Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 525: Lord's request

   Chapter 525 Wanye's request

Mo Yu glanced at the young man, and could only see the delicate and perfect profile of the young man. He could not see the expression of the young man at this time, but based on his understanding of Axi, this incident may have really touched Axi. bottom line.

   Ye Qing and the others were in Wang Xiao's ward, and they were left here.

  Chu Yan is really the first time in history that he has made such a big fire. Although he usually looks at him, but if anyone hurts his relatives and friends, he must pay the price for that person.

  Chu Jun finally broke the indifferent face a little, and there was a slight gloom in his eyes, "Xiaoyan, this game may trouble you too much."

  Chu Yan just sneered: "I won't let those people go. Dare to hurt my brother, I'm really tired of living."

   "You... come."

   "Sister Rou!" As soon as Chu Yan turned around, she saw Gu Rou walking in with a lunch box in her hand.

  I saw Gu Rou sitting on the edge of the bed and put the lunch box in her hand on the table.

   "Sister Rou, are you not injured?"

  Gu Rou shook her head, "I'm fine, those people have knives and sticks in their hands, and I didn't have any hand injuries because of Wang Xiao and the others."

   Hearing this, Chu Yan's face suddenly turned fierce.

   At this moment, Jun Chu suddenly said, "Xiaoyan, don't let the family know about this matter, or else the world will be turned upside down."

  Although grandpa is naturally open-minded, he has always been strongly opposed to his playing games, not to mention that he is the eldest son of the Chu family and should have joined the army, but because of his own selfish desires, he violated the road paved for him by his grandfather.

   If Grandma didn't speak for him, maybe he wouldn't be sitting here now.

  Chu Yan: "Brother, you hide your identity and play games in the e-sports circle. I won't say anything, but when something like this happens, do you think you can hide from your grandfather and father's eyes?"

  Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that their Taoism is not enough to see in front of Grandpa and the others.

   Gu Rou looked at Chu Jun's hand sadly, "A-jun, blame me for this, I will explain this to Grandpa Chu, I believe he will not be so unreasonable."

  Chu Jun was silent for a moment, and then sighed helplessly, "You don't know him, he has always wanted me to go back to inherit the Chu family. At that time, I promised him that as long as I finish this tournament, I will go back."

  From beginning to end, Wan Zexi Moyu didn't say a word.

   I saw the boy put his arms around his chest, his back against the door frame, his long legs stood upright, and one of his legs bent his knee.

   Inky black hair obscured those eyes that made it difficult to see emotions, and just when the atmosphere became heavier, she finally spoke.

   "Can you give Xingyao to me temporarily?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone in the ward was stunned.

  Wan Zexi slowly raised his fair jaw, and his dark and deep eyes looked straight at Chu Jun on the hospital bed.

  The boy's face was calm, his eyes were indifferent and he couldn't see any other emotions. It was the first time they met such a fierce and cold Wan Zexi and Chu Jun.

   Mo Yu squinted his eyes suddenly, and his dark pupils flashed in a trance, this kind of Axi reminded him of Axi when he was a child.

  The ruthlessness of the young man is piercing to the bone, and the coldness makes people tremble in their hearts.

Chu Jun was stunned for a moment, looking at the indifferent and serious appearance of the young man, he seemed to see the self from a few years ago, but he was passive back then and had to become the captain as a last resort. At this time, Wan Ze Xi requested it voluntarily.

   (end of this chapter)

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