Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 255: Yunlan Academy

   Chapter 255 Yunlan Academy

Seeing those people's faces being a little embarrassed by what he said, Principal Wang couldn't help but sighed, "Instead of arguing here, it's better to quickly find a way to teach every student in your class. Let's go! Leave it here for people It looks like a headache."

   Those people looked at each other in dismay, and finally walked out of the principal's room with a helpless look.

   Looking at the empty room, there was a faint nostalgia in Principal Wang's eyes.

  Wan Lin! Do you regret the choice you made?

   But thinking about your paranoid character, I know that no one can change what you decide.

   It's just that you never thought you would suffer the child of Wan Zexi.

   Principal Wang inevitably thought of the first time he saw Wan Zexi, and at that time his heart was extremely shocked.

  Because Wan Zexi and Wan Lin are so similar, no matter in appearance, speech, attitude, and image, it's like another Wan Lin.

  The only difference is that Wan Zexi at this time is more mature and stable than Wan Lin, and his calmness in the face of everything is a bit better than Wan Lin back then.

   Wan Lin was still childish back then, but Wan Zexi at this time had already lost that childishness.


   Yunlan Academy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   "What is it called! My ears are almost deaf."

   "Lingling! Lingling! Lingling!" Chen Xun called Lingling several times in one breath.

   Zhou Lingling rolled her eyes, "Soul you, what is it that is so exciting, I have never seen you excited before."

"Huh!" Chen Xun took a deep breath, but he grabbed Zhou Lingling's shoulders with both hands and looked at Zhou Lingling with a very solemn expression, saying word by word: "Listen to every word and every sentence I say next. , don't call."

   "Cut!" Zhou Lingling opened Chen Xun's hand on her shoulder with disdain, "Who do you think I am, there has never been anything that could make me scream like you did just now."

   Looking at Zhou Lingling's confident expression, Chen Xun evoked a devilish smile.

   "At the social meeting, the person from the Yunnan faction is Wan Zexi~~" Chen Xun deliberately lengthened the ending.

   "Who?" Zhou Lingling was stunned.

   "Wan Zexi~ Ah!" Chen Xun repeated again.


   "Don't bark!" Chen Xun quickly covered Zhou Lingling's mouth, "I didn't tell you not to bark."

   "Um!" I don't call, please let me go.

  Chen Xun immediately let go of Zhou Lingling's mouth, and said proudly: "Look at you just now, didn't you say you wouldn't scream? Tsk tsk, slap in the face!"

   "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Zhou Lingling said several times in a row, "Mass, you didn't say it sooner, if it was Lord Wan, don't say scream, you let me keep calling me in this building and I'd be willing!"

   "Ah ah ah ah," then Zhou Lingling shouted excitedly in a low voice, "It's actually Master Wan, I'm so happy."

   "Hey! Can't sleep tonight?"

   "By the way, what you said is reliable! Don't be happy in the end." Zhou Lingling immediately looked at Chen Xun for confirmation.

  I saw Chen Xun nodded very firmly and said, "I promise to be very, very real, without any falsehood."

   "That's good!" Zhou Lingling's mouth was wide open.

   "Hahaha! You look like a bear, it's too embarrassing!"

   "You also said that we are two and a half pounds, and no one should laugh at anyone." Zhou Lingling picked up the pillow and threw it over.

   "Hahaha!" Chen Xun took the pillow and collapsed on the bed.

well! Another sleepless night tonight. Zhou Lingling looked out the window and thought pitifully, but she had to ignore the smile she couldn't hide at the corner of her mouth.




   (end of this chapter)

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