It wasn't long before it was Ziyun's turn.

""Classmate, give me your notice and ID card." The girl said to Ziyun without raising her head.

Ziyun did not waste words, took out the ID card and notice from his backpack and handed them to the girl.

After taking Ziyun's ID card and notice, the girl carefully checked them and then read the ID card information with the card reader.………

After confirming that it was correct, when she looked up at Ziyun, her eyes flashed with surprise.

She couldn't help but sigh: It turns out that there are such handsome boys in this world!

Looking at this handsome and unparalleled boy in front of her, the girl was stunned for a moment.

"Senior? Senior?"Seeing the girl staring at him, Ziyun couldn't help but call out

"Uh, sorry, junior, I just lost my mind because you were so handsome." The girl came back to her senses and said awkwardly

""Thank you for the compliment, senior sister." Ziyun smiled and said.

Seeing this, the girl's heartbeat quickened and her face flushed. She was obviously fascinated by Ziyun.

She had never seen such a boy who looked like a fallen immortal before, and his eyes were deep and clear, as if they contained infinite magic, making people unable to look away.

Her cheeks were getting hotter and hotter.

"Ahem." She coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and then said,"Okay, junior, go to the teacher next to you to activate the campus card, and then someone will take you to your dormitory."

As she said that, the girl took out a campus card and handed it to Ziyun.

""Okay, thank you for your help, Senior Sister!" Ziyun said politely.

"You are too polite, junior. This is what I should do. The girl replied shyly, her eyes full of admiration for Ziyun.


Ziyun took the campus card from the girl. Seeing that the senior sister had not returned her ID card, he asked in confusion,"Senior sister, my ID card?"

After hearing what Ziyun said, the girl finally realized what was going on. Her face turned even redder, and she quickly returned Ziyun's ID card.

"Sorry, junior, I was too absorbed just now."The girl said embarrassedly

"It doesn't matter."

Ziyun smiled faintly, took the ID card, and then walked towards the teacher over there.

The girl looked at Ziyun's back and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, until the teacher behind her pushed her shoulder, then she reacted, came back to her senses and continued her work.

After Ziyun went to the teacher to activate the campus card, he got his dormitory number, and the registration was completed.

Standing in the open space next to him, playing with his mobile phone, quietly waiting for the senior sister or senior to take him to the bottom of his dormitory building, he did not notice the beautiful figure walking towards him, and the obsessed look in her eyes.


As she got closer and closer to her brother whom she loved so much, Shangguan Yingrui's heartbeat became faster and faster unconsciously. Every cell in her body was jumping for joy when she saw Ziyun.

She stopped when she was about a few dozen centimeters away from Ziyun because she saw a small protruding stone in front of her. Her eyes rolled and a plan came to her mind.………

A sly smile appeared on her lips.………

Brother Ziyun, we haven't seen each other for 12 years, so let me create a little surprise and have a perfect unexpected meeting 12 years later!

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yingrui raised a sly smile at the corner of her mouth, and then quickly approached Ziyun.

She deliberately pretended not to see the protruding stone in front of her, and then she stepped on the edge of the protruding stone, and the whole person fell towards Ziyun.

At this moment, the heartbeats of all the boys present suddenly stopped, and their palms were clenched tightly.

There were even some boys who wanted to go up to help Shangguan Yingrui, just as they were about to take a step, they remembered the scene of the red-haired boy being kicked away by the goddess just now, and they were instantly frightened.

They didn't dare to get close, and they retreated again.


As she screamed, she fell into Ziyun's arms.

Ziyun was caught off guard and fell to the ground, pressing on Shangguan Yingrui.

His lips felt soft and his nose was filled with the special fragrance of the girl. Ziyun was stunned.

Shangguan Yingrui's pupils dilated at this moment, and there was surprise and panic in her starry eyes.

She didn't expect that Ziyun actually kissed her lips.

Oh my God!

Brother Ziyun really kissed her

"Woohoo……"Shangguan Yingrui's lips moved and she closed her eyes in disbelief.

Smelling the scent of male hormones exhaled from Ziyun's nose, Shangguan Yingrui's face turned red unconsciously, and her heart beat faster.

Not only that, she actually had a faint expectation in her heart.

She really wanted to know what kind of reaction Ziyun would have if she opened her eyes now.

Would he be shy or angry?

Nervous or excited?

Or ecstatic?


【Ding, loading completed, reward 500,000 and a novice gift pack】

【This system is dedicated to improving the host's ability. By signing in, you can get random rewards, including but not limited to money, items, skills, etc. At present, the system level is at level one. With subsequent upgrades, the mall subsystem and lottery subsystem will gradually be opened after later upgrades. 】

As the voice of a mechanical female voice sounded in Ziyun's ears, Ziyun woke up from his dazed state.

Damn it, my first kiss in this life was taken away just like that!

This is my first kiss, my first kiss………

And even with so many people………

Ziyun wanted to cry but had no tears, his heart was filled with grief.

When the others around him saw this scene, they all looked at Ziyun with envy and jealousy.

Especially those boys who liked Shangguan Yingrui, they were even more jealous and crazy.

""Fuck, how come this freshman is so lucky? He actually got the favor of the goddess, it's so unfair!" a boy said angrily

"That's right! Why can he be favored by the goddess?"Another boy also echoed

"This is not fair, this is so unfair. The favor of the goddess is what many people want, but this freshman is so lucky."

"It's not fair! It's not fair! It's so unfair. Why can this guy get the favor of the goddess, but I can't even touch a hair of the goddess? This is really too unfair."

"What the hell is envy! I want to kill this guy with a knife. He actually dared to blaspheme my goddess. He deserves to die!"

"Yes! Damn it! Woohoo~~, my goddess Sakura……"

"Woo~~, the goddess that I worship as a deity was desecrated by a toad!"

"My goddess, wuwuwu~~, I don’t want to live anymore!"


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