Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 234: His Royal Highness Grilled Fish

   Chapter 234 His Royal Highness Grilled Fish

   "Mom, it looks so painful!"

   "I advise you to go home as soon as possible if you don't have the ability to endure hardship! I don't understand what the meaning of this show is? All you invite are pampered stars."

   "The meaning is to learn to be self-reliant! It's because they don't know how to hone it!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room was arguing there, but Griffin was stunned on this side.

   The slender jade-like hand held the tree fork and quickly and accurately caused a circle of water ripples in the river.

   That movement was like flowing clouds and flowing water, which was very pleasing to the eyes. Every movement was very clean and neat. Looking at the cold and white profile, Ge Fei felt that this person was simply handsome.

   "His Royal Highness's little princess lifts": Ahhhh! Your Highness is so handsome.

   "Only love your highness": I love such a highness! !

   "His Royal Highness and Young Master": His Royal Highness and Young Master are really two people who have grown up at the peak of my aesthetics.

   Mo Yu glanced at Ge Fei over there with a very dull expression. Just when Ge Fei thought what Mo Yu was going to do, Mo Yu turned around and left.

  Leave... leave? ? !

  Goffee: "..."

   "Hahaha! His Highness just ignored it!"

   "I'm dying of laughter! Please ask Griffin for the shadow area in his heart at this time!"

   "I just like Your Highness, is it hopeless?"

The photographer walking behind looked at the girl in front of him. He thought that such a person from a big family must have had a worse life than the others. However, when he saw that the other party went into the water to catch fish and shrimp, he was so precise and unmistakable. When speeding, he quickly understood a truth.

  If people only look at the surface, they will suffer a lot.

  Mo Yu calmly sat back to the original place, with his legs folded together gracefully, his natural noble temperament seemed to be not in the wild but in a splendid castle.

Xu Yan glanced at the fish and shrimp next to Mo Yu with some disdain. He didn't know why he just couldn't get used to this woman, especially the unhurried look of the other party made him inexplicably uncomfortable, as if he had been robbed of the limelight. .

   Not only was he upset, Xia Yuhan's eyes also contained a hint of hostility, but at the same time she was waiting to see the joke.

   Where does the food material package come from in this wilderness to make those things.

   And the show crew is not allowed to bring those things.

   When Goffy arrived, he felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere!

   But Ge Fei didn't go into further details, just because she was very hungry right now!

   Ge Fei glanced at Mo Yu's place, and saw that the other party's movements were somewhat scattered and began to grill the fish and shrimp.

  The other party used a few branches to stick the fish on it and set it up.

   Mo Yu's eyes were very focused, and his slender white fingers cleaned the fish's internal organs very clean.

   This time, Ge Fei's idea is the same as Xia Yuhan's idea just now. If there is no seasoning packet, it will not be delicious to eat?

   After a long hour, several other people actually ate instant noodles. Ge Fei smelled the taste of instant noodles, and a flash of desire flashed in his eyes, ahhh! Her stomach is hungry now!

   "Poor little Fifi!"

   "There's no seasoning, so the fish doesn't taste good, right?"

   "His Royal Highness, even grilled fish, still looks amazing."

   At this moment, everyone smelled a sub-scent, which was so fragrant that it made people want to drool.

  Goffee looked for the scent that was floating in the air.

   (end of this chapter)

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