After seeing Su Xiaomo leave, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly stretched out her arms, hugged Ziyun's neck tightly, and whispered in Ziyun's ear:"Junior brother Ziyun, will you sleep with me tonight?"

Her hot breath sprayed on Ziyun's earlobe, making Ziyun's whole body tremble as if he was electrocuted, and the roots of his ears turned red."That... Senior sister... I didn't ask for leave. If Auntie finds out that I'm not in the dormitory, I will be punished. I'd better go back to school first. I'll come to see you tomorrow morning.……"

"Ziyun Junior……"Shangguan Yingrui gritted her teeth, her eyes moistened,"Do you dislike me... or is your promise to be my boyfriend a lie... In that case, I'd rather die, there's no point in living anyway... Woohoo……"

She started crying and looked at Ziyun with tears in her eyes, looking pitiful and extremely wronged.

Seeing Shangguan Yingrui like this, Ziyun was really speechless.

He sighed, put down the cotton swab and ointment, and helped Shangguan Yingrui lie down,"Don't cry, have a good rest, I'll be with you……"

Afterwards, he sent a message to the group of four people in the dormitory, saying,"I'm not going back. I'm facing some difficult issues here. Please help me deal with my aunt. Thank you."

The three people in the dormitory were shocked after seeing the message, and they all sent messages to ask for the reason.

Ziyun simply explained and put away his phone.

Seeing Ziyun compromise, Shangguan Yingrui finally burst into tears and smiled, nodded obediently, closed her eyes and prepared to go to bed.

Looking at Shangguan Yingrui's quiet and beautiful sleeping face, Ziyun couldn't help but raise his hand to smooth her eyebrows. She had long eyelashes, a straight nose and pink and plump lips formed a beautiful arc. Even the soft long hair scattered beside the pillow showed a bit of laziness, which made people feel an inexplicable charm.

Ziyun retracted his gaze, covered her with a quilt, and sat on the chair beside the bed, leaning against the wall, slowly closed his eyes, and began to rest.

The night was hazy, and the ward fell into silence.

Shangguan Yingrui opened her eyes and stole a few glances at Ziyun. She found that he still had his eyes closed and didn't notice, so she quietly lifted a corner of the quilt.

She tiptoed out of bed, stepped barefoot on the cold floor, and quietly slipped to Ziyun's side. She squatted beside him, propped her chin with her hand, and stared at him obsessively, as if he was the most precious treasure in the world.

Shangguan Yingrui was a little intoxicated by what she saw. She stretched out her hand to touch Ziyun's handsome face, but was afraid of disturbing him, so she froze in the air for a while, then gently placed her index finger on his lips, stroking.

""Hmm~ Really beautiful." She murmured.

At this moment, Ziyun seemed to notice something and suddenly frowned.

Shangguan Yingrui was startled and quickly retracted her hand. She panicked and fell on the bed pretending to sleep.

Ziyun moved, but did not wake up. He seemed to be exhausted.

Shangguan Yingrui chuckled, climbed up from the bed again, moved closer to Ziyun, bent down, and kissed his thin lips lightly. As soon as the dragonfly-like light kiss ended, she picked up Ziyun, put him gently on the bed, and then covered him with a quilt. She then obediently got into the quilt, next to him, and squeezed into a hospital bed with him.

Looking at his handsome features, Shangguan Yingrui squinted happily. Her right hand was on his 's chest, her left hand around his waist, her little face buried in his arms, feeling the warmth from Ziyun's body, her mood gradually became comfortable.

Shangguan Yingrui fell asleep in Ziyun's arms, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, in the dream...

When Ziyun opened his eyes again, he found that this time he was not in a basement or some other place, and he was not tied up, but standing at the door of an operating room. The words"Emergency Center Operating Room" were hung on the door of the operating room. Ziyun

's pupils suddenly contracted and his nerves tensed up. He didn't know why? He only felt a wave of fear in his heart,"Could it be that Yingrui...……"

Somehow, the image of Shangguan Yingrui dying in his arms suddenly flashed through his mind. Ziyun held his breath instantly, and his heart felt like it was being strangled.

Ziyun's body also rushed uncontrollably to the operating room, but was stopped at the door.

""Hello, sir! The operation is in progress now. Please wait a moment! Thank you for your cooperation!" The nurse stopped him, spoke to him politely, and then pushed him out of the operating room and locked the door.

Outside the operating room, Ziyun was anxious. He wanted to break the door and rush in, but to no avail.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the operating room went out.

Ziyun hurried over and grabbed one of the doctors who was wearing white clothes, a mask and gloves and asked,"Doctor, how is she?"

His voice was trembling, and he sounded very worried and scared.

The doctor took off his mask, sighed, shook his head and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Ziyun, we have tried our best."

Ziyun's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

He was stunned, and then his whole body swayed and he almost fell.

The doctor quickly supported him and advised,"Mr. Ziyun, please accept my condolences. Your wife has passed away. Please accept my condolences."

Excuse me? Ha, how could he accept her death?

No! Yingrui, you won't abandon me, never, never!

Ziyun clenched his fists tightly, his whole body trembled slightly, and his eyes quickly turned red.

The doctor sighed, patted his shoulder, and comforted him:"Mr. Ziyun, don't be too sad, everyone will die one day.……"

"No, Yingrui will be fine, she is just unconscious, she will be fine."Ziyun murmured to himself, his expression was extremely painful, and his heart felt like it was pricked by a needle.

Seeing this, the doctor couldn't help but sigh, not knowing what to say, he could only leave silently and leave the space to them.

After all, so many relatives die of illness every year, and they, the doctors, are powerless and can only try to reduce the mortality rate.

Ziyun walked to the operating table in a daze, looking at Shangguan Yingrui who had no signs of life, his eyes full of bloodshot, he stretched out his slender index finger and gently touched Shangguan Yingrui's eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had discovered that you were sick earlier, maybe you wouldn't have died. It's all my fault.……"

"Yingrui, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you……"Ziyun choked up and said,"I'm sorry, Yingrui……"

He kept saying sorry, as if he was confessing his sins. He kept apologizing, apologizing, until he finally cried his heart out and couldn't speak.

Shangguan Yingrui, the girl he loved the most, he had promised her that he would protect her forever, but before he could do it, you left.………

"Yingrui, I'm sorry. If there is an afterlife, I will let you do whatever you want. Even if it takes my life, as long as you live well.……"


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