Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 521: Competition (20)

   Chapter 521 Competition (20)

   At this moment, no one's eyes were not focused on the black and white figure on the field, and a roar sounded: "Long live Lord! Long live Xingyao!"

   The little fox guards couldn't be more excited.

   The director immediately pointed the camera at the boy's face, and that face, which was enough to amaze everyone at a glance, was infinitely magnified and presented in front of everyone.

   A pair of fox eyes, not demonic but with a hint of luxurious coldness, adding a bit of evil when the tail of the eyes is raised.

  Wan Zexi smiled like a smile, his slender and beautiful fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard, a gorgeous teleport, and a critical strike directly hit the head of the opposite person.

  The atmosphere of the game was completely ignited this time.

   "Wan Zexi is so handsome!" Wang Xiao said excitedly.

   Gu Rou breathed a sigh of relief. The moment she saw Chu Jun died, she couldn't believe it. She couldn't imagine that the one who died was actually Chu Jun.

  Deng Zhuo's originally tense expression softened at this moment, "Lengyuan and the others have grown a lot in this game."

  Dunin was dead, and those who remained had nothing to fear.

   This time, Mo Yu pressed the handbrake on the keyboard and moved, jumping quickly and gracefully on the keyboard, and the sound of typing was particularly rhythmic.

  The youth wore masks and hats, and they could only see that the youth's delicate eyebrows and eyes were cold.

   Before everyone could react, he had already come to the front of several enemy people, and a big move was used in an instant.

   He moved the mouse with his right hand, and his left hand still kept going. He turned around and drained the last drop of the opponent's blood.

Although    was not as shocking as the boy just now, it still made many people exclaim again.

   Some fans stood up, and along with the whistle, they banged the gas sticks in their hands.

   Referee: "In this game, Xing Yao won."

   "It can only be said that Xingyao deserves to be your Xingyao, I serve it." The commentator laughed.

   "This time, Xingyao won two of three games." The big screen suddenly lit up, and the winning team was Xingyao.

  Du Ning slammed the table angrily.

   He almost escaped just now, who knew that this guy could react faster than him.

  Fino's fans have gradually turned from excitement to disappointment now.

   "It's hard work." Leng Yuan smiled at the teammates next to her.

"Ah, you too."

Wan Zexi was the first person to stand up, wearing a white shirt like snow inside and a black and white coat on the outside. The moment the boy took his long and straight legs and walked towards the entrance, the wind was blowing. The corners of the boy's jacket were blown, and it was as handsome as the wind.

  Leng Yuan looked at the slender and slender figure in front of her, her eyes narrowed, and in a trance, the back on the field seemed to gradually overlap with the back at this time.

   "Captain Chu, are you satisfied with your performance today?" An entertainment reporter asked this question directly.

   "Captain Chu, I want to ask if you are really inferior to Du Ning, or are you unfamiliar with your skills?"

   "Captain Chu..."

Chu Jun's brows were cold and dry, and Chu Yan could see at a glance that eldest brother was not in a good mood at this time, he quickly replied: "Captain's state is not very good today, his performance is not very stable, of course, Captain Du's strength is also obvious to all. Yes, right, Captain Du." Chu Yan looked at Du Ning, who was surrounded by a group of reporters, and smiled.

   But that smile was a mockery of him in Duning's eyes. Duning smiled back with the same expression, and no one could see what he was thinking at this time?

   But in this case, anyone with a discerning eye can guess what Duning is thinking.

   (end of this chapter)

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