"Young man, wake up... We have arrived at Lunhai University.………"

Ziyun woke up slowly when he heard the voice of a middle-aged man. He felt his body was shaken again, and he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the person driving next to him who woke him up, his mind was blank.

What happened? Why am I still alive? Shouldn't I be dead?

Then, Ziyun looked around and found himself sitting in a taxi. He pinched his arm hard and took a deep breath.

The real pain told Ziyun that he was reborn, although he didn't know what happened in his previous life? How did he die? But he still remembered the memories of his previous life.………

"" Uncle, what year is it now?"

The taxi driver frowned, feeling a little strange.

Could this kid have gotten stupid from sleeping? He doesn't even know what year it is?

But he didn't think much about it, and replied:"It is September 1, 4716 in the Chinese calendar."


Isn't this the time for him to report as a freshman?

After sorting out his thoughts, he said to the driver,"Thank you!" and paid the fare and got off the car.

Although he didn't know why he died in his previous life, since God gave him a chance to live again, he should live a wonderful life and no longer be someone else's son-in-law.

Then, he dragged his suitcase and walked towards the school gate.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, he saw several senior sisters standing outside the school gate, chattering about something, and looking up in his direction from time to time.

"Wow! This new student is so handsome!"

"Yes! Look at that face. Wow, he's even more handsome than the hunk in our school!"

"Yes, yes, I wonder which department he is from, he is so handsome!"

"Oh! What a pity! It would be great if you could be my boyfriend!"

"Tsk, you are dreaming! Do you think you are as beautiful as me? You want to be a toad and eat swan meat! Humph!"

"Hey, hey, hey, who are you calling a toad? Don't talk nonsense! I'm pretty, too, okay?"

"That's right! You look like a monkey, and you dare to show it off? Humph! Ugly!"

"You...you actually called me a monkey?! You are the monkey! Your whole family is monkeys!"


Listening to the quarrel between the two female classmates, Ziyun just smiled slightly. He had seen this scene many times, so he ignored them and walked straight forward.

But after walking a few steps, he was stopped by someone.

"Handsome guy \(☆o☆)/"

Ziyun looked up and saw a neatly dressed woman in a white shirt and black trousers blocking his way.

"May I ask you are?"

"Oh... hello, my name is Zhao Qianqian, can you add me as a friend?"

Zhao Qianqian's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Sorry, I don't add strangers as friends."

Ziyun said, and walked around her and left.

Zhao Qianqian didn't expect to encounter such a situation. She was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and continued to chase Ziyun.

"Handsome guy\(☆o☆)/How about I treat you to a meal?"

"Sorry, I'm not hungry."

"I need your help with something very important. If you're willing, how about we find a place to talk?"

"I said, I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat, please move aside, thank you."

Ziyun didn't want to get entangled with her.

It's not that he didn't want to be friends with the girl in front of him, but there was a voice in his heart telling him not to get close to any woman, otherwise"she" would be angry.………

Even the girl in front of him would not have a good ending.

Ziyun didn't know why he thought so, but the voice kept reminding him.

He didn't dare to take the risk.………

Zhao Qianqian was a little annoyed when she saw Ziyun refused to pay attention to her.

This man was too unromantic!

She was a beautiful girl after all!

He didn't appreciate her! It was really infuriating!

But she was not the kind of girl who gave up easily. There was nothing that Zhao Qianqian couldn't accomplish once she decided to do it!

Zhao Qianqian looked at Ziyun's back and secretly made up her mind.

She must take this man down! No matter how much effort and energy it took!

"Handsome guy, just wait! I will definitely conquer you! Let you fall at my feet!"

Ziyun didn't know he had been targeted, and he was still dragging his luggage, looking for the registration point of their department.

After Zhao Qianqian took another look at Ziyun, she snorted coldly, shook her hair, and ran out of the school gate.

She would first ask someone what the boy's name was!

Then, she would find a way to get him!

Zhao Qianqian is the daughter of the Zhao Group. The Zhao family has considerable influence in the city, and her father is the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Zhao Qianqian has been spoiled since she was a child, and she has never failed to get what she wanted.

So she is determined to get Ziyun!

""Hey! Zhao Qianqian!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Zhao Qianqian turned her head and saw a tall and beautiful girl standing behind her.

"Qianqian! You won't fall in love with that handsome guy at first sight, will you?"

The girl looked at Zhao Qianqian with a playful look and said with a smile. Zhao

Qianqian couldn't help but blushed when she heard the girl's words, but soon returned to normal.

The girl looked at Zhao Qianqian with a playful look and said with a smile

"What do you mean by love at first sight? I was attracted by his handsomeness, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh! You said there was no love at first sight! I haven't even finished talking and you blushed!"

The girl looked at Zhao Qianqian with an expression of disbelief.

Zhao Qianqian's face turned redder as she was teased by her.

"Humph, I'm ignoring you.……"

As she spoke, Zhao Qianqian stopped a taxi and got in.


The girl sighed helplessly, shook her head, and got on the bus.


The scene where Ziyun was stopped by Zhao Qianqian just now was all seen by a woman who had just walked over in a white dress. She was full of jealousy and endless possessiveness, and her eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

She clenched her hands into fists, and her sharp nails pierced into her palms. She seemed to feel no pain, and her beautiful eyes stared at the car that was driving away.

Shameless woman, she actually seduced her brother Ziyun, she is really cheap!

What should I do? I want to! I want to! Kill that woman!

No... No! No! If Ziyun's brother knew, he would definitely ignore me.

No! No!

However, I still hate girls other than her approaching her brother Ziyun.

Then teach that woman a lesson!

Thinking of this, the woman took out her mobile phone, compiled a good news, and sent it out.

The content of the message was also very simple, which was to arrange a few people to capture Zhao Qianqian, teach her a lesson, and then force her to drop out of school. It was far from the hidden cruelty of being with Ziyun in the future.

Turn off the screen...

As for whether it would offend the Zhao family?

She was not worried at all.

Although the Zhao family did have some influence in the city, in her eyes, it was nothing.

She put the phone into her carry-on bag, and then looked at Ziyun, who was looking for the registration office for his major, with an obsessed look on her face.

"Ziyun's younger brother……"

"Brother Ziyun, you are mine, and you will always be mine. No one can get even a little bit of you?!"

"Even if you live forever, you can only be entangled with me……"


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