"Well………"Ziyun paused when he heard what Mo Zan said. Damn, why did he feel such deep malice from his roommate?……

【Host, you are not wrong, the three of them did it on purpose. 】The little girl suddenly appeared with a piece of dried meat to finish off the enemy.

"…………"Ziyun was speechless when he saw the little girl suddenly appearing in front of him.

Mo Zan didn't hear Ziyun's answer, so he turned around and said with a sly smile,"Hey, Lao Si, did you hear that? Don't be late tomorrow. I'm telling you, the three clubs I signed you up for today are all the clubs that my senior is in~"

"……hehe……"Ziyun pulled the corner of his mouth with a fake smile, cursing in his heart, what a bunch of roommates who are so bad!!

Afterwards, he played games with his roommates in the afternoon, and went back to the dormitory to rest after having dinner with Shangguan Yingrui in the evening.

The next morning, when the sun rose, Ziyun woke up early.

After washing up, Ziyun got dressed and prepared to go to class. Of course, Shangguan Yingrui accompanied him the whole time. As for the reason, everyone knows it.~

"Brother Ziyun, let's go~" Shangguan Yingrui saw Ziyun coming out of the men's dormitory and immediately went to meet him and took Ziyun's arm.

""Yeah." Ziyun looked down at the arm holding his arm, responded lightly, and then walked towards the classroom.

After the two entered the classroom, Shangguan Yingrui let go of Ziyun's arm and found two seats at the back and sat down.

""Brother Ziyun, you promised me yesterday, when will you live with me?" Shangguan Yingrui blinked her big eyes and asked expectantly.

Yesterday afternoon, Ziyun refused her permission to go out to play.

Seeing him talking and laughing with the people in the dormitory through the Death Doll, her heart felt sour and uncomfortable, and her body felt even more uncomfortable, as if she was bitten and gnawed by millions of ants.

The pain was so severe that she almost collapsed.

Fortunately, he secretly took a few of Ziyun's clothes and put them in front of his nose and kept sniffing.

She slowly calmed down by smelling his unique scent left on the clothes.

She couldn't leave him anymore and had to stick to him all the time.

As for why the system didn't come out to play, it was naturally because the host of the main system was next to her. She was afraid that the host of the main system would notice her existence. She hadn't lived enough and didn't want to die.

"Uh... maybe a few days later, I haven't applied for day school yet~"

Ziyun now wants to delay it as long as possible, but Shangguan Yingrui will never let him do as he wishes~

"Brother Ziyun, what are you talking about? Don't worry, I have already helped you get the day school application!"Shangguan Yingrui said to Ziyun with a sweet smile, and she looked like a child asking for candy~


He didn't expect Shangguan Yingrui to be so decisive. He had just agreed to it yesterday, but she had already helped him get the application for day school. It was simply... simply...

Ziyun was speechless.

"Well...thank you.………"Ziyun could only bite the bullet and say, what else can he say now except thank you? Can he resist?

【Host, I advise you not to resist……】The little girl reminded Ziyun in his mind.

Without the system's reminder, he knew that if he dared to resist, Shangguan Yingrui would probably cry and ask him to give in, or threaten him to compromise by committing suicide.

"Hehe, you're welcome~" Shangguan Yingrui was very happy to see that Ziyun did not object to her approach, and her expression became brighter.


"By the way, brother Ziyun, I seemed to hear something just now, did you hear it?"When the system in Ziyun's mind heard this, the little loli's body couldn't help but tremble a few times, and the tragic scene of seeing the main system being dismantled and reassembled by this perverted woman in the reincarnation space emerged in its mind. It couldn't help but shivered...qaq, it's so scared!嘤嘤嘤嘤~

"I didn't hear any sound."

"Oh, is that so? I was wrong. Shangguan Yingrui heard Ziyun say that he did not hear any sound and thought that he was hallucinating. So he did not think much about it and continued to chat with Ziyun about other things.

At this time, Mo Zan, who was sitting behind him, poked Ziyun on the back.

Ziyun turned his head and looked at him.

"Lao Si, wake us up after class~" After saying that, Mo Zan lay down on the table and went to sleep.

""Oh." Ziyun nodded when he heard what Mo Zan said.

When he turned his head again, he felt that Shangguan Yingrui beside him was emitting a low pressure, and the whole person looked gloomy, which made people swallow their saliva.

""Senior sister, what's wrong?" Ziyun asked tentatively.

"I'm fine……"Shangguan Yingrui shook her head, trying to hide her inner displeasure, but her eyes were slightly red, making her look like a wounded cat.

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's aggrieved look and couldn't help but sigh,"Senior sister, tell me, what do you want to feel better?"

"Kiss me~" Shangguan Yingrui raised her big watery eyes and looked at Ziyun and said.

Ziyun pursed his lips after hearing this,"Senior sister, it's not appropriate! After all, we are in class now.………"

"It doesn't matter. After all, this is a big class and the teacher won't mind. Besides, we are sitting in the second to last row.………"Shangguan Yingrui held Ziyun's hand and said softly

"this………"Ziyun is still reluctant

"Ziyun's younger brother………"Seeing Ziyun still hesitating, Shangguan Yingrui could not help but tighten her grip on Ziyun's wrist and called out to him in a pleading tone.

Ziyun shook his head helplessly,"Okay, but we have to squat down."


Shangguan Yingrui listened to Ziyun's words and did as she was told.

She bent down and squatted, staring at Ziyun with sparkling eyes, hoping that he would kiss her quickly...

Ziyun looked at the red lips so close, took a deep breath, and slowly approached...

Shangguan Yingrui closed her eyes excitedly and held her breath.

Ziyun finally touched Shangguan Yingrui's seductive lips.

The people around saw this scene and opened their eyes wide in surprise.

After a few seconds, they listened attentively because they felt the chill emanating from Shangguan Yingrui.

As for the teacher, she didn't say anything after seeing it? After all, that was the little princess of the Shangguan family, and she had no control over it. The only thing she could do was to turn a blind eye and pretend not to see it.

After a long time, the two ended this light kiss.………

""Yeah, that's really sweet." Shangguan Yingrui said with a blushing face.

Ziyun's cheeks flushed after hearing that. He touched the tip of his nose and his ears turned red.

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes,"Brother Ziyun, are you shy?"

Ziyun said nothing, but looked at the podium. He was slightly relieved when he saw that the teacher was not looking at them.


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