Chapter 231 Camping

  The people in the program group explained some simple rules and some matters needing attention and left.

   The first task is to solve the problem of sleeping. It is getting late, and the place for the five people to live has not yet been decided.

  Gurphy opened the chain of the backpack, took out the tools for setting up the tent, and planned to take advantage of this time to quickly prepare the nest for today's sleep.

   "You help me set up the tent!!"

   Ge Fei looked up and saw Xu Yan standing in front of one of the girls with a face full of arrogance.

  The girl was obviously taken aback by the other party.

   Goffy followed the girl and looked behind the girl. For a moment, Goffy was envious. The tent was set up too quickly, and it looked pretty good.

  Look at her now, I still don't know where to start!

  Goffee's family is not very rich, but it is also considered a wealthy family, because she was interested in the entertainment industry when she was very young, so she entered the entertainment industry after graduation.

   These things Ge Fei at most has seen others build, and he has never done it himself, sure enough! Actual action is important!

   Ge Fei glanced at everyone, except for the two people just now, those people seemed as confused as her, but when she saw Mo Yu, she was stunned.

   From just now until now, Mo Yu has just been sitting on the stone of the tree stump, her face is cold, and it seems that she doesn't care about where she is going to sleep tonight.

   Ge Fei is a little confused about what this person is thinking. Could it be that the other party can't do anything?

   "Okay!" A timid voice sounded, and Ge Fei came back to his senses and looked at the voice.

  Fuck! This girl is too fast!

   Her work was only half finished, and they just finished two.

   "That what?" Wang Xiaohui heard the voice and turned her head, and what she saw was a very cute and cute girl standing not far away.

   "Miss, can you teach me how to set up a tent?" Griffin asked and blinked his eyes.

  Wang Xiaohui was stunned for a moment, then replied, "Yes!"

   "Wow! Miss, you are so kind too!" Ge Fei didn't expect this young lady to talk so well.

   "Miss, your hands are too clever!" Looking at the tent that was quickly changing from just now, Griffin unabashedly praised.

  Wang Xiaohui was a little shy, "I've been in the country for a while, so I'm relatively familiar with these."

   Ge Fei was surprised: "Then why did you enter the entertainment industry?"

  I saw Wang Xiaohui's expression a little sad: "Because my mother is frail and sick, and then I thought I was good enough, so I took the attitude of giving it a try. Who knew I was actually selected." Wang Xiaohui was a little happy when she said that.

   Hearing this, Ge Fei looked at Wang Xiaohui, she was not that gorgeous, she was not aggressive, she had the feeling of a little home jasper.

   In fact, Ge Fei has seen so many handsome guys and pretty girls, and those who are so impeccable are almost never seen before. For some reason, Ge Fei's eyes turned to Mo Yu.

I couldn't help but marvel in my heart. I just thought this person was very good-looking. This time I looked closely and found that the skull, the facial features, and the skin were so unique that I couldn't pick out the slightest flaw. It was the second time she had ever seen it. A person who amazes her so much.

   However, Ge Fei glanced at Mo Yu with a pity. Although she was very good-looking, she still liked the first teenager who surprised her.

   (end of this chapter)

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