Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 297: unapproachable majesty

   Chapter 297 His Highness who is not easy to approach

   Fat Bao handed the microphone to Mo Yu.

  I saw Mo Yu's face pale, as if he didn't feel anything about being able to win this award, and his temperament was elegant and noble.

   His eyebrows are like ink, and he looks like an immortal who came out of a picture scroll.

   "Woooooo, Your Highness is so beautiful!"

   "Ahhh! It's so good looking!"

   "Wan Ye and His Highness are really a perfect match!"

   Listening to Mo Yu's faint thank you, Wan Zexi couldn't help but have a smile in her eyes. If allowed, she thought that Mo Yu would leave without hesitation.


   "You deserve this award." Yu Lao looked at Mo Yu who was holding the award and said a word of affirmation.

   Mo Yu nodded slightly, and let Yu Lao look at the two people in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

   Although he is old-fashioned, he still admires and likes such a young man with good acting skills.

   "Zexi, don't you plan to continue to develop well in the entertainment circle?" Obviously, Lao Yu also knows that Wan Zexi is now in the e-sports circle.

  Wan Zexi said: "Senior Yu, whether it's acting or something, what I want to do is what I should do. I'm doing fine now."

   Yu Lao was a little stunned when he heard the words, and then he even smiled: "Yes, you child is very assertive. Now that you have decided, you can do it well."

  Wan Zexi raised his lips: "Yes."

   "It's getting late, you guys should go back early!"

   "Brother Liu?" Wan Zexi was a little surprised when he looked at Liu Yijun and Jiang Miao who seemed to be leaving.

   "We're leaving, Mo Yu, congratulations!"

   "Congratulations." Jiang Miao smiled on the side.

   Mo Yu's voice was light: "Thank you!"

   Looking at the two who left, Wan Zexi raised his eyebrows, "Let's go back!"

   "Yeah!" The cold voice softened a lot in an instant.

   At this time, there are very few people, and most of the people who stay are the staff from the organizer, they need to stay otherwise to clean and pack things

   "That one was named Wan Zexi just now, and she looks so tender! Seeing this, my old aunt couldn't help but feel so cute."

   "That's Lord Wan. He's very good-looking and very gentle. I've been a fan of Lord Wan for a long time."

   "His Royal Highness is also very good-looking, but it's a bit cold and it's not easy to approach."

   "Actually... When Yao Yao told Master Wan to move away just now, His Highness's eyes could eat people, and I almost broke out in a cold sweat."

   "Is it so scary?"

   "If you say that, between Your Highness and Lord Wan, I feel a spark..." The man couldn't help but smile.

   Here, the two of them were just about to leave.

   Suddenly several fans gathered around.

  I saw them screaming with excitement, "Ahhhh! Wan Ye! Can you sign us?"

  Wan Zexi squinted his eyes and chuckled, "Take your time." The gorgeous and mellow voice was magnetic and numb, which made those fans say in their hearts that they were about to be pregnant.

   "That..." A trembling voice sounded, Mo Yu glanced over, her eyes were plain, but the fans shivered.

   Mo Yu's eyes paused, and he said softly, "Bring the paper."

   "Ah? Oh oh!" Those fans quickly handed the paper to Mo Yu, and then quickly took the paper and left there after Mo Yu signed.

   "With such a comparison, Master Wan can't be gentle!"

"Ah ah ah ah!" Looking at the fair and beautiful face at a close distance, Zhao Xin screamed again in his heart. It didn't look real in the TV series, but at such a close distance, Zhao Xin's thoughts Thousands.

   "Wan Ye's skin is so white and tender, I don't know how it feels to the touch?"

   "Ow~ Man Ye's eyelashes are too long!"

   "Ah! The jawline is so sexy!"

   "And...and that hand, too beautiful!"

   "Here." The low mellow and magnetic voice interrupted Zhao Xin's **** thoughts. Looking at the young man's clean and handsome profile, Zhao Xin only felt that his face was hot.

   "Um... ok..." The voice was weak.

  Wan Zexi: "Go back early! It's not safe for girls to go home too late."

   "Oh!" The fans couldn't help nodding.

   Zhao Xin looked at the two people who were leaving. She looked down at the handsome handwriting on the notebook, and couldn't help but smirk.

   Then, Zhao Xin posted another Weibo.

Zhao Xin v: "Aw~ Wan Ye himself looks so good-looking and very gentle, yes, Wan Ye's voice is really good, it just makes my ears can't help getting pregnant, oh no, I'm already pregnant now..."

   Looking at the following comment that was jealous of citric acid, Zhao Xin smiled complacently, and then happily ran home with his notebook...

   Good night~



   (end of this chapter)

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