Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 248: abuse you for not explaining

   Chapter 248 Abuse you without explaining

   "Ze Xi!"

  Wan Zexi made a "hmm" sound.

   Mo Yu looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes flashed a dim light, and he felt that the young man seemed to be different from before.

   seems to have become brighter and more reckless. When he was a teenager, he should have been frivolous, but before he was a teenager, he always looked indifferent.

  Wan Zexi held Heiba ​​in his arms, walked to the dining table casually with his legs, and then sat on the chair.

   "That's right," Wan Zexi said, looking at the food on the table, "It's a little cold today, remember to put on a coat if you go out."

   Mo Yu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately gave a "hmm".

  After eating, the boy changed his slippers and put on white shoes.

  's slender, jade-like fingers were placed in two pockets, and the other hand opened the door and walked out.

  Mo Yu, who was standing by the window, looked at the young man's handsome figure, his eyes were deep, and his thin lips were pursed. He knew in his heart that the young man was different from other people, so he still had to take some things slowly.

  's long and narrow phoenix eyes shone with thick moistness, those are the cruel and cold eyes of beasts, quietly waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the best moment to come.

   Heiba ​​looked at Mo Yu who was at the window, Heiba ​​couldn't help shrinking his head, and then his whole body curled up in the bed, where is the intimacy that he felt when he first saw Mo Yu.


   "Ahhh! Xingyao! Xingyao!" The audience's voice was simply deafening.

   "Xingyao I love you forever!"

  Wan Zexi, who was sitting in the background, swiped his phone for a few minutes.

   When he saw a group of majestic young men in black and white uniforms approaching here, the young man raised his lips, turned off the phone, and stood up from the seat with his legs straight.

   "Captain!" Wan Zexi called out.

  Chu Jun nodded, his voice smooth and elegant: "Let's go!"

   "Today's game is Team Xingyao vs. Team Bailong, let's invite you two."

   "Clap clap clap." The fierce applause followed.

  Wan Zexi stood on Chu Yan's right.

   "Hey! Zexi."

   "Huh?" Wan Zexi glanced.

   "Let's work together for a while! We've never tried it before!"

   "Why do you have this idea all of a sudden?" Looking at Chu Yan, whose eyes were excited and her face full of joy, Wan Zexi really doubted whether Chu Yan was the captain's younger brother, with such a different personality!

"Isn't that Bailong team going to compete with our Xingyao today? I have a little grudge against one of the people in that team, so I hope you can cooperate with me to abuse him." Chu Yan gestured excitedly as she spoke. Gesture.

  Wan Zexi looked directly at the passage ahead, "Aren't you good enough to abuse him?"

   "Of course not!" Looking at the cold and handsome profile of the young man, Chu Yan said quickly: "Of course I can, but wouldn't it be better if we both deal double damage to him?"

   "You...think weirdly beautiful..."

   "So you agreed."

   "It's here!" Wan Zexi's gorgeous and magnetic voice clearly spit out two words.

   "What? It's here?" Chu Yan asked in confusion.

Leng Yuan next to    kindly mentioned: "It's time to play!"

  Chu Yan: "..."

   "Ahhh! God Chu!!" The girls screamed extremely enthusiastically.

  The black and white battle uniforms are majestic and majestic in the wind. They are all a group of handsome and beautiful teenagers. Standing there is a bright and beautiful scenery.

   "Xingyao!! Ahhh! They all look too good-looking."

   "Have you seen the youngest boy with the best looks?"

   "I see!"

   "He's the son of that emperor's business ah ah ah!"

   (end of this chapter)

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