Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 246: Inner Shackles (1)

   Chapter 246 The Shackles of the Heart (1)

   Heiba ​​raised his head and rubbed the palm of the boy's palm, and that cute and coquettish appearance made Wan Zexi really feel helpless.

  Mo Yu squinted: "Ze Xi, we haven't determined whether the black bar is poisonous or not, it's not safe to touch it directly."

Hearing this, Wan Zexi laughed in a low voice: "I've touched it, and I don't feel anything strange. But then again," Wan Zexi suddenly asked with a puzzled look, "Xiao Yuyu." You say, should we get a license, after all, the black bus is a black snake. I think it will be much more convenient for us to raise a black bus with a license."

   Mo Yu listened and frowned in thought: "If you want to apply for a certificate, you can go directly to apply for an adoption certificate."

   "That's right." The young man straightened his slender waist, looked at Heiba ​​and said, "We'll take Heiba ​​to apply for a certificate someday."

   "Hmm." Mo Yu replied in a cold voice.


   "The operation sucks, fuck!"

   "Where's the therapist?"

   "Mage assistant hurry up!"

  Wan Zexi faced a messy battle as soon as he went online.

  Wan Zexi: "..."

What the hell? The team battle that Songjiang pulled her into felt like a group of players who didn't know how to play Longtu were pretending to be there.

  Wan Zexi frowned and tapped his fingers on the keyboard a few times.

   "Songjiang, what's going on, this team battle is too messy!"

  Songjiang: "Ahhh! I'm so sorry! Brother Wan. These people are all new players, and some of them are men who brought their girlfriends to play together."

  【Longtu】"Qing and Odd Girl": Hey! what are you doing! Just bored.

  【Dragon Path】"Weak and bursting i": You can't play, but you can't play, but don't embarrass you here.

  【Longtu】"Qing and strange boy": Brother, you dare to scold my girlfriend, come here, come here, I won't kill you, because I will maim you.

  【Longtu】"Fenghuaxueyue": Beep or something, just do it if you don't agree.

  Songjiang looked at the comments in the comment area and raised his forehead silently, and he didn't dare to look at the video, it's really shameful!

   "Quiet!" The two words are cold and low, clean and neat.

As soon as the words    came out, the comment area fell silent for a moment.

   The comments in the comment area exploded.

   "Fuck! Long live Lord's voice!"

   "My Wanye's voice???"

   "It seems so!"

   "Songjiang is amazing, you actually know Mr. Long live, you are awesome!" The brother who knew Songjiang said towards Songjiang with a very envious tone.

  Songjiang: "..."

   To be honest, he was a little confused.

   But brother Wan is still your brother Wan, you will know if you have it as soon as you appear on the stage, you only need two words to make those people obedient.

   Immediately afterwards, the gorgeous and low voice was clearly introduced into everyone's ears through the microphone.

"I will arrange the teamfight for a while. Your tacit understanding is almost nothing at all. No matter what your skills are, if your team quarrels first, it means that you have already lost half of the battle. If you are still arguing about some meaningless things, then Quit this battle for me, or" the magnetic voice paused here, "I will kill you without the enemy killing you."

The young man's voice sounded very low and steady, but it contained a force that made people convince. After a few words, I saw that the people who were noisy just now suddenly quieted down, and they were no longer the same as before. Endless quarrels started over some pointless things.

  【PK officially starts】

   "Help! That person on the other side has been holding on to me." The girl hadn't finished her words yet.


   I saw a flash of swords, lights, swords and shadows on the screen. Before everyone could react, the system notification sounded.

   "Fuck! What happened?"

   "This hand speed is so fast that it doesn't give people a chance to react!"

   In reality, the young man Qinggui has a fair profile, and his slender fingers jumped on the keyboard very nimble and agile.

   Click the mouse with the right finger, and immediately kill the enemy that was approaching from the opposite side.

   Not only the teammates are not good, but the enemy's technology seems to be average, but it is much better than hers.

   (end of this chapter)

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