silver light on the screen kept drawing one after another, which was very eye-catching.

   "Ah ah ah! It's Black and White God!"

   "Black and white silent!! I almost forgot about such a big guy!!"

  Xu Yang's originally calm expression was completely broken at this moment, no wonder Wan Zexi was unscrupulous and still had a trump card.

  You come and go, between swords, lights, swords and shadows, making many people's blood boil.

   "These two are truly amazing!!"

   "Long Live the Stars!!!"

   It can be said that the number one hand speed in the hacker rankings is not something that these people on the opposite side can resist.

   "I wipe!! Xu Yang was completely pressed and chased! This black and white silence is too awesome!!"

  The good camera gave Mo Yu a shot.

  The black mask covered more than half of the young man's face, but the pair of eyebrows and eyes were absolutely perfect, like an ink painting, both cold and precious.

   "Ahhh! Why is my little brother wearing a mask!"

   "Based on my more than ten years of experience watching handsome guys and handsome men, this Black and White Mo is definitely good-looking!"

   "Let's not talk about what he looks like, look at that hand, look at that neck, look at that jawline, it's all amazing!"

   "The temperament is also very good, it should be a kind of abstinence, I like this very much!"

   "The gods are also super beautiful, what a joke if a boy is more amazing than a girl!"

  Whenever, no matter where, good-looking people always attract attention.

  Cui Xi felt a little puzzled in her heart, why did she feel that this black and white pair of eyebrows and eyes were a little familiar, and the more she looked, the more familiar they were.

   (end of this chapter)

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