Girls Dormitory……

"Sister Rui, where did you go yesterday? Why didn't you come back?"Su Xiaomo saw Shangguan Yingrui coming back from outside, blinking her big watery eyes and asked in confusion.

She didn't tell her, but fortunately, Auntie didn't check the dormitory yesterday.………

"I went to do some personal things yesterday. What's the matter?" Shangguan Yingrui glanced at Su Xiaomo and said lightly.

"Oh...I see...By the way, Sister Rui, I have brought your express delivery back for you and put it on your desk~" Su Xiaomo said with a smile

""Hmm~" Shangguan Yingrui replied lightly, and planned to go to the bathroom to wash up.

Seeing this, Su Xiaomo hurriedly called Shangguan Yingrui,"Hey? Sister Rui, don't you want to open the express box to see what's inside?!"

Shangguan Yingrui's steps paused slightly,"…………"

After a long pause, she turned around and said to Su Xiaomo calmly,"I don't like others touching my things."

""Oh~" Su Xiaomo nodded obediently, but she was still very curious about what was in the courier box. However, since Sister Rui said that she didn't like others touching her things... so she tactfully stopped asking.

Shangguan Yingrui finished washing up, changed her clothes, and left the dormitory, heading towards Ziyun's classroom.


As the bell rang, the head teacher Zhao Zhijun also finished the morning teaching and left the classroom.

""Okay, get up, class is over!" Ziyun pushed the three people who were sleeping on the table.

The three rubbed their sleepy eyes, stood up and stretched their muscles.

"I'm so hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria to fill our stomachs first, and then go back to rest.……"Chai Hansong yawned and said lazily

"Let’s go! It’s time to eat~!"

"Pay attention to your image, both of you. This is still a classroom.……"Ziyun rolled his eyes speechlessly

"Hehehehe……"Mo Zan and Yu Yizhi touched their noses awkwardly.

Then they left the classroom and prepared to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch. As soon as they stepped out of the classroom door, a girl wearing black-framed glasses suddenly rushed over,"Hey, wait, classmate, please stay!"

"Hmm?"Chai Hansong, Ziyun and Mo Zan all frowned and looked at the girl at the same time.

The girl had a sweet face, fair and tender skin, and long curly hair that reached her shoulders. She looked very pure and lovely, especially her delicate and pretty face.

She was wearing a light blue floral dress, and the whole person gave people a clean beauty, especially her lively eyes, which were looking at Ziyun at the moment.

""Classmate, is there anything wrong?" Ziyun raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl in front of him and asked politely.

"Classmate, that... No one in the class has come to sign up with me now, I... I want to come and ask you, are you willing to represent our class on stage?" Qian Qingci lowered her head shyly and asked softly, but her eyes kept glancing at the handsome boy in front of her.

Ziyun was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head and rejected Qian Qingci.

"Huh?" Qian Qingci opened his eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"I have no talent……"Ziyun shrugged and said sincerely,"

He doesn't want to stand out. He just wants to live a low-key life."………

Besides, if he went up to perform, he might not see the sun tomorrow. He didn't know why he thought so, but that was what he thought in his heart.

"Well……"Qian Qingci was speechless when she heard this.

She originally wanted to say that you are so handsome, speak so well and sing so well, you must be able to attract a lot of fans, but she didn't expect to be rejected by Ziyun, which really surprised her.

"Sorry, thank you!"Looking at Qian Qingci's dumbfounded look, Ziyun said politely

"No...nothing……"After Qian Qingci came back to her senses, her pretty face flushed, her head lowered, and she waved her hands in a panic. After she finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

Looking at Qian Qingci's fleeing back, Mo Zan and Chai Hansong looked at each other, and then looked at Ziyun at the same time, with a teasing expression on their faces, and asked in unison:"You are so lucky, with a senior schoolmate chasing you in front and a beauty throwing herself into your arms behind you.……"

"Ahem...what are you talking about?" Ziyun glared at the two of them and retorted unhappily.

""What are you talking about?" Shangguan Yingrui walked in slowly from the corner of the corridor and asked.

Ziyun trembled and looked up. He saw Shangguan Yingrui wearing a light pink floral dress, her black and shiny hair tied into a ponytail, and her bangs in front of her forehead drooped slightly playfully by her ears, which made her fair face even more beautiful.

"nothing……"Ziyun shook his head calmly

"Well, let's go, let's go eat……"Shangguan Yingrui did not notice anything unusual about Ziyun, so she nodded and said

"Well... we won't bother you anymore, bye~"

"By the way, Lao Si, bring us some food. We are going back to the dormitory." Mo Zan said to Ziyun before he took Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi away.


After the others left, Shangguan Yingrui wanted to reach out her delicate hand to hold Ziyun's arm, but Ziyun dodged her again...

She was slightly stunned, and a hint of sinisterness flashed across her face again. She didn't know how many times Ziyun had avoided her intimate behavior.

Although she was very unhappy in her heart, she didn't show it.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Shangguan Yingrui concealed the haze in her heart and said to Ziyun

"oh……"Ziyun nodded and followed Shangguan Yingrui.


After lunch, Shangguan Yingrui pestered Ziyun for a while, until Ziyun agreed to accompany her shopping in the afternoon, she reluctantly let Ziyun go.

Looking at the figure leaving, Shangguan Yingrui's obsession slowly revealed itself.

"Brother Ziyun, I can't bear it any longer and want to take you for myself. What should I do?……"Shangguan Yingrui smiled, the curve of her lips revealed a bit of morbid madness...

Ziyun returned to the dormitory and threw the food to the three of them, then he lay on the bed, closed his eyes and dozed off. He didn't have classes in the afternoon, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

After waking up at around 2 p.m., he played a game with his roommate, and then went out again after receiving Shangguan Yingrui's message.………

Afterwards, the two came to the most prosperous commercial plaza in the city. Shangguan Yingrui pulled Ziyun's sleeve and walked into a brand store.

"The things in this store are pretty good, shall we buy some clothes?" Shangguan Yingrui said, pointing at the clothes hanging in the window. Ziyun looked in the direction of her finger and saw that the clothes in that store were indeed good, both in style and color, which were more suitable for his temperament. Ziyun did not say anything, and let her pull him into the store, took out a set of clothes and handed it to the shopping guide.

The shopping guide was a short-haired girl. She took the clothes and immediately introduced them to Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun enthusiastically.

"You two are newlyweds. This dress is a new model and the size is suitable for you. If you try it, the effect should be very good.……"

Shangguan Yingrui couldn't help but feel a little happy when she heard the salesperson's words, but she remained calm, just pursed her lips slightly, and then nodded gently.

When Ziyun heard this, his mouth twitched. Damn, which eye of yours is looking at us like newlyweds?!

Stop talking nonsense, okay?

"Sir, would you like to try on this suit?"


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