Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 293: two people on stage

   Chapter 293 The two people who came to power

   "You know him?" Mo Yu looked sideways.

  Wan Zexi: "Well! I saw him once when I played the role of Mr. Dawn last time, and I was more impressed."

   "Wan Ling and Fu Liu probably got together because of common hobbies." Having said this, Wan Zexi couldn't help but chuckle.

   Indeed it is.

  Wanling originally disliked Fu Liu, an old man, but ever since he saw Fu Liu's master-level makeup skills, Wanling had a little admiration at that moment.

   So, Wanling pestered Fu Liu to accept her as a disciple.

   As for Fu Liu, he was originally impatient with Wanling, but every time he saw Wanling's very focused appearance, he couldn't help but be deeply attracted.

  Finally, Fu Liao pursed her lips and said, "Okay, I'll accept you as a disciple."

   So the life of master and apprentice living together began...


   Zhao Xin was dying of joy today.

   Not only did I get the signature of Liu Yingdi just now, but I could also see His Royal Highness and Lord Wan with my own eyes.

   Spicy! She really felt that today was the happiest moment of her life.

   Looking directly at the dazzling light on the stage, Zhao Xin could clearly hear the words Wan Zexi in a blur.

   She couldn't help widening her eyes, screaming in her heart: ah ah ah ah!

   At this moment, Zhao Xin's excitement can only be expressed in the form of screaming.

   She finally doesn't have to watch Master Wan on her mobile phone, computer, or other people's phones. This time, she can finally see Master Wan with her own eyes.

   "I believe that everyone knows about the beautiful love between Princess Fengxi and Young Master Xiaoxiao. Next are our two protagonists, please—"

   followed by applause.

   The unhurried footsteps reached everyone's ears.

   "Your Highness—"

   "Ahhh! Your Highness!"

   "Woo woo woo, Wan Ye!"

   "Young master ah ah ah!"

   The fans in the back fence are not many, but their lung capacity is great.

   Jiang Miao and Liu Yingdi, who were sitting at the front, could hear the deafening roar.

   However, looking at the two who came to the stage, the host's smiling face gradually became stiff.

  Other star actors: "???"

   They expressed their shock. It was a big scene after all. The two were completely different. One was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and the other was wearing a black tracksuit.

   Are you sure you're not here to play?

   The people on the organizer's side couldn't help frowning.

   "What's the matter with these two people, they went up in this outfit."

   "Sorry, we don't know."

   "Get their agent."


   on stage.

  Wan Zexi's slender jade-like fingers covered his lips: "Shh, be quiet."

   With just three words, the roaring fans stopped screaming in unison.

   The young man seemed to have done this kind of action more than once. It was very natural and skilled, and the awkward atmosphere he had caused just disappeared suddenly.

  Fang Bao couldn't help but look sideways. He has hosted for so many years, but he has never seen an artist who relieves embarrassment so easily.

   Not only Wan Zexi and Mo Yu were on stage.

   There are others.

   Those people are the protagonists in other dramas who were invited to the stage.

   But obviously, as soon as Wan Zexi came out, the emotions of the fans and the audience were ignited, and the situation was completely different from the others on the other side.

   Those who are not jealous? No, those of them are jealous. After all, they are also old actors specially invited by the director, and their popularity is actually not as good as the two newcomers.

   Several of the more important protagonists in the ten popular TV dramas have been invited.

   (end of this chapter)

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