Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 266: Scientists are crazy

   Chapter 266 Scientists are lunatics

   "Cold kite!"

   "Yeah!" Leng Yuan nodded towards those who greeted them.


   "It turned out to be the beauty of Leng Da!"

   "Who is the handsome guy next to Leng Damei? He looks really good."

  Wan Zexi's slender and straight figure was enough to attract the attention of many people in the playground just by standing there.

   "I rely on—!" A girl who looked very ladylike suddenly burst into foul language.

   "What are you doing, I was shocked."

   "Young Master? Young Master Dawn?"

  Wan Zexi narrowed his eyes and looked at the girl who ran over with short legs until the other party ran in front of her.

   "I thought it was just a look, but such a real appearance is something that only my son can have, ahhh!"

   "Don't get excited." The deep and magnetic voice is a little cold but it sounds a little gentle.

   "Okay, I'm not excited."

   Seeing the other party become obedient in a second, Wan Zexi opened his eyebrows and said leisurely, "Well. I am your son. Young Master Dawn."

   "Young Master, are you the son of the Emperor's Industry?"

   "Me? It's unrealistic!"

   "Oh my God! I can barely see suffocation."

  Leng Yuan was stunned, "Brother Wan, have you ever acted in a TV series?"

   "Well. I acted in three parts." Wan Zexi replied briefly.

   "Young Master, can I ask you to sign?"

   "Master, I want to take a photo together, this time I finally don't have to envy those little fox guards who show off on Weibo all day."

   "Yes." Wan Zexi would agree to these simple requests within his power.

   During this long process, Wan Zexi was surprised that several boys asked her to sign a photo.

   She thought that all her fans were girls, but she didn't expect there were boys.

   Looking at the distant tall figure, the happy and excited fans almost invariably posted updates or Weibo.

  Leng Yuan has not recovered a bit from just now, but Brother Wan has actually acted in a TV series?

   If you say that, Brother Wan is in the entertainment industry!

Wan Zexi saw Leng Yuan's thoughts at a glance, and said slowly: "I only acted in those films because of some accidents, and I don't plan to join the entertainment industry. The most important thing now is to win the game. ."

  Wan Zexi has no interest in the entertainment industry. As for the e-sports industry, she also entered because she was a little interested. She is such a person who has no interest in anything.

   "This is the laboratory?" Wan Zexi looked at the number above the door curiously.

   "Yes! It should be a chemical experiment. Huh? There is actually an experiment going on here!" Leng Yuan opened the door and looked at the three people who were busy inside.

  Leng Yuan walked in first, and then the boy stepped in.

  The three people who were busy experimenting completely ignored the two people who came in, and they just concentrated on doing the experiment in hand.

   Looking at the chemical tools and the bottles and jars on the table, Wan Zexi couldn't help squinting his dark eyes.

   "It looks so serious." Leng Yuan looked at the three expressionless people and said in a low voice.

   "I heard that scientists are both geniuses and lunatics." After a long time, the boy spit out this sentence.

   "Huh?" Leng Yuan raised her head and looked at the young man with a dazed look.

Wan Zexi just said indifferently: "As long as people in this field can't attribute their thinking with us outsiders, they can contribute things that we can't imagine for scientific research results." The teenager said this sentence The three people who were provoked finally looked up at the boy, but soon lowered their heads to continue the experiment.

   (end of this chapter)

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