Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 284: Military family Chu family

   Chapter 284 Military Sect Chu Family

   To be honest, Wan Zexi didn't know much about the Chu family, the only thing he knew was that their older generation was in the army.

  The first generation was a soldier, and so was the second generation, but in the third generation, the style changed.

  The third generation is Chu Jun and their father, Chu Huang, who actually went to be an artist.

   This move also shocked a large number of people in your circle.

   But anyway, there are still three sons, and I originally thought of pinning my hopes on three sons.

who knows……

  Two into e-sports and one into the entertainment industry.

The generation of    soldiers is the end of it.


   Looking at the two old men walking down, Wan Zexi straightened up calmly.

   "Grandma, I miss you." Gu Rou put down the thing in her hand and threw herself into the grandma's arms.

  The old grandmother said cheerfully: "Grandma, I also want to take care of the girl! You can count grandma and me today."

   "Isn't it because I'm too busy!" Gu Rou said coquettishly.

   On the other side, Chu Yan got goosebumps, "Sister Rou, every time I watch you act like a spoiled child, my goosebumps will fall out."

   "Then don't look at it." Gu Rou was fierce.

   "Hey? Who is this kid? He looks really good." Grandma Chu looked at Wan Zexi and said suspiciously.

   "Hello, Grandma Chu, I'm Wan Zexi." Wan Zexi said in a calm voice.

  The boy's figure is tall and straight, his appearance is elegant and handsome, and his temperament is neither humble nor arrogant, which makes Grandma Chu feel good at first glance.

  Eye edge is so strange, sometimes you can hate someone at a glance, and sometimes you can have a good impression of this person at a glance.

   "Old man, this child is really good-looking." The more Grandma Chu looked at this child, the more she liked it, and she looked very well-behaved.

   "Your father is Wan Lin?" Chu Jiahui's eyes seemed dull, but in fact he felt very oppressive.

   Even though Chu Jiahui is old, he has seen soldiers who have killed people with blood. The chill that has settled down on him can only be hidden, but it will never disappear.

  Jun Chu and the others didn't dare to look directly at Grandpa's eyes for too long, just because they often felt frightened about being killed.


  The young man's eyes looked straight at Chu Jiahui's eyes, and his voice was a little casual: "It's my father."

   Looking at the boy's extremely dull eyes, after a long time, Chu Jiahui revealed a slight smile: "Yes, very courageous."

   "What are you doing, old man, this is not a military camp, don't use that trick to scare this child." Grandma Chu on the side gave Chu Jiahui a displeased look.

  Chu Jiahui looked at Grandma Chu, couldn't help coughing, and whispered: "Can't help it, it has become a habit after all."

   Grandma Chu snorted, then looked at the boy with a smile on her face, "Child, you're not scared, he! It's just a habit in the military camp, don't be afraid."

   "Grandma Chu," Wan Zexi gently hooked her lips: "I'm fine, I'm not brave enough to take a look."

   "Ah! I like this kid. I will remember to come to Chu's house to play often in the future!" Grandma Chu's eyes had only a slit left when she smiled.

   And Chu Jun and the others: "..."

  The cowardly mobs blame them!

   "Haha! Yes, it's much better than my stinky son and these three grandchildren." Chu Jiahui looked at the calm and indifferent young man in front of him and suddenly laughed.

   "Grandpa, you just want to praise Zexi, why do you want to bring our three brothers." Chu Yan said with an unhappy look.

   "Yo hoo? Is it so lively?" Ridiculous voices entered the hall.

   Immediately, a man and a woman came in.

  The male features are handsome, and the temperament is a bit evil, while the female is very stunning, and the facial features have a mixed-race feeling.

   "You stinky boy, you know how to come back." Chu Jiahui suddenly became old-fashioned.

   "Father, I haven't been back for a long time. I really want you to come and have a look." Chu Huang said somewhat condescendingly.

   Seeing Chu Huang like this, Mo Siyin on the side couldn't help pinching the opponent's waist secretly.

   "Hey! Wife, why are you pinching me?" Chu Huang looked at Mo Siyin with a look of grievance.

   (end of this chapter)

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