At 8:30 in the evening, the welcome party was held on time.

Because of the large number of people, the welcome party was arranged to be held on the playground.

Ziyun and the three roommates found their class seats and sat down. Their class seats were close to the left side of the stage, so they could clearly see the performances on the stage.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk... This female host is quite pretty, with such a thin waist, a nice butt... and big breasts... not small at all!" Mo Zan almost drooled as he looked at the beautiful woman on the stage wearing a red dress and delicate makeup.

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi also nodded.

Ziyun raised his head and glanced at the beautiful woman on the stage, his expression still cold, without saying a word, he lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the stocks on his mobile phone.

There were two hosts on the stage at this time, in addition to the female host in red, there was also a man in a red suit.

The female host in red looked at the audience below, smiled sweetly and said:"Please keep quiet, students present, our party is about to begin. First, please enjoy the opening dance performed by the Student Union's Arts and Literature Department."

As the female host in red finished speaking, two women came to the front of the stage dancing an elegant waltz.

They were wearing black and white matching dresses, each with a pure look and a slim figure.


"Oh my god!"

"What the hell is this?"

"Isn’t it beautiful?"

"It’s so pleasing to the eyes!"


After seeing the girl dancing on the stage, the male students in the audience couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"Haha... I think it's pleasing to the eyes too~" Mo Zan looked at the girl on the stage and praised

"It's really good!" Chai Hansong nodded in agreement,"These two girls are really beautiful."

"kindness……"Yu Yizhi also nodded slightly.

Only Ziyun still lowered his head to play the game in his hand, not paying attention to the scene on the stage.

"Lao Si, why are you still playing games with your head down?"Chai Hansong patted Ziyun's arm and asked

"Okay! Boss, don't bother the fourth child. Maybe the fourth child is afraid that Senior Shangguan will be jealous, so he is pretending to lower his head to play games.……"Yu Yizhi laughed and said

"Ha ha………"Upon hearing this, Chai Hansong immediately laughed happily.

"You two, get out of here!" Ziyun raised his head and glared at them fiercely.

"Tsk... Old Four, you are angry because of shame." Yu Yizhi teased.

Chai Hansong also nodded.

"…………"Ziyun rolled his eyes helplessly


The two dancing girls on the stage left the stage after the song ended.

The female host in red and another male host in a red suit walked onto the stage, stood in the middle, and began to speak.

"Dear leaders and teachers,……"

"Dear students,……"

They both said in unison:"Good evening, everyone!"


Then, the host in red and another male host in a red suit continued to say some welcome words.

"Tonight, let us gather here to feel the true love and pass on friendship through singing and dancing.……"

"Well, I announce the Canghai University 4716th Welcome Party……"

"Officially started!!"

As the voice fell, the whole playground was filled with sharp whistles and applause, and the jubilation was extremely lively.

"Please enjoy a classical dance performed by Su Xiaomo, a sophomore in the Department of Finance.……"After the host finished speaking, there was an excited cheer from the audience.

The stage lights dimmed, leaving only a spotlight shining on the center of the stage.

In the center of the spotlight, a girl in a classical long dress was standing on the stage.

The girl had a slender figure, black hair draped over her shoulders, a pair of bright eyes, smart and playful, and under her curved eyebrows, a pair of eyes that seemed to contain the sea of stars. When she looked around, she flashed a dazzling light that was hard to ignore. She had a tall and round nose, thin and sexy lips, and skin as white as cream.

At this time, a perfect smile appeared on her sweet face. She bowed slightly to the audience, then took a step and danced on the stage.

Her waist was soft and her dancing posture was graceful. Every movement was like dancing an elegant classical dance. The dance steps were fast, but it gave people a sense of elegant beauty.

Most importantly, although the dance moves looked graceful, they were filled with a strong scent of perfume.

The male students in the audience looked at the girl on the stage with intoxicated and obsessed expressions.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that Senior Sister Su, besides being a good eater, also has such dancing skills!"Mo Zan stared at the girl on the stage with a look of shock, dancing skillfully and gracefully.

"Not only can you eat, but you can also sleep……"Yu Yizhi narrowed his eyes, looked at the girl on the stage, and slowly uttered these words.

After hearing Yu Yizhi's words, Mo Zan and Chai Hansong turned their attention to him.

"Hey, Lao San, what do you mean by that?" Chai Hansong raised his eyebrows and asked

"It means literally."Yu Yizhi curled his lips and shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, how do you know she can sleep?"Mo Zan suddenly realized

"cough cough……"Yu Yizhi coughed a few times, pondered for a moment, and then said,"Well, didn't I ask for leave to go home during the military training? Then I returned to school and was about to go to military training when I was pulled by Senior Sister Su to sort out the files.……"

"Then what?" Mo Zan asked

"Well……"Yu Yizhi paused and continued,"Then I was sorting things out! She sorted things out for a while, and then she sat on the table and scrolled through her phone. When I finished sorting things out, I saw her sleeping on the table... I wanted to wake her up, but I couldn't. That day, I could only wait for her to wake up, and she didn't wake up until five in the afternoon."

"You made it up, didn't you?" Mo Zan frowned and looked at him questioningly.

"Believe it or not."Yu Yizhi spread his hands.

"………"Mo Zan ignored him and focused on watching the dance on the stage.

On the stage, Su Xiaomo's dance had ended and she bowed to the audience.

"Snap Snap………"There was another round of warm applause from the audience.

Su Xiaomo withdrew her bow and turned to walk backstage.

Then, the female host in red once again walked to the center of the stage.

"Thank you, Su Xuejie for your wonderful performance……"The hostess in red said

"Next, we continue to enjoy the poetry recitation brought by the Chinese Department. Everyone applaud and welcome!!"

After the red-dressed female host finished speaking, she walked to the side.

The reader came on stage and the music started.


At this time, in the background……

"Sister Rui, why do you want to perform on stage? Don't you hate this kind of activity?……"Su Xiaomo looked at Shangguan Yingrui with a puzzled look and couldn't help asking

"It's nothing, I just felt bored and wanted to have some fun." - Shangguan Yingrui said

""Oh." Su Xiaomo nodded. Although she was curious, she didn't ask any more questions.


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