Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 227: Conspiracy is emerging

   Chapter 227 The Conspiracy Emerges

   "Then why did you choose this show?" For no other reason, Wan Zexi didn't believe it.

"I heard that the ratings of this show are very high, and the guests who come can attract a wave of fans in this show. Some stars who are outdated will choose this show." Mo Yu said lightly, and the tall figure leaned lazily against On the wall, he didn't even notice that there was a bit of Wan Zexi's shadow on him at this time.

   "Speaking of which," the boy's fox eyes shone with water, "Why did Xiao Yuyu choose to be a star?"

   Mo Yu's character Wan Zexi knew. In fact, they are all the same when it comes to love. They are not enthusiastic about many things. She can see that Mo Yu does not have the same enthusiasm for star status.

  Mo Yu was silent, his purpose could not be said yet, and then he raised his fair and delicate face, "I can't tell you the reason for this now, maybe you will know it later!"

   Seeing that Mo Yu was unwilling to say more, Wan Zexi stopped exploring.

   One day you will know, right?


   The wind at night is bleak and cold.

  Wan Zexi stood in the corner and looked at the group of people with terrifyingly cold eyes. The purpose of these people was Wanjia.

  Wan Zexi thought for a long time today because of what happened back then, and finally she decided to find out clues to find out her mother's life experience and the real cause of her parents' death.

   Saying that the plane crashed and caused death, this matter is probably only believed by those ignorant people.

   Originally, she was thinking about things while driving the car. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had unknowingly drove the car to the gate of the villa where her parents lived before.

But Wan Zexi didn't expect that she would see such a scene. Wan Zexi looked at the people in the villa, and then looked at their dress, speech and behavior, frowning slightly, these people seemed to be hired people .

   Such words are enough to prove that the person behind him is very cautious, for fear of revealing his faults, so he would rather spend money to hire someone.

Looking at what those people were looking for, Wan Zexi pondered, rather than saying that the other party's goal was Wanjia, it would be better to say that her father must have something they were looking for, and this thing must be something Important.

"did you find it?"

   "No, not a single clue was found."

   "Hurry up, we were found out and we couldn't eat and walked around."

   "Don't worry, almost no one comes to this villa, but it's difficult to find some line speed for such a big villa."

  This is one of the people walking towards the corner, and he said, "This is the first time I have seen such a big house. People from these big families are really rich! Hmm-!"

  Wang Shouheng's eyes were terrified, "Mmm! Mmmm!"

  Wan Zexi's eyes were dark and he said in a low voice, "Be honest, or I really can't guarantee that you will be intact, sir, understand?"

  The boy's voice was clear and smooth, and it was very pleasant, but Wang Shouheng felt inexplicably fearful.

   "Hmm!" Wang Shouheng nodded quickly, indicating he understood.

   The roars of those people sounded outside, shouting impatiently, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

   After confirming that those people were really gone, Wan Zexi let go of Wang Shouheng lazily and casually.

  Wang Shouheng hurried away, when he saw the boy, his eyes froze.

   Not because the boy was good-looking, but because he was caught by Wan Zexi, the prince of the Wan family.

   "Wan Zexi?" Wang Shouheng expressed his panic. He was not very courageous, and he was hired to do such a thing just to beg for a meal.

   What's more, the owner of the villa was standing in front of him at this time, and his soul almost flew away.

   (end of this chapter)

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