Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 519: Competition (18)

   Chapter 519 Competition (18)

   "Leng Yuan, are you alright?" Chu Yan said immediately, looking at Leng Yuan with a worried expression.

   "It's okay, I'm fine." Leng Yuan said calmly.

   You can’t have emotions, you have to deal with it rationally. Leng Yuan said to herself.

   "Leng Yuan..." Ji Mingliu sighed, this guy probably didn't know how ugly her face was at this time.

   "Captain, what should I do?"

  Chu Jun's eyes were deep, "Don't help her, rely on her."

   He understands this feeling better than anyone else. When he led Xingyao in his first game, he was disliked and ridiculed by many people.

   But he still survived. In that situation, the only one who can rely on himself is to prove his strength to those people, otherwise he will still fall into this feeling in the next game, like an endless loop.

   Mo Yu said in a low voice, "Axi, she seems to be in a very bad state."

  Wan Zexi's brows and eyes were a little light, and she said in a low voice: "This girl is stubborn!"

   "The game has entered the white-hot stage. I didn't expect Du Ning and Chu Jun to stalemate again." The commentator said.

  Chu Jun, you are too stubborn, Yi Shuihan shook his head helplessly, why don't you play your own style?

   Does Mo Shangxie have such a deep influence on you?

   "Captain, you will lose." Wan Zexi's dark eyes were cold.

   The boy saw it, and Mo Yu naturally saw it. At this moment, he found some clues.

   He saw at a glance that Jun Chu's operation style was not suitable for Jun Chu, and this familiar position reminded him of a person.

   "Crackling..." At the most critical look, Du Ning seized the moment and swept away with a big move.

  Chu Jun's blood instantly dropped to freezing point.

   Who knew that Du Ning responded quickly and swept away another big move.

  Chu Jun was knocked out by KO.

   Everyone in the field was stunned, including the commentator and the referees.

   "Fuck you! Am I blind and Chu Jun is actually dead?"

   "Damn it! I must be dreaming, and Chu Jun actually died like this?"

   "Ah! Why did my God Chu die like this." Some fans expressed their disappointment.

   "Is this Duning so strong?"

   "It seems that Feiye's chances of winning are basically determined. Chu Jun is dead, even Long Live Lord Hei Mo can't be saved."

  Leng Yuan couldn't help but began to collapse in her heart. The moment she heard the sound of Chu Jun being killed, Leng Yuan only felt confused, why did the captain die?

   The subconscious Leng Yuan felt that it was her own problem. If it weren't for her repeated mistakes in judgment, maybe they Xingyao had already won.

   "Captain, you are too powerful, Chu Jun was even defeated by you."

   "Captain, this time we win."

  Du Ning smiled and said, "Otherwise I can be your captain."

   In fact, Duning also has another identity, that is, a hacker. He is the 20th hacker in the Matrix, and the top five are professional hackers. Although he is still a long way from a professional hacker, he is still more than enough to play games.

   "Leng Yuan, no one is a born professional player." A low-mellow and elegant voice entered Leng Yuan's ears.

   Brother Wan? Leng Yuan was stunned for a moment.

   Immediately after that, the voice came again, "Are you uncomfortable? Are you being suppressed and out of breath?"

  Leng Yuan opened her eyes, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but feel sore. No matter how much she lied to herself, she was still very uncomfortable and depressed.

  Wan Zexi's delicate and beautiful eyebrows were full of publicity, and he said softly: "Then prove it to them, I'll take care of you."

   (end of this chapter)

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