Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 505: Competition (4)

   Chapter 505 Competition (4)

got rejected. Mo Yu was a little silent.

   Seeing that Mo Yu didn't say a word, he just stood there, Wan Zexi said, "No change, fine, what kind of pillow should I change."

   When Mo Yu came in, he closed the door, and the two of them didn't notice the movement outside the door.

   "What are you pulling me for?" Qian Xu's mouth twitched slightly.

   "Shh, keep your voice down." Leng Yuan, who was bent over beside him, whispered softly, "How could you miss this time."

   "Tsk tsk, Miss Lengyuan, you are really being misled by those things." Ji Mingliu whispered with a smile.

   "I want to go back to my room." Qian Xu didn't want to stay with the two of them here. After all, it would be embarrassing to overhear this kind of thing.

   Who knew he was torn off by those two people as soon as he stood up, "You are the most responsible for this matter."

   "What's the matter with me?" Qian Xu looked puzzled.

   "It's not because Brother Wan hit you with the pillow just now." Leng Yuan whispered.

   "Then what?" Qian Xu was still confused.

  Ji Mingliu looked at Leng Yuan with the expression "This baby is not saved".

Leng Yuan sighed, "Let me tell you this straight away, Brother Mo is jealous because Brother Wan beat you with a pillow and talked to you just now, I think if the situation allows, Brother Mo will probably beat you in advance. pause."

   Qianxu was dumbfounded.

   If he doesn't understand now, he's an idiot.

   "Then... what should I do?" Qian Xu turned away from the previous indifference, and looked at the door in front of him with some unease.

   "You're stupid!" Leng Yuan rolled her eyes helplessly.

   "Sister Lengyuan, pay attention to your image." Ji Mingliu reminded in a low voice on the side, only that the old girl who was Gao Leng might really be gone forever.

   "Don't care about the image or not."

   "Qianxu, why do you think we're pulling you here secretly? I don't want to know what's going on inside."

  The house was quiet at this time.

  Wan Zexi looked at Mo Yu who was standing there and didn't intend to leave, so he couldn't help but smile, "Wooden man, are you?"

   The thick and black eyelashes of the young man trembled slightly, and I saw him say again: "Change the pillow and go."

  Seeing that he went back to the pillow again, the young man put his arms around his chest and sat on the bed with a lazy boss attitude.

   It was getting dark outside.

   "Why do you want to change the pillow?" Wan Zexi asked in a lazy tone.

   Mo Yu's answer remains the same, "You look good."

   Seeing that Mo Yu was so persistent in changing pillows, the teenager was really curious, and she wondered why she had to change the same pillow with her?

   But it is not the way to hold on like this.

   The round fox eyes of the boy narrowed slightly, and a thick luster flashed in the dark pupils, "Here you are." I saw Wan Zexi picked up the pillow and threw it over.

   Mo Yu subconsciously wanted to continue, but who knew that the young man rushed over very quickly.

   "It's okay for you, and see if you can beat me." The two of them were pulling at the corners of the pillow.

   "What's going on? Could it be a fight?" Qian Xu whispered worriedly.

   "I don't know, the sound insulation of this room is too good, the sound inside can only be heard faintly." Leng Yuan's ears were almost completely attached to the door.

   Little did he know that the two people in the room had already exchanged hands one after another.

  Mo Yu didn't want to fight the teenager, for fear of accidentally hurting the teenager, who knew that the teenager would actually look provocative and laughed: "So weak?"

   (end of this chapter)

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