"Aunt Gong, long time no see!" Shangguan Yingrui raised an elegant and dignified smile, then walked up to Gong Yueke and greeted her politely and distantly.

Gong Yueke snorted coldly, and ignored Shangguan Yingrui, but turned her head to look at Ziyun,"Xiaoyun, didn't mom tell you many times not to bring other girls home?" Although her tone was stern, in fact, she was just worried that Ziyun would be snatched away by this woman. When Ziyun heard what Gong Yueke said, his eyebrows jumped, but he still explained:"Mom, Yingrui is not another girl, she is... my girlfriend."

It seems that he is still a little reluctant to admit the fact that Shangguan Yingrui is his girlfriend.

Shangguan Yingrui was very happy to hear what Ziyun said. She lowered her eyes and raised a smile on her lips. Sure enough, the person that brother Ziyun chose in the end was still her.

Upon hearing this, Gong Yueke's face suddenly became even uglier. Her face darkened and she glared at Shangguan Yingrui,"When did Xiaoyun start dating? Why didn't you tell your mother?"

Ziyun said helplessly,"We just confirmed our relationship a few days ago and I forgot to tell you."

He knew that his mother still hated him having contact with other girls and used to find all kinds of excuses to prevent him from having contact with other girls.

"What relationship that was just confirmed a few days ago?" Gong Yueke frowned, then pulled Ziyun upstairs, saying as she walked:"Come with me to the room, Mom has something to tell you."

Ziyun reluctantly followed Gong Yueke upstairs, leaving Shangguan Yingrui alone in the living room.

"Ah……"Shangguan Yingrui chuckled, she raised her head and looked towards the stairs,"Brother Ziyun, you are mine, always mine."

Xinxin looked up and watched Brother Ziyun disappear around the corner of the second floor. She bit her pink lower lip, and a look of grievance appeared on her face.

Mom is snatching her brother from her again!

How mean.

Xinxin sat on the sofa, unhappy, pouting her pink lips, then reached out and hugged her teddy bear, sighing softly.


In a bedroom on the second floor.

Gong Yueke locked the door. She turned around and instantly revealed a pitiful expression,"Xiaoyun, wuwuwu~ Didn't mom tell you many times that you are still young, only 19 years old, and not suitable for dating? Wuwuwu~"

"Why don't you listen to your mother? Mom is so sad." Seeing his mother putting on that pitiful expression again, Ziyun couldn't help but hold his forehead,"Mom, I'm grown up."

Gong Yueke cried,"Wow~ Of course I know you've grown up. You are only 19 years old and haven't graduated from college yet, but you can't wait to fall in love. Is this reasonable? This is not okay, absolutely not!"

Ziyun said speechlessly:"Mom, don't cry, your eyes are not good to begin with……"

"Then you should listen to mom and break up with that girl!" Gong Yueke continued with a sad face,"Mom is doing this for your own good. You are still young. What if you meet a scheming woman? Mom can't hurt you, Xiaoyun!"

Ziyun rubbed his aching temples and said,"Mom, you think too much. She is not that kind of person."

"How do you know? Women are all liars. Women are much more complicated than men. You don't understand women at all. How do you know she is not that kind of person?"Gong Yueke became more and more excited as she spoke.

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to promise mom to break up with that girl!"Gong Yueke had a stern face and a firm tone, as if she would not talk about negotiation at all.

She would not allow any woman to take her son away! He and his father promised me that they would not leave me and would always be with me.

After Ziyi left her, her whole world seemed to dim, and now the only thing that supported her was her son.

So, no matter what, she would not allow anyone to take her son away!

She wanted to keep her son with him forever. No matter how beautiful, excellent, and perfect the women who liked her son were, she would not allow them to take her baby son away from her!

Because her son belonged to her alone, and no one could take him away.

Seeing his mother's firm attitude, Ziyun felt a little headache. In fact, he didn't want to associate with Shangguan Yingrui, but... thinking of the last time Shangguan Yingrui self-harmed and her red and swollen eyes with tears, he couldn't bear to refuse after all. He couldn't figure out why?

"Xiaoyun……"Seeing that Ziyun didn't answer her for a long time, Gong Yueke was a little anxious,"Hurry up and promise your mother………"

Ziyun sighed helplessly, alas, just deal with it for now!

"Mom... Can you let me think about it for a while?"

Ziyun tried to calm Gong Yueke down.

"No! You must break up with that girl immediately!" Gong Yueke said firmly, not giving Ziyun any chance to back down."Do you understand? I forbid you to have any contact with that girl anymore. You must cut off contact with her immediately.""

"…………"Ziyun was silent for a moment, then said,"Mom, I don't want to break up for now."

"What did you say? Say it again to me!" Gong Yueke looked at Ziyun angrily,"How dare you disobey your mother's order?!" Ziyun frowned, knowing that Gong Yueke was angry, he pursed his lips and said slowly:"I……"

"Snapped——!"Ziyun felt a sharp pain on the left side of her cheek, her ears were buzzing, and her mind went blank.

Gong Yueke saw that she had slapped Ziyun with her hand, and her eyes became hot, and her tears flowed down,"Xiaoyun, Mom didn't hit you on purpose, don't ignore Mom, don't be angry!" Her hands were shaking, and her eyes were full of regret and guilt.

"Xiaoyun, I'm sorry.……"Gong Yueke choked up, tears falling down. She covered her chest and asked sadly,"Mom, did I hurt you just now?"

Ziyun touched his burning cheek, shook his head, and said,"It's okay."

He didn't mean to blame his mother, and he also knew that his mother didn't hit him on purpose.

Ziyun looked at his mother crying, and his heart ached slightly. He reached out to wipe the tears from Gong Yueke's face and said softly,"Don't cry,"

"Woo woo woo~~~~"Gong Yueke cried even harder

"Okay, okay, stop crying, be good.~~"Ziyun coaxed Gong Yueke, then took out a tissue to wipe the tears from her face.

""Yeah, I won't cry anymore, I won't cry anymore." Gong Yueke sniffed, then reached out and hugged Ziyun tightly,"Mom was wrong, I will never hit you again."

"Well, Mom, I'm not angry."Ziyun patted Gong Yueke's back gently.

"Really?" Gong Yueke sobbed and looked up at Ziyun.

"Yes, really." Ziyun forced a smile and wiped her tears with her thumb,"I'm not angry with you."


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