Soon, Ziyun's two aunts and one uncle came to the main hall one after another. Seeing this, Xinxin put down the half-eaten apple cake and ran towards them.

""Hello, auntie and uncle!" Xinxin looked up at them and called out sweetly. Her voice was childish, but sounded very polite, and even a little coquettish.

Ziyun's aunts all squatted down, touched the top of her head, and said lovingly,"Xinxin is so good."

Xinxin felt a little uncomfortable being touched. She twisted her neck to avoid their claws and stuck out her tongue at them.

Then, Xinxin ran back to Ziyun, snuggled in his arms, rubbed his chest, and enjoyed the warmth.

Gong Yueke glanced at Xinxin, her eyes dimmed, and then returned to normal.

Shangguan Yingrui looked at this scene, and clenched her hands jealously. Her nails dug into her palms, leaving a few red marks, but she was unaware of it, and there was no abnormality on her face.

""Aunt, second aunt, uncle, hello!" Ziyun greeted them politely.

"Ouch! Ah Yun, Auntie, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be more and more handsome now!" A well-maintained lady in a gorgeous dress praised Ziyun with a smile. There were light wrinkles on her cheeks, but it did not block her beautiful face. She was about forty years old, with black curly hair draped over her shoulders, tall and slender figure, and a pair of phoenix eyes with natural charm.

It was Gong Yueke's second sister, Gong Yuelan!

The other beautiful woman in her forties was Gong Yueke's eldest sister, Gong Yuewei. Gong Yuewei looked more gentle and pure, with waist-length black hair, snow-white skin, a straight nose, and lips as bright as rose petals. The black cheongsam outlines her perfect figure.

The last man, who is about thirty-five years old, is Ziyun's uncle and the youngest son of the Gong family - Gong Yuewen!

Gong Yuewen is a handsome and elegant young man, well-dressed, elegant in manners, and looks like a gentleman. Although he is already old, he does not show any signs of aging. Instead, he has a more stable feeling, and exudes a sense of majesty and mature charm in the business world. Ziyun looked at the three amiable elders in front of him, gently raised the corners of his lips, and said respectfully,"Second Aunt, you are too kind. The kid has only changed a little bit."

"No, no, Ayun is really modest. Your current face is enough to fascinate thousands of girls! Do you want your second aunt to introduce you to a girlfriend?" Gong Yuelan smiled and joked. Shangguan Yingrui frowned slightly when she heard this, raised her head, and glanced at Gong Yuelan with a cold expression.

But Gong Yuelan seemed not to notice Shangguan Yingrui's cold eyes, and continued with a smile:"You don't know, I know countless socialites and daughters, and each of them is very beautiful"

"Thank you for your kindness, Second Auntie. No, I already have a girlfriend."Ziyun glanced at Shangguan Yingrui and saw that she looked unhappy, so he rejected Gong Yuelan's proposal and explained.

"You have a girlfriend! When can you invite her over to let Second Aunt see her? Second Aunt will help you check her out." Gong Yuelan didn't seem to notice Ziyun's refusal, and asked with a smile.

""Hmm... right beside her." Ziyun pointed to Shangguan Yingrui who was standing beside him.

Gong Yuelan and the others looked in the direction Ziyun pointed and saw Shangguan Yingrui. They were stunned when they saw her familiar face.

Isn't this the child from the Shangguan family?

Gong Yueke, who was sitting opposite, had a gloomy face and glared at Shangguan Yingrui fiercely.

"You are Ziyun's girlfriend?" Gong Yuelan suppressed her surprise and slowly approached Shangguan Yingrui, carefully observing her face and nodding continuously."Well, not bad, worthy of our Ah Yun."

Gong Yuelan looked kind, stretched out her hand and took Shangguan Yingrui's hand, patted the back of her hand, and said:"In the future! You must remember to come and see us often, we are a family"

""Thank you, auntie!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled and thanked, lowering her head so that people couldn't see her expression clearly.

"You're welcome. We're all family members in the future, so why should we be so distant? Gong Yuelan patted Shangguan Yingrui's hand, chatted with her for a few more words, and said hello to Ziyun's mother Gong Yueke.

At the signal of Old Lady Gong, the three of them sat down and started the dinner. Because today was Old Lady Gong's birthday, everyone was quite lively.

At the table, the men drank and the women chatted. The atmosphere was very harmonious. Only one girl sat there quietly, without saying a word, and occasionally picked up some dishes with chopsticks and put them in the bowl.

""Brother, I want to eat shrimps!" Xinxin pouted and looked at Ziyun, blinking her watery eyes with a longing expression.

Upon hearing this, Ziyun immediately peeled shrimps for her and said with a doting look on his face:"Okay, eat shrimps and eat more meat."

As he said that, he picked up a piece of meat and handed it to Xinxin's mouth.

Xinxin smiled and took a bite of the shrimp meat, chewed it twice and swallowed it, then continued to look at Ziyun:"Brother, feed me!"

"Xinxin, be good and eat it by yourself." Ziyun shook his head, looked at Gong Yueke who had been staring at this side, and said:"Mom, I just peeled the shrimp, you can eat it while it's hot!"

""Okay." Gong Yue took the shrimp with a smile and ate it with relish.

""Brother, I want to eat more~" Xinxin pouted and looked at Ziyun again, continuing to beg.

Ziyun looked at Xinxin's aggrieved look and softened his heart. He peeled shrimps for her again and coaxed her while peeling shrimps,"Xinxin, be good. Don't eat too many shrimps. You will feel uncomfortable if you eat too much later."

"Woo~ My brother is bullying me, but Xinxin wants to eat shrimp~" Xinxin puffed up her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly.

Ziyun laughed:"You……"As he said that, he picked up another piece of shrimp and put it in Xinxin's bowl.

Xinxin immediately smiled and ate the shrimp peeled by Ziyun with satisfaction. From time to time, she acted cute and made everyone laugh.

Gong Yueke, who was opposite, watched Xinxin eat the shrimp peeled by Ziyun, and a hint of hatred flashed in her eyes.

Ziyun, who was feeding Xinxin shrimp, felt Shangguan Yingrui's gaze and couldn't help but turn his head to look at her.………

Seeing this, Shangguan Yingrui's originally cold eyes gradually softened, and she raised a sweet smile to him, with a hint of charm in her eyes, which made the man's heart throb.

Gong Yueke looked at their interaction and was so jealous that she almost crushed the chopsticks in her hand. She clenched her fists and the veins on her forehead bulged. It was obvious that she could no longer suppress her anger.

Gong Yuelan noticed her abnormality and turned her head to look at her. Seeing her ferocious expression, she was startled and quickly grabbed her arm and asked,"What's wrong with Keke? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay!" Gong Yueke took a deep breath, trying to calm the surging anger in her body, and forced a smile,"Second sister, don't worry, I'm fine."

Gong Yuelan breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily,"You! You are always like this. You are obviously unhappy, but you refuse to show it. It's very tiring."

Gong Yueke pulled the corners of her lips, and her smile was still a little forced, but it was much calmer than her initial anger."Second sister, don't worry, I'm fine!"

Gong Yueke said, glanced at Shangguan Yingrui who was sitting next to her son, and then looked away.

Shangguan Yingrui glanced at Gong Yueke, a smile appeared at the corner of her lips, then she retracted her gaze and concentrated on eating the food on the table.


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