On the other side, in the classroom, three people who were sleeping soundly didn't know that others came to this classroom for class in the afternoon, and they were still sleeping on the table.

Su Xiaomo came to the classroom and saw the three people who were sleeping soundly in the back. She smiled, then walked over and sat next to Yu Yizhi. She lay on the table and watched Yu Yizhi sleeping. After watching for a while, she couldn't help but poked Yu Yizhi's fair cheek.

""Yu Xuedi, what do you think? Why do I feel that you are more beautiful than girls?" Su Xiaomo murmured,"Could it be a girl?"

"Well……"At this time, Yu Yizhi suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and was startled to see Su Xiaomo looking at him,"Senior Sister Su?"

"Junior, wake up!"

"Third brother, what happened to you?"The other two who were awakened looked at Yu Yizhi, and then saw Su Xiaomo sitting next to Yu Yizhi, and they couldn't help but be startled.

"Su Xuejie……"


Back to Ziyun………

"Senior... I'll do it myself.………"

"Well... okay!" Shangguan Yingrui withdrew her hand somewhat disappointedly and watched Ziyun taking off his clothes.

Looking at Shangguan Yingrui who had been staring at him, Ziyun paused and said,"Um, senior sister, can you turn around?"

"Why?" Shangguan Yingrui asked with a smile:"Is brother Ziyun shy?"


"Then why did you ask me to turn around? Shangguan Yingrui said aggressively.

"Because... because... because……"Ziyun hesitated for a long time but couldn't explain what he meant. He couldn't tell Shangguan Yingrui,"You stared at me like that and it made me feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Why?"Brother Ziyun, tell me!" Shangguan Yingrui asked with a smile.

Forget it! Forget it, it's not me who will suffer anyway, so why should I be afraid!

So, Ziyun took a deep breath, took off his shirt, and then quickly took the clothes he had just chosen, but before he could put them on, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly rushed over, hugged him, leaned her head against his chest, and breathed in his scent deeply.


Ziyun felt his whole body stiffen.

He let Shangguan Yingrui hold him in a daze, not daring to move at all, just like a puppet, letting Shangguan Yingrui cling to him.

After a long time, Shangguan Yingrui raised her head, pressed her red lips against his lips, and pecked him lightly.

""Huh~, I feel much better!" she murmured, and then rubbed her body in Ziyun's arms again, then let go, took the clothes that Ziyun had just put aside and covered her face with them, sniffing the remaining smell on the clothes, and her sick look gradually emerged.

Ziyun frowned slightly when he saw her series of actions, wondering what she was doing? He simply didn't want to think about it anymore, and hurried to try on the clothes. After trying on the clothes, she took her clothes off Shangguan Yingrui's face and put them on again. Shangguan Yingrui immediately opened her eyes and returned to normal, then she looked at Ziyun:"Brother Ziyun, have you finished trying on everything?"

""Yes." Ziyun nodded.

"That's all! Let's go out!" Shangguan Yingrui took Ziyun's arm, picked up the clothes and left the fitting room, heading to the counter to pay.

Coincidentally, the pink-haired boy who had just envied Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun for going into the fitting room to change clothes together was also checking out at the counter.

"Hello, sir. Your total spending is 12,800 yuan. Do you want to pay by card or cash?"The teller asked the pink-haired boy politely.

"So expensive!"The pink-haired boy was shocked by the teller's words. These clothes belonged to his girlfriend, and he didn't even look at the price. Just three clothes cost more than ten thousand. This was too much!

The teller smiled and said,"Sir, if it's inconvenient, we can pay by mobile phone."

The pink-haired boy did not answer the teller's words, but looked at his girlfriend, thinking in his heart,"Why don't I discuss it with my girlfriend and go AA?"………

But the tall girl with short hair next to him ignored him. She lowered her head and browsed her phone without any intention of paying. Instead, she urged:"Hurry up, pay quickly, why are you hesitating? I want to buy other things!"

The pink-haired boy hesitated for a while, and carefully discussed with his girlfriend:"Or... I'll buy it later, it's too expensive!"

Hearing this, the girl raised her head, frowned, and glanced at the pink-haired boy with disdain,"How dare a grown man say this? Have you ever seen a guy who can't even afford clothes when he goes out on a date with a girl? Other boys will even rush to pay for the girls, why are you so pretentious?! How embarrassing!"

"No, I'm just worried that the budget for the next time won't be enough!" The pink-haired boy explained weakly.

The girl looked at the pink-haired boy with even more contempt,"Tsk~, you're not willing to spend this little money, you deserved that you couldn't find a girlfriend before! If I hadn't been so blind to fall in love with you...……"

"Pay quickly, don't hesitate!"


The pink-haired boy reluctantly took out his bank card and handed it to the teller

"drop~~"The teller smiled and said,"Thank you for your patronage! Welcome to visit us next time.~"

""Let's go!" The girl glanced at the boy and walked ahead.

The pink-haired boy sighed silently and looked at Ziyun. Seeing that it was a girl who paid, he felt envious.

"What are you doing there? Hurry up, I need to buy something else……"

Hearing this, the pink-haired boy followed with his clothes in his hand.

Ziyun said,"Sir, the total consumption is 36,940 yuan." The teller smiled and reported the final figure,"Do you want to pay in cash or by card?"

"Swipe the card!" Ziyun nodded.

Just as Ziyun took out the card, Shangguan Yingrui handed it to the teller first:"Swipe mine!"

Ziyun wanted to say something, but when he saw Shangguan Yingrui's eyes, he took back the card,"Well"

""Miss, please wait a moment." The teller said with a smile.

After a moment, the teller returned the bank card to Shangguan Yingrui.

Shangguan Yingrui took back the bank card and left with Ziyun.………

As for the clothes, of course they were sent to their homes.

Afterwards, the two of them ate snacks while shopping, and soon it was time for dinner.

Ziyun found a relatively quiet restaurant and sat down, asked for the menu and ordered food. Shangguan Yingrui sat next to him, excitedly flipping through the menu to see what she wanted to eat and what she liked, and then handed the menu to Ziyun:"Brother Ziyun, take a look at what you like to eat?"

""Okay." Ziyun replied calmly, took the menu, glanced at it, and ordered a few dishes.

After ordering, the two ate quietly.

Shangguan Yingrui kept staring at Ziyun, which made Ziyun a little embarrassed. He could only pretend to look out the window casually.

Shangguan Yingrui stared at Ziyun with a smile, and she was even happier when she saw that he was shy, like a little fox who had succeeded.


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