Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 264: Yunlan's canteen

   Chapter 264 Yun Lan's Cafeteria

   Watching the boy finish writing the last step, Fang Shisong was stunned, and then he looked at the final algorithm with excitement and joy.

  It turned out to be like this, no wonder they have been unable to solve it, but they can still solve it like this.

   Looking at Professor Fang's excited appearance, the students knew that this classmate Wan Zexi really solved the problem.

   They couldn't help but have a little admiration for this young man.

   After all, in the eyes of Xueba, as long as you can solve problems that they can't solve, they will be convinced by this person.

   The slender and jade-like figure turned around, and the young man's delicate and jade-like face was still very casual and leisurely, as if he didn't feel anything when he solved the problem.

   "Teacher, I don't know how I solved this problem?" Wan Zexi asked with his lips open.

  Wan Zexi threw the chalk in his hand casually, and threw an arc into the chalk box with ease.

   "Very good! Very good! Very good!" Fang Shisong said repeatedly.

   It's just that there is a hint of complexity in his eyes.

  Happy that someone actually solved this problem.

  The complicated thing is that such an excellent student is not their Yunlan's. It is a great loss for their Yunlan.

   "Who is that person? He looks so handsome!"

   "Ahhh! That's Lord Wan, don't you know?"

   "I can't believe that Wan Ye from Yunnan will come to our Yunlan one day."

  Leng Yuan looked up and saw that the window outside was full of people, especially girls.

  I saw that every one of them had excited colors on their faces.

   "Professor Fang is out of class."

  Fang Shisong recovered from the shock, only to realize that the get out of class had ended.

   "Teacher." The boy suddenly shouted in a low voice.

  Fang Shisong: "Do you have anything else to do, classmate Wan Zexi?"

   "I would like to ask, since this question was written by Professor Hua Bo as you said just now, can you let me see him."

  Fang Shisong was surprised: "Why do you want to see Senior Hua?"

  Wan Zexi pursed his lips, "Because of some private matters."

  Fang Shisong saw the indifferent look of the young man, so he didn't investigate any further, just said: "Yes, Senior Hua also said that if someone solves this problem, let me take this person to see him."

   "Then thank you Professor Fang." Wan Zexi pursed her lips and smiled.

   "Ah! He laughed!"

   "It's so good to laugh."

  Wan Zexi looked at the crowd of people with a hint of helplessness in the depths of his eyes.

   "Brother Wan, there are a lot of people here, let's go eat first." Leng Yuan whispered.

   "What's the relationship between the goddess and Lord Wan?"

   "Ah! I envy Lengyuan!" Zhou Lingling shouted.

   "I don't know, it's not a couple, right?"

   "No way?" The man looked distressed.

   "Let's let it go, we can't let Master Wan see a joke."

   Seeing two people walking towards the cafeteria, the person who didn't plan to eat at school silently canceled the order for takeout.

   "Brother Wan, let's go up to the third floor to eat. After all, it's quite noisy below."

   "I'm free."

   Immediately, the two walked to the cafeteria on the third floor, thus blocking the footsteps of some people.

   Because the consumption on the third floor is particularly high, it is not something that some people can afford.

  There are not many people on the third floor, and the environment is very clean.

  Wan Zexi put the bag on the table and said, "You sit here, I'll go get dinner."

  Leng Yuan glanced at the bag curiously, why did Brother Wan bring a bag to Yun Lan?

  Although I am curious, it is better not to look at other people's things.

   The plot line still needs to develop, but there will be sugar too, no hurry.



   (end of this chapter)

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