Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 261: sensation!

   Chapter 261 Sensation!

   Seeing that no one answered him, Fang Shisong continued, "If that's the case, I'll choose someone."

   "Teacher!" As soon as he finished speaking, a boy's voice rang out.

   "Student Li Jun! Did you figure it out?"

   "Yes! Teacher! I solved this problem in one night." Li Jun's confident look made everyone present couldn't help but look sideways.

   "In that case, please ask Li Jun to come to the stage to solve this problem for everyone to see."

   "Okay! Teacher!"

   Looking at Li Jun who walked over, Leng Yuan was a little admired, "It's amazing, I've been solving it for two days, but I still can't figure it out."

   "Reverse thinking." The mellow and magnetic voice said.

   "What?" Leng Yuan looked at the boy next to her in surprise.

   I saw the young man's lazy eyes resting on his fair chin, and a leisurely smile permeated his fair and handsome face.

"This question can be solved with reverse thinking, but generally people still believe in their own thinking blindly, so this question makes these people feel difficult to solve." The boy said in a low and unhurried voice said.

   At this time, the student named Li Jun had already started to solve the problem on the blackboard.

Fang Shisong on the side of    looked at the solution written by Li Jun and nodded with satisfaction.


   "Li Jun is awesome!"

   "I've been trying to solve this problem, but I can't solve it. I've also thought about solving it in reverse, but it doesn't seem possible. Wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

   "Teacher! I'm done."

   "Go down and go back to your seat."

   Li Jun put down the chalk confidently and sat back to his original position.

   "Yes! Why didn't I think of that?" Leng Yuan exclaimed as she looked at the problem-solving process carefully.

   In fact, it wasn't just her, the students present quickly understood the whole process after watching the problem-solving process.

   "I'll just say it, there must be something wrong with me. That's how it is."

   "Me too, I felt confident when I first started to solve it. Who knows, the more I understand it, the more I feel wrong."

   "Hahaha! Li Jun is amazing!"

   "Brother figured out in one night that it's really yours."

  Li Jun couldn't help but look smug, "That's right, I'll tell you this question, I just solved it with a little reverse thinking, and it's not difficult."

"All right!"

  Fang Shisong made sure that there was no mistake, and hurriedly stopped the classroom that started to be noisy.

   Those people suddenly quieted down.

   On the other hand, Wan Zexi glanced at the question with some boredom. This question is really not as difficult as the one she gave as Principal Wang in Yunnan.

   "Don't be too happy. Although this problem was solved by Li Jun, Professor Hua Bo of Yunlan once posed such a problem. I have to admit that this person is very good who can solve it."

   "What question?"

   "What question? Professor Fang said it so we can see how difficult it is."

   "Don't worry, you will know when I write it." Fang Shisong picked up the chalk again and wrote it on the blackboard.

  Wan Zexi's originally scattered eyes shrank when she saw the question Fang Shisong gradually wrote. She accidentally saw this question when she was a child.

   When I was a child, my mother wrote this problem in front of her, and then handed it over to my father to solve it.

   At that time, my father only thought about it for ten minutes before solving the problem.

   As for how her father solved the problem at the time, she didn’t care at that time, so she didn’t know what her father’s process of solving the problem was.

   (end of this chapter)

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