"Mom, look, isn't Xinxin's hair beautiful? It's much prettier than those TV stars~" Xinxin happily turned her head to look at Gong Yueke, looking like she was asking for praise.

""Hmph~~" Gong Yueke snorted awkwardly and turned away, ignoring Xinxin.

Xinxin was not angry either, because she had long been accustomed to it. After all, her mother's attitude towards her has never changed since she could remember, and she didn't care about it.

It was enough for her to have a brother and a father!! She didn't care about other people!

Seeing that Xinxin was ignored by Gong Yueke, Ziyun didn't say anything, but took Xinxin's little hand,"Xinxin, let's go downstairs for breakfast~"


Xinxin responded obediently, letting Ziyun hold her little hand and walk downstairs.

""Mom, why are you still standing there? Let's eat together?" Ziyun turned around and looked at Gong Yueke who was still standing there, and asked gently.

"…………"Gong Yueke pursed her lips and said after a moment's silence,"Xiaoyun, you guys go down first, I'll be down later."

""Oh." Ziyun replied calmly, and left with Xinxin.

Gong Yueke looked at the direction where Ziyun and Xinxin left with deep eyes until she could no longer see them.…………

At first, Shangguan Yingrui wanted to follow him, but then her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was her father calling, Shangguan Yingrui showed a hint of disgust on her face. She picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

"Hello? What's up?" Shangguan Yingrui asked coldly.

"My daughter, why don’t you go home for National Day? Your mother and I miss you!" The man on the other end of the phone spoke kindly and gently.

"I'm at brother Ziyun's house and I'm not going back." Shangguan Yingrui's tone was still cold.

The man on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds and then spoke again,"Are you and Xiaoyun together?"

"Well, what's wrong?" Shangguan Yingrui frowned, she was very irritable now.

"It's nothing. In that case, you can have fun there. Remember to come home when you have time." After saying that, Shangguan Hong hung up the phone.

After Shangguan Hong put down the phone, he couldn't help but sigh.………

"What, Xiao Rui is not coming back?"Wen Qingxi came over with a coffee cup and sat on the sofa. After seeing Shangguan Hong sigh, he asked

""Yes!" Shangguan Hong nodded,"At Xiaoyun's house."

Wen Qingxi was not surprised, because she knew that her daughter had such a crazy obsession with Xiaoyun.

She just hoped that her girl would not hurt Ziyun's family.………

"Our daughter caught up with Xiaoyun?"

"Um……"Shangguan Hong nodded


After breakfast, Ziyun took Xinxin to the amusement park, and Shangguan Yingrui followed.

""Brother, Xinxin wants to ride the Ferris wheel!" Xinxin said coquettishly while lying on Ziyun's shoulder, her two short legs kicking and stomping.

""Okay, Xinxin can do whatever she wants!" Ziyun rubbed Xinxin's little head lovingly, and then took her to the Ferris wheel.

Shangguan Yingrui followed Ziyun all the way, watching Ziyun and Xinxin's intimate behavior with each other, she lowered her eyes, hiding the strong jealousy and resentment in her eyes. She kept telling herself that she was just Ziyun's brother's sister!!

Shangguan Yingrui tried hard to suppress the anger and hatred surging in her chest, and followed Ziyun to the Ferris wheel.

She specially changed into a dress today, wearing a black and white dress, which showed her whole temperament.

Ziyun After buying the tickets with Xinxin, he got into the cabin with Xinxin. Shangguan Yingrui hesitated for a while and followed in. As soon as

Shangguan Yingrui walked in, Ziyun reached out and embraced Xinxin, then held Xinxin in his arms, and Shangguan Yingrui could only sit on the opposite seat. Shangguan Yingrui bit her lower lip in annoyance, she had no choice because Xinxin didn't let her hold her at all.

The Ferris wheel rose slowly, Xinxin's heart beat very fast, she nervously grabbed Ziyun's arm,"Brother~ Xinxin is scared~"

Xinxin was afraid that the height was too high, so she hugged Ziyun's neck tightly.

"Xinxin, don't be afraid, you won't fall!!"Ziyun patted Xinxin's back to comfort her.

Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun who was comforting Xinxin, her eyes became more vicious, her fists clenched, her nails dug into her palms but she didn't notice it, because the pain was numb.

Ziyun, you belong to me………

Shangguan Yingrui closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she regained her clarity of mind, with a gentle smile on her face, as if nothing had happened.

The Ferris wheel slowly stopped, Ziyun walked down from the cabin holding Xinxin, and Shangguan Yingrui also walked down from the Ferris wheel.

Xinxin raised her head and looked at Ziyun, smiling and said,"Brother, Xinxin wants to go to the aquarium!!"

""Okay, let's go now." Ziyun smiled and rubbed Xinxin's little head, then picked her up and walked towards another exit.

Shangguan Yingrui hurriedly followed when she saw this.

The three of them took a car to the largest oceanarium in the city center.

The oceanarium is very large, and each area is divided into many exhibition halls and various areas such as dolphin halls, beautiful sea turtles, coral halls, etc. Each area is beautifully and exquisitely designed.

As soon as they entered the oceanarium, Xinxin broke free from Ziyun's arms and ran to the beautiful dolphins to watch.

Ziyun shook his head helplessly, followed behind her, and accompanied her to appreciate these exquisite and lovely marine creatures

""Wow!" Xinxin suddenly screamed, turned around, pulled Ziyun's arm and shouted happily,"Brother, brother, look!"

Looking in the direction of her finger, what came into view was a group of beautiful jellyfish.………

Ziyun curled his lips and touched Xinxin's furry head,"Well, it's very beautiful.……"

""Yeah, I think they are beautiful too!" Xinxin laughed even more happily.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Ziyun took out his cell phone and scanned the number. It was his grandmother calling.

"I'm going to answer a phone call. Please help me look after my sister."Ziyun whispered to Shangguan Yingrui.

""Yeah." Shangguan Yingrui responded, her eyes fell on Xinxin not far away, her eyes darkened, but then she restrained the cruelty in her eyes, replaced it with a gentle look, and looked at Xinxin quietly. Xinxin was still concentrating on looking at the beautiful jellyfish in the fish tank in front of her.

"Thank you... Senior Sister."

Ziyun took the phone and walked to the side to answer the call.


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