Shangguan Yingrui was surprised by Ziyun's initiative, but she was more delighted. She didn't expect Ziyun to kiss her actively. That was great!

Ziyun's kissing skills were a little immature. It was obviously the first time he took the initiative. He was clumsy when kissing, and he almost bit Shangguan Yingrui's lips several times.

But despite this, Shangguan Yingrui still enjoyed it.………

After a long time, Ziyun let go of Shangguan Yingrui, and sat on the edge of the bed with a red face and lowered his head, not daring to look up at Shangguan Yingrui.

After Shangguan Yingrui tidied her clothes and messy hair, she looked at Ziyun with hot eyes, as if there was a flame burning.

She slowly approached Ziyun, her slender jade fingers brushed across his white neck, and finally stopped on his lips, stroking his sexy thin lips, then slowly lowered her head, leaned close to Ziyun's ear and whispered:"Ziyun, I like you so much………I really want to possess you now and belong to me forever……"

Her warm breath sprinkled on Ziyun's sensitive ears, making Ziyun's skin instantly turn a light pink. Ziyun only felt a tingling sensation in his ears, and a heat rose in his heart.………

After Shangguan Yingrui finished speaking, she lowered her head and kissed Ziyun again. This time Ziyun did not dodge. He closed his eyes and responded to Shangguan Yingrui's kiss.…………

The two kissed for a long time until their breathing intensified.…………

""Ahem...Xiao Rui! What are you doing?"

The door was suddenly knocked, interrupting the charming atmosphere in the room.

Ziyun opened his eyes and turned to look at the door.

"Ziyun's younger brother……"Shangguan Yingrui gently held Ziyun's waist with both hands, buried herself in his arms, and rubbed Ziyun with her plump and seductive body.

Shangguan Yingrui's action made Ziyun stiff all over. Two suspicious blushes appeared on his face, and his breathing became rapid. He was not a saint, and he could not resist this kind of temptation, but he tried to restrain himself,"Auntie, listen to my explanation, just now………"

""Auntie, you all understand young people! I know you are just hot-tempered people! I am sorry to bother you!" Wen Qingxi said with a smile.

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui stared at the door with a gloomy face, her eyes filled with anger.

Why did you just walk in like this... Why did you ruin her good thing?………Why………

She was just a little bit away from getting what she wanted, why bother her at this critical moment?

Ziyun forced a smile awkwardly, not daring to explain anymore, because he didn't know what to say.

Wen Qingxi said,"I'm going out first, you guys continue~" and left.………

Only Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun were left in the room.

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's gloomy face and said cautiously,"Senior, let me get you a glass of water.………"After saying this, Ziyun ran away………

"Phew! Haha……"Seeing Ziyun's fleeing figure, Shangguan Yingrui couldn't help but laugh.………

She took out her cell phone and saw the message that Kaszhu Alokfield Esent had sent her. She replied with only one word,"Get lost..."

Then, she put away her cell phone, straightened her skirt, picked up her pajamas and went to the bathroom.…………

Ziyun walked out of the room and ran into Shangguan Hong, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Seeing Ziyun coming out, Shangguan Hong smiled and called him over:"Xiaoyun! Come and sit down quickly and chat with uncle!"

"Good. Ziyun sat next to Shangguan Hong.

"Oh, look at this child. He looks so much like your father.………"Shangguan Hong praised Ziyun for a while

"Uncle, do you know my dad? Ziyun was surprised.

Shangguan Hong smiled and said,"Of course, your dad and I are business friends.……"

He did not say that he and Ziyi were brothers. Naturally, his daughter did not say that she and Ziyun had known each other since childhood.

"Oh, I see………

Ziyun nodded and stopped asking questions.

Shangguan Hong glanced at Ziyun, took a deep breath, and said,"Xiaoyun! Since you are already with my Xiaorui, I think there are some things I should tell you.………"

Ziyun raised his eyebrows, waiting for Shangguan Hong's next words.………

"Xiao Rui...she once cut her wrists and self-harmed...her mood is also extremely unstable………She often smashes things to vent her anger, and uses other methods such as drawing to relieve her emotions.………"Shangguan Hong recounted Shangguan Yingrui's experiences over the years in a heavy tone.

"To put it bluntly, it was caused by my and her mother's neglect.………"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ziyun and waited quietly for Ziyun's reaction.

He was afraid that Ziyun would have a strange prejudice against Shangguan Yingrui after knowing these things. If he thought Xiaorui was a dangerous person, he would break up with her and stay away from her.

This was something Shangguan Hong didn't want to see.………

If Xiaoyun really gave up Xiaorui, Xiaorui's situation would be even worse and more serious.………

Now in his eyes, the only one who can save and help Xiao Rui is Ziyun.

Ziyun was not surprised because she had shown all these in front of him.………He just didn't expect Shangguan Yingrui's life from the second year of junior high school to high school to be so miserable.…………

Shangguan Hong saw Ziyun frowning and lost in thought, and his heart suddenly lifted,"Xiaoyun! Do you think Xiaorui is dangerous? Although Xiaorui has some psychological problems, she really likes you very much!"

"Well……"After Ziyun came back to his senses, he shook his head and said,"Uncle, don't worry. I won't alienate Yingrui because of this. After all... she is my girlfriend."

Shangguan Hong breathed a sigh of relief and said,"That's good! I feel relieved."

Then, Ziyun chatted with Shangguan Hong for a few more words, poured a glass of water, and went upstairs.

Ziyun returned to the room and found Shangguan Yingrui taking a shower in the bathroom, so he found a nightgown to put on, leaned on the bed and played games...

Half an hour later, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Shangguan Yingrui came out barefoot in a pink suspender pajamas. Seeing Ziyun playing with his mobile phone, she walked to Ziyun, lay beside Ziyun, and put her hand on his chest. The soft touch was transmitted to Ziyun's body, making him tremble involuntarily. He quickly turned off the phone in his hand and looked down at Shangguan Yingrui.………

Shangguan Yingrui also looked up at Ziyun…………

The two looked into each other's eyes, and each other's pupils reflected the other pair of pupils.…………

After a long time, Ziyun looked away, no longer looking at Shangguan Yingrui, and said,"Go to bed early."

"Hmm~" Shangguan Yingrui agreed obediently, then huddled into Ziyun's arms and closed her eyes.………


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